1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
hahah aye it's been too long man. missed it more than i thought i would.

the cosis grows more classic Christmas tree shaped than the cheese yet is still quite bushy. the high is quite similar. tastes quite cheesey but a bit sweeter. i prefer it to the cheese but am a bit bored with it now. cant wait to try the QQ thats going to be a lovely spear shape, reckon it'll be kanny for SOG
Alright fella, That look's a more Sativa pheno of the DOG from last one. Im still loving the first one i popped so much, im holding the other's tight!!!
I hear you on getting the stealth on man, its holding me back big-time. Its all on the Christmas list after i get done with moving. Have to Speculate to accumulate eh Donny. ;)
I'm also right keen on getting my QQ's Blooming, That's me just flipped one, i'll get you some snap's soon man!

p.s it was a blinder bro!

Stay Keen n Green :)


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Orite donny boy?....................gardens lookin tremendous my friend!!
cheers pukka lad, aye should be a good harvest hopefully. bloody needs to be lol
bored with diamonds ffs
haahah well yeah. there's thousands of strains out there i want to try them all man. shit theres probably near a hundred in my fridghe ive been gifted that i've been sitting on for too long. next run will be a lot of those beans and some refining of the existing ones.
those DOG buds look identical to my trainwreck buds at that point, not too many pistils an they have a sort of solid centrE? everything looking class as per don :D
yup the foundations have been laid. they'll swell son enough. you sure you dont mean the QQ, that is part trainwreck?! cheers tho fella
:D thats the best wayyy.
[youtube]iPOQE_LUESs[/youtube] damn straight BLG, welcome .
Alright fella, That look's a more Sativa pheno of the DOG from last one. Im still loving the first one i popped so much, im holding the other's tight!!!
I hear you on getting the stealth on man, its holding me back big-time. Its all on the Christmas list after i get done with moving. Have to Speculate to accumulate eh Donny. ;)
I'm also right keen on getting my QQ's Blooming, That's me just flipped one, i'll get you some snap's soon man!
Stay Keen n Green :)
morning geeza. nah thats the same dog all the way from the failed reveg scrog to these two effin huge bushes. i loved that one. was a winner for damn sure. and i have a bet to win.... i've still got a nug from that first crop in a jar, my pal said that the cloned plant a year later wouldn't be as good. i laughed and said no probs i'll bet you a tenner. i should have gone higher....

good luck with the QQ's ive just isolated the boy and his nuts are about ripe to blow. ive only two girls to spluff sadly and only the stinky one will be getting fully bukkaki'd.

THE FOOTBALL SEASON STARTS TODAY!!!!!!!!! no more bored sat/sundays. i'm off to get me coupon filled in and some peev doon me neck have a good weekend all!


Well-Known Member
i have footy envy don, my plans have been dashed due to the marauding hoodlums in the smoke, typical!

mr west

Well-Known Member
u hate being baked for the footy but ur doing epic bong rips b4 u go lol?? Im confused and its not us the hash i dont think

mr west

Well-Known Member
U need thaT AGGRESSIVE EDGE DO YA lol soz caps. spoze wen theres drinkin envolved u need to be on ya toes lol


Well-Known Member
Pars won the day, they are the Scottish "Toun"....lol.

What is happening with Gervinho's hair, haha.


Well-Known Member
morning geeza. nah thats the same dog all the way from the failed reveg scrog to these two effin huge bushes. i loved that one. was a winner for damn sure. and i have a bet to win.... i've still got a nug from that first crop in a jar, my pal said that the cloned plant a year later wouldn't be as good. i laughed and said no probs i'll bet you a tenner. i should have gone higher....

good luck with the QQ's ive just isolated the boy and his nuts are about ripe to blow. ive only two girls to spluff sadly and only the stinky one will be getting fully bukkaki'd.

THE FOOTBALL SEASON STARTS TODAY!!!!!!!!! no more bored sat/sundays. i'm off to get me coupon filled in and some peev doon me neck have a good weekend all!

Alright mate, aye thee same Dog!!! I knew the re-veg went sound and you got a couple " horse's whip's " off it before it gave it, but im sure you'r bet is safe! And still got a Nug... That's impresive lol.
Feeling a wee bit rough, went for a sneaky couple yest and got caught-up wi an old friend kind of thing ;)

Take it easy cheifta

p.s And the jambo's got 3 against the sheep :) Baaaaaa

mr west

Well-Known Member
I know what killed the cut i had from that dog, it was my mate who was charged with looking after it fucking off to malter for four days grr. On an up not my team won at weekend too yay way the palace!