First Grow: Diary of a "Growing" Obsession


Well-Known Member
I actually did, wasn't gonna tell you guys, but chopped a small one off the bottom and dried it and smoked it, it was nice, but only like 1 1/2 hits, shoulda cut more lol


Active Member
Lol, I love that "wasn't gonna tell you guys" like a school boy hiding from the teachers =) Your doing an amazing job, how much longer you think it has? 1-2 weeks? Also my plant started doing that to the tips as it came to the end of flowering. I think it's a regular thing.


Well-Known Member
I actually did, wasn't gonna tell you guys, but chopped a small one off the bottom and dried it and smoked it, it was nice, but only like 1 1/2 hits, shoulda cut more lol
:D. You think that's bad. I chopped about 1/3 of my first plant while it was still growing. I kept running out of stuff to smoke, i mean you have a TREE with weed on it growing in your room, and having no weed, to tempting. These plants i wont mess with. It does stress out the plant when you chop a cola off. Mine would start shaking :D not good :(.


Well-Known Member
just changed stuff around so the veg chamber has 8 cfls in it, I'd put more in but can't fit them


Well-Known Member
Here's a bunch, the plant on the tarp side (black pot) in the flower room is a sage, she's finally showing preflowers and pistils. The one on the side closer to the wall is a clone of mine, been in flower the same amount of time and showing preflowers longer.

In the veg chamber, all are sage except the back right and back middle, which are blue dream, and the front right, with all the lst is a clone of my big girl. I love the pheno of the sage in the front middle with the really fat fan leaves.

bumping a lot and posting pics (especially the really huge pics) in part because I'm just obsessing over her in the last few days, but even that is because I can't wait to cut her down and I'm wondering if anyone has any idea on how long I have left?

oops forgot to upload pics, uploading now, also really tempted to cut off a whole cola and start drying and curing it. if I did, it would be the smallest of the 4 colas.



Well-Known Member
damn! she's pretty! haven't looked through the whole thing yet, gonna take a wild guess, 6 weeks flower?

oh yeah, did a tiny bit of rearranging and fit a 9th cfl in the veg box, now there's 6 6500k, and 3 2700k


Well-Known Member
Your big female should be close to getting done. I'm still looking at 9 weeks of flower probably :D. Im thinking of making a veg box with my left over cfls. got some rooting powder today, gonna clip some clones tomorrow.:joint:


Well-Known Member
got a scope today, almost all of them look cloudy. also got some molasses with it, flush time!


Active Member
seriously, its molasses. you should be able to find it any grocery store. They usually keep it with the syrup or baking stuff.
Oh wow! I feel stupid, I thought it was a different kind of molasses... I'm gonna go pick some up tomorrow... I was asking garden stores...


Active Member
Yeah.... I already got called out on it at the local shop and I was just like it's for my tomatoes dickhead. Some fat shit goes "What's all this for? People these days growing "bubonics" yes, he said "bubonics..."