Do not buy the hydro hut......

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  • Do you like hydro hut?

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • Do you hate them bastards?

    Votes: 13 68.4%

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Well-Known Member
I recently learned that this cheap ass company
sprayed the inside of their hydrohut with a chemical
that they won't admit but releases chlorine gas over time..
and oh yeah kills everything.. turns them yellow them no groth and
they die... this completely f-ed me up.... Is this chemical even sepose to be
in california with all their laws? Doesn't california have some law against cancer and chemicals? it's chlorine gas wtf? that's bad...:confused:

I thought that I f-ed somehow and to counter it added cal-mag... which turned them back to green but had no groth atall... The company told me oh it's fine and to add more aircurculation to the room and send back the skin and we'll replace within a week or two... I told that idiot to stand by the window so I could get a better shot!!! I can't stand this bull shit.... F*CK....:evil:

I recemend that all the people affected like me in this all file a lawsuit against them, but how manny people follow the rules and no never mind god damnit. This sucks.... I had a really good thing going.... and had to go office space on them... All I have to say about you hydrohut is your company "ain't worth a velvet painting of a dolphin and a whale gettin' it on" F*CK YOU HYDRO_HUT.... the main corp. number is on my other posting....:spew:
F*CK..... I'm pissed.. I hope one day ourpaths could cross hydrohut!!!!!

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
theres thread on several bopards about this call them and they will replace it free of charge IF yours is one of the affected tents

thats bullshit that there trying to lag on you


Well-Known Member
How long did it take to do this to your plants? Did it look like nute burn. This happened to me. 3 weeks into veg. I don't know I could have overfed them too. I just bought my hydrohut like 3 monts ago. Think im affected?


Well-Known Member
yes... the first time it only took about 2 weeks...for them to show signs of yellow... There won't be a second time...!

also remember I got the biggest tent... I'm going to slash it and turn it in to my local store he said the'll order me a new one..hum.. humm... in two days....

we'll see what happens... I'll be watching this verry closely!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I had the exact same problem except I was too embarased to take pics of it....
I mean exact same problem.... Now I don't feel as bad that others had the same problem.... Get this I brought the damn tent in my car to work cuz after I'm going to the store and got into my car and it smells like a damn swimming pool.... bad chemicals...
I would also recemend showering after handling... I mean exact same.... there gonners..
cal-mag in the white bottle helped mine a bit.... but still died.... you suck hydro hut... even thought I'm still going to use it because I'm lazy...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I have taken it off just to be safe. Waiting on an email back from them. Its only been like 6 hrs since I mailed them so we will see how fast their service is. I live by L.Angeles so the shipping should only take a day each way.. Keep you posted on the results..


Well-Known Member
I don't know exactly if mine is effected.. but just to be safe. I have flowered for 4 weeks in one with no problem from the tent..


Well-Known Member
the damage is gradual

the tents/poly that its made of releases a toxic gas. i blv this happens in high temps (caused by the HID lights)


Well-Known Member
Thats pretty shady. You think a Grow company would know this stuff and think about the materials they use the make something. Especially when a lot of the people that use this stuff are very eco friendly..


Well-Known Member
well hydrohut cant be fully blamed. its supposed to be manufactured in china or some shit.....and they were using a toxic -to- plants type of plastic and they finally got word of it.

im sure they will release another tent, just will not use the same plastic from china, maybe another source, as well as a brand new name for the tents!


Well-Known Member
I just turned mine in yesterday... they said a new one will be here in about a day or so... so we'll see what happens ... I'll tell you more when I get the new one... B.


Well-Known Member
Hey loudblunts keep smokin stupid stoner....
what the f do you mean they can't be blamed...
I mean they just sell the f-in product... you damn dipshit...
the metal they use is cheap anyway... it an f-in pile and that the only one I can get arround this hippie forsaken place and why oh yeah because the biggest priority of the idiots arround here and the people who work at the stores that I go to are stoned ALL THE TIME they can't even get their orders right.....f*ck I'm pissed... Put down the joint for 2 minutes and do something right....
THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK..... f-in moron!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey loudblunts keep smokin stupid stoner....
what the f do you mean they can't be blamed...
I mean they just sell the f-in product... you damn dipshit...
the metal they use is cheap anyway... it an f-in pile and that the only one I can get arround this hippie forsaken place and why oh yeah because the biggest priority of the idiots arround here and the people who work at the stores that I go to are stoned ALL THE TIME they can't even get their orders right.....f*ck I'm pissed... Put down the joint for 2 minutes and do something right....
THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK..... f-in moron!!!!
Damn, kinda harsh!
Here's the deal.... I'm sure he'll put down the joint if you pick one up and relax.:blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK..... f-in moron!!!!
Listen to your own advice

Loudblunts has been super helpful to many people on this site, so coming from a newbie in here and ripping him up is just plain wrong. Your right, companies should be responsible for their products, i agree. But i don't agree with being an asshole to people. Grow up? Smoke up? Anger management class up?


Well-Known Member
Hey loudblunts keep smokin stupid stoner....
what the f do you mean they can't be blamed...
I mean they just sell the f-in product... you damn dipshit...
the metal they use is cheap anyway... it an f-in pile and that the only one I can get arround this hippie forsaken place and why oh yeah because the biggest priority of the idiots arround here and the people who work at the stores that I go to are stoned ALL THE TIME they can't even get their orders right.....f*ck I'm pissed... Put down the joint for 2 minutes and do something right....
THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK..... f-in moron!!!!
wow, arent you the same person who i JUST HELPED OUT and TOLD YOU about the situation? you had no idea of the problem UNTIL I mentioned it.

thanks for insulting've just invited yourself to a temp ban.

personal attacks wont be tolerated, thx!


Well-Known Member
From what I read on various forums the problem is not that they sprayed the huts with a chemical. It is out gassing of the plastic they to make the skin of the hut. I think it was a problem with supplier in China.