plants reaching for the sky ?

4 of my plant are reaching for the sky the other 2 are slighlty doing it theygot a good watering sunday and soilis moist inches down they are reaching for the sky big time they are under 600 watt hps with extractor fan on and power pan once a day for an hour to strengthen them are they ok ? :shock:


Active Member
they're not ok, the lower leaves are dieing/ dead. need more info and better pics. temp, rel hum., type of medium,feeding info, watering info, distance from light
they are clones i got 11 days ago they are under a 600watt hps about 20 inches above them they are in biobizz all grow with plain water fed to them after repotting at about 700ml to each plant 5 days ago not sure about humidity its pretty dry and have an extractor fan running also a standing fan once a day for an hour to strengthen them ?


they are clones i got 11 days ago they are under a 600watt hps about 20 inches above them they are in biobizz all grow with plain water fed to them after repotting at about 700ml to each plant 5 days ago not sure about humidity its pretty dry and have an extractor fan running also a standing fan once a day for an hour to strengthen them ?


Active Member
my only assumption would be tat you are using too powerful of a light too earl or too close? my outdoor cherry bomb does that "reaching for the sky" thing but it does not have dead growth.

All i can say is move the light up aabout 6 -12 inches and take off the dead/dying growth and hope?


Active Member
Do they look like they're getting worse? when were they cut? the lower wilting/ dead leaves is common on clones at first. it(leaves skyward) may be a response to a lot more light or over fertilzing or both. did you give them a full dose of nutes?
Do they look like they're getting worse? when were they cut? the lower wilting/ dead leaves is common on clones at first. it(leaves skyward) may be a response to a lot more light or over fertilzing or both. did you give them a full dose of nutes?[/QUOTE

i got the clones about 12 days ago the leaves had bits off them i repotted 6 days ago and when i done that i used 1ml per litre biobizz grow as directed on here on 3 and 3 plain water, i then left them 5 days checking on and off, they are all doing the same thing either way so ive moved the light up and watered them again fresh water only :cry:


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt know, have i seen this post before? You dont give temps, light cycle and i think a weaker light or really raising that light away even more would be a good start as suggested by others. How well rooted were the clones? Would biobizz all mix be too strong for freshly rooted clones? What extractor is it, somthing like a ruck 6 inch or similar?

Lots of things it could be but probably just the heat, humidity and strong lights. Peace
sorry light cycle is 18/6 the clones were pretty well rooted, the fan is Vents TT 125 Ventilation Fan by Esoteric Hydroponics and i dont know about the soil being too rich they have been it all mix for a while cause the jiffy plugs are in it and the roots all the way thru the pot they were in until repotting. since the lights lifted they seem to be lowering down (im hoping) :(


Active Member
i got the clones about 12 days ago the leaves had bits off them i repotted 6 days ago and when i done that i used 1ml per litre biobizz grow as directed on here on 3 and 3 plain water, i then left them 5 days checking on and off, they are all doing the same thing either way so ive moved the light up and watered them again fresh water only :cry:
They don't really look the same to me, two of them aren't pointing up. usually try to use 1/2 strength nutes , flourescents for first two weeks. moving the light should help.
They don't really look the same to me, two of them aren't pointing up. usually try to use 1/2 strength nutes , flourescents for first two weeks. moving the light should help.
much appreciated you'll notice 2 are different strains which arent lifting half as much the other 4 are but since the light has been moved they seem to be lowering and watered them too plain water as the soil is only 6 days old and dont want nute burn ?


Well-Known Member
I didnt suggest it some other member did, most of them i think, you now know what clones reaching for the sky means if you ever get it again, biobizz rocks as well. Peace


Active Member
Your leaves look like they are "praying" for water. Your soil also looks extremely dry.. 700ml? how big are the pots they are in? if its anything > 1 gallon 700 ml is way too low. You should immediately foliar feed them with distilled water ph adjusted to 6.5. And an oscillating fan should be running pretty much all the time. Think about the outdoors, plants need constant circulating air to strengthen the stems, remove toxins from the leaves, and promote nutrient uptake. I would recommend at least a 1/4 gallon flush of plain water, constant air circulation folair feeding, and get a humidifier for $30 at a conviencie store, and a humidity monitor. Generally anything below 30% is extremely dangerous. 40-70% should be your general goal. A 600 Watt HPS will suck the moisture out of air like the fires of hell. I destroyed 6 crops when I first started growing because my 600 watt was simulating the surface of venus LOL. Good luck man don't give up.