Best RIU Thread Ever.

Matt Rize

the troll gates are open, someone sound the drums. :)
oh yeah, time to make a few new profiles :)

Thanks for all your MOD help fdd. I could not have gone this far without your assistance.

wait a second... wasnt i just on the fdd thread? wtf?

Matt Rize

haters gonna hate. trolls gonna troll. fdd gonna fade to black.
Best video ever deserves to be on the best RIU thread ever.

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
Title Says it all.

Was sitting here hitting my Bong when ! its like a Light Bulb switched on in my mind ! & I was given this Great idea to make the Best RIU Thread Ever. I bet everyone's going to beat themselves up for not thinking about that before I did huh.. . Well you can still be a part of it @ least. :spew:

Well it better get me off if it's the best thread ever.


Well-Known Member

snokkie took one to the jaw lol

go to 1:32 on the video above mad funny