Best way to break weed down without a grinder?


Well-Known Member
well i have no grinder, and i just spent the last of my money on an O, and i won't be getting any money any time soon. but all this stuff i got is really nice thick dense buds.

i've always broken it down by hand, but that is starting to get old and really annoying and a hassle (especially with sticky wet stuff) i've also tried a razor before, that works, but it's not as well.

are there any other methods besides fingers, scissors, razors and grinders? if not, is it possible to make a makeshift grinder?
do you have a coffee grinder, like an electric one? they work great as well.. short, quick bursts and you in.. maybe even say a mixer for drinks would do the trick too, not so sure how well that would work tbh.. but yah, quick short busts so that it doesn't get all effed up and all in the grinder / mixer would help i'd think..
cut wood, nails, and a pair of dikes you can make your own grinder...thats how the ogs made em
Man, half of the time acrylic grinders are so cheap they're pretty much free, the other half they are free.

Personally i like to sharpen up a knife on a stone, and then simply chop as i would parsley :)
I have one of these in my wallet, the "V"'s like a weed grater, it actually works pretty well, and only cost me like 6 bucks.

That's one cool little device! Might have to pick one up at some stage. Beats teh crap out of walking around town with a big lump in your pocket, also slightly more subtle than said lump when you're pulling things out of your pocket in the shop trying to find your change :D
That's one cool little device! Might have to pick one up at some stage. Beats teh crap out of walking around town with a big lump in your pocket, also slightly more subtle than said lump when you're pulling things out of your pocket in the shop trying to find your change :D
No kidding, i forget I have the thing sometimes, start breaking up bud and I'm all like "Oh yeah" But really, it actually works better than I thought it would, and it's cool to always have a grinder(grater?) everywhere you go.
I agree with ttt. It's a Brilliant little card to carry around, I've got to get me one of those... Thanks for sharing it with us Metasynth ;-)
I think you should have a word with the Web Site about Commission as i think their Sales are going to go up tenfold lol....
Ohh man, if you just picked up on an oz just break that down by hand bro. Thats half of the art of rolling a blunt/joint. You gotta break up the weed to exactly the consistency you roll best with.
I am very sorry for the gigantic didn't think it would come out that

Here's the website...

can you order anything from that site m8? i was just looking around and like the cheech and chong one, but i don't see how you'd go about ordering anything from the site? maybe i'm missing something, but not too sure..
anyone figure out or have ordered from this link, want to share the knowledge.. ty..
I think you have to contact them directly and find a retailer near you. I know a bunch of head shops carry them, and I picked mine up from their booth at the High Times Medical Cannabis Cup in San Fran, so I'm pretty sure they'll have a booth at a bunch of different weed conventions. I'd say just contact 'em, tell 'em Metasynth sent ya!

I just sent them an email, hopefully they'll respond and let me know some ordering info or retail locations!