Wow Grow's Multi Strain Journal


Well-Known Member
lol no chance im gonna pull anywhere near 10oz from the rest of them, im expecting 4 to be honest! I should be nearly 0.5/0.6 g/W but I reckon I wouldve done a lot better in more space and a proper relfector ;)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
all u need is another 6oz (then u'll be level with me with my 600) and u'll be touching a gpw mate lol

ur at .5gpw with that one plant lmao ;)


Well-Known Member
lol never gonna get 6oz from them mate, honestly. if the OG had actually stacked like I thought it might, but nae :(

heh, not too bad then, nearly reached pukkas G13 haze with that one


Well-Known Member
Well done wow thats some wicked yield mate!!..........would be nice to no what it was like you said mate, bet you wish you took cuts ay? lol


Well-Known Member
bless, its wowsers last round for a while until he gets sorted, well unless i let him look after mine coz he's more than confident :) shame really :( lol
Well done wow thats some wicked yield mate!!..........would be nice to no what it was like you said mate, bet you wish you took cuts ay? lol
like lasatron pointed out, even if I wanted to take cuts/ reveg it wouldnt be an option :( when i get back into growing there will probably be a monster yielding DOG pheno anyway lol.


Well-Known Member
Eyup wowzer what you got planned for the wknd bro??
So when do you think you'l be back growin?....not to long i hope!!


Well-Known Member
got a 6am start tomorrow bro, not how id like to kick off my weekend but you cant win em all, gonna harvest the others as well tomorrow then out on the lash after! you got out planned?

im hoping 4 years, but realistically 5+ :(


Well-Known Member
trim trim trim kev, doing this one handed cause my other hand is coated in resin :lol: got a good 4 hours ahead of me. pics after mate, hope things are good your end


Well-Known Member
5+ years, thats wank mate gutted for ya :( ,.......i'd defo have ago at 1 of them stealth pc case grows lol......i seen a guy pull a oz from 1, least then bro you got a oz every 10 week so 2.8g a week, you could make that last with your smokin skillz ;) lol only fuckin with ya mate!!
Keep trimmin mate


Well-Known Member
i hope you actually do something with your qualification and you aren't just making an excuse to party all the time and have casual sex with hot young drunk women because your skills will be very much wasted otherwise.

lovely harvest man, i hope you can atleat have the decency to do a bit of lurking now and then.........

kevin murphy

New Member
Yea mate all good pal..just waiting for my new beans to cum ssh from mr nice seeds my tent is now setup with second day of 12/12 new updates on today..cant wait to see the harvest pics ill be back with a blunt..
trim trim trim kev, doing this one handed cause my other hand is coated in resin :lol: Got a good 4 hours ahead of me. Pics after mate, hope things are good your end


Well-Known Member
5+ years, thats wank mate gutted for ya :( ,.......i'd defo have ago at 1 of them stealth pc case grows lol......i seen a guy pull a oz from 1, least then bro you got a oz every 10 week so 2.8g a week, you could make that last with your smokin skillz ;) lol only fuckin with ya mate!!
Keep trimmin mate
well definitely a year in halls which i couldnt but then maybe after, would have to be super stealth, I dunno man we shall see.

i hope you actually do something with your qualification and you aren't just making an excuse to party all the time and have casual sex with hot young drunk women because your skills will be very much wasted otherwise.

lovely harvest man, i hope you can atleat have the decency to do a bit of lurking now and then.........
lol, im off to do theoretical physics so I really hope something good comes out of it as well! of course ill still be kicking round these parts, will need my daily dose of bud porn

hahaha you going to uni?! no reason to stop growing man.
ill be down in central london where everyones rammed in as tight as a butchers sausage. would have to make sure the people im living with are trustworthy, just have to see how it pans out man.

Yea mate all good pal..just waiting for my new beans to cum ssh from mr nice seeds my tent is now setup with second day of 12/12 new updates on today..cant wait to see the harvest pics ill be back with a blunt..
mr nice super silver haze, very nice man, heard a lot of good things about mr nice and super silver haze is one of the ancestors to super lemon haze which is BOMB, youre gonna love it!


this is it, 4 hours of trimming and its game over!




psycho is top left, trainwreck is bottom left and the OG is on the right

The smell on these 3, so different and so strong! ive never seen/smelt/smoked OG before but now I know what that smell if that everyone harps on about, so earthy smelling, almost slightly fuely. the psychosis, definitely the stinkiest, damn it overpowers everything! does smell kinda cheesy, which would agree with the speculation that it originates from the exo. the trainwreck has lost its gone off milk smell and moved towards a sour skunky smell.

IT looks like theres at least 4oz there so mightve hit the 12oz in total, would be well happy with that.

have a good weekend everyone

