DWC set up and nutrient solution question

Mr. M

ok so im about to root some clones using DWC and i was wondering what i should use to down the ph and was wondering if i need any other solutions to the water. ive done this before but i used lemon juice concentrate to lower the ph but it isnt stable enough.

Also i was hoping that someone can give me some tips on how i can make my trays some legs for they are not floating precariously which is how i had them last time. i have two trays and they fit perfectly.

here are some pics of the set up its still under construction.




Well-Known Member
Some use GH pH down. I use Advanced Nutrients pH Down.
1 L bottle for $20 on eBay and it will last a long while.
I put it in a visine bottle and use drops to lower the pH.
My pH stays steady for a few days even though I check it daily.
If you are using that tank as a rez then you will definitely need to cover it with something dark to keep light out. Algae will build up bad with clear walls..


Well-Known Member
Supz M. I agree with Blu. PH down is cheap and stretches a bit. For rooting clones I'd suggest using strictly PH'd water at 5.5ish. You can use regular bottled water if you handfeed them or if you end up using additives, hit em with a dash of Sugar Daddy/Thrive Alive (or equivalent for whichever nute company you rock out) ;)

Mr. M

ya i had it covered last time though it was not that good. ill probably get some black trash bags taped around it if thats enough.

Also do you have to change the water ever? if so how often?


Well-Known Member
If you use black plastic then you might wanna triple layer it or tape/glue a thin piece of styrofoam to the tank then black plastic around it.
You should find yourself a cooler and make it easier. Just a thought.
Change water weekly and up the nutes a little at a time.


Well-Known Member
I am finding that the Lucas Formula for nutes is a very good way to keep a stable ph.

My Up and Down have gotten lonely.


I am finding that the Lucas Formula for nutes is a very good way to keep a stable ph.

My Up and Down have gotten lonely.
I think the main point here is that we're all from different places with different water conditions and that there isn't an easy answer to your question regarding the pH. During the test phase of our DWC project, I spent considerable time chasing "ideal" pH. Our tap water would lose nearly full point of pH in 24 hours, this by itself seems to be a result of CO2 outgassing with carbonic acid being a by product (as is my limited understanding). This suits me just fine, as the nutes go in the pH usually falls to between 5.5 and 6.5.

Our flowering is done in 5 gallon pails that are dumped, refilled and topped off in a one week period; typically each pail gets about 2 gallons of nutes. There is a bit of fluctuation in pH as the pails empty and then get topped off again, but no ill seems to have been suffered throughout. This lead to the conclusion that it's better to cycle nutes often and in a very consistent fashion rather than play this game of chasing a pH level that can't be sustained without much intervention. For the long haul, try to find a balance that works best, experimenting with nutes and buffering agents that yield something workable. Emphasis on workable, if it's multi-stepped, a pain-in-the-ass... you will forget or screw it up someday. Easy-peasy is key here!

Rambling again...

For rooting, I try to soak the rockwool (GroDan here) in water that has been standing for at least 24 hours. I have used plain-old-tap-water without adjustment or nutes and rooted 100% in 13 days in my patent-pending "Germinator" :)