Why would you not monitor your PH, you do know that PH is vital to nutrient uptake. In hydro 5.6 - 6.0 your plant will intake nutrients anything lower or higher and you will lock out essential nutrients. Are you putting your PPM meter directly into the DWC reservoir while its bubbling?? If so thats your problem. Take a clean cup and fill up the cup with nutrient water from the reservoir and do your PPM check that way.I'm no expert on this subject. I don't even check PH right now and haven't since I started DWC 5 months ago. any number of things can change your PH one is temp and the reason I don't check mine is that my meter just goes nuts. One min. it reads 5.8 test it again in 10 min and it tests at 7.6 I never know when to believe it and the thing is if I put it in test solution it reads 7.1 so I'm just winging it . LOL
I think you are okay dude your PH wont lock to a exact 5.8 reading let it swing up to absorb all the nutrients.I have been monitoring my PH since I put them in the system. I have an accurate PH meter. My readings are straight, nothing crazy. My water temp is 58, I used frozen bottles, and my room temp is steady @ 78.
I think you are worrying too much maybe recalibrate your PH meter see if that helps. When my PH / PPM meters get old they start showing funky numbers.I already understand the function of PH in hydroponics, thats not the problem...I have never had a PH back up on me, just thought I would put this out there, maybe I missed class that day...
Good luck dude.Did another check, back @ 5.9, must be the meter...No, not really worrying, same thing happened to me a couple days ago, figured it would pop back up...Just wanted to ask...Thanks
I hear you on that one, but my PH has been sitting @ 5.8 for almost 36 hours. 20 gallons all together in my system, should it sit still this long? Very low amount of nutes, maybe 62ppm with a starting ppm of 36ppm (tap), 2 sets of leaves on plants along with roots. Seems as though they are locked up, purple stems, slow or no growth. My understanding is the PH should swing slowly, briefly pausing, only to move on. It was doing this. Confused...Roots are growing, white, and healthy looking, what gives?I think you are okay dude your PH wont lock to a exact 5.8 reading let it swing up to absorb all the nutrients.