• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Is opium safe?


Well-Known Member
And personally i've tried some opiates and i could see myself getting addicted to them, anyone here ever tried tramadol? Makes sex on exstacy look boring. Come down is a bitch though.


Active Member
If you want to know more about opium and opiates I'd recommend reading Otto Snow's book Oxy (the book covers opium quite well). Jim Hogshire also has a book on the topic entitled Opium For the Masses but I feel Otto's book is better. It would not hurt to read both.

I will give a quick rundown (keep in mind that opium is a complex mixture of alkaloids that has not been well studied since the prohibition of it) but I must warn you I have not fully researched all my claims and I offer this only as a general guideline until you can get proper medical advice or fully research the topic on your own.

Opium is not safe (no drug is safe, it's just that some drugs like weed have only a few very minor concerns that can often be addressed with harm reduction strategies) however your head will not explode if you choose to try smoking or ingesting opium.

Addiction is the biggest concern in my opinion, assuming you don't have your own large field of poppies or a time machine that will take you back before opium was prohibited and could be purchased quite cheaply. Opium is hard to come-by these days and many addicts who were alive to see the transition to opium prohibition found it far more difficult to function when they had to use heroin to feed their habit (I can dig up the study if you want).

There is the possibility of overdose however you can mitigate the risks by having a drug like naloxone on hand to counter the depression of the CNS and respiratory system. Also if you know anyone who uses opiates then keep in mind that convincing then to keep some naloxone handy could save their life.

The two most noticeable negative side effects are constipation and trouble urinating (can be a side-effect of the constipation). If you take opium regularly you may want to be aware of how long it's been since you've gone and try to remedy it before it becomes a real problem.

As for whether or not it's worth it: I can't make that judgement. I can say that I drink poppy tea on occasion and I find the effects quite agreeable. It makes me feel euphoric, soothes my muscles if I'm tired, makes music sound amazing, and at the right dosage it makes for some wonderful waking dreams if I just lay down and let myself get lost in the music.


Well-Known Member
just because you dont get withdrawal symptions doesnt mean your not an addict-ide bet if you stopped smoking your sleep patterens/scheduals would be fucked with, and you would prob be a little irritable. if you smoke weed everyday, your an addict, just how if you get drunk everyday your an addict to alcohol. If your not an addict take a break from blazing... that sudden urge you get to spark up is your body saying "i want to be high, smoke that weed" you give in and smoke a bowl, addiciton.
dam I understand what your saying and actually agree with you but Im pretty sure according to the DSM IV if there are no withdrawl symptoms its not considered addictive. People can die from alcohol and opiate withdrawls. Nobody dies from not smoking pot. I agree all those ailments you list are indeed physical, but in the realm of psychology they're known as emotional symptoms. Stupid I think but people much smarter than me have come up with this system. And made a non-addicting drug illegal? Makes sense. Opiates = physically addictive. Marijuana = not physically addictive. Mentally addicitve? Yes. But then so can everything be if used without thought or care.

OP, is smoking raw opium a few times going to get you addicted? No. Odds are you won't even have the supplies to keep up an addiction to raw opium. Its just not really that common. But thats when you start looking a little closer at oxys and therein lies the problem.


Active Member
Im pretty sure according to the DSM IV if there are no withdrawl symptoms its not considered addictive.
The term addiction is not currently being used in DSM-IV-TR so the question is moot. The DSM IV instead looks at substance use disorders. Substance dependance requires 3 of 7 criteria to be met. One of the criteria is withdrawal but a person can qualify as dependent even without withdrawal.



Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot for all your answers! I have one more question though.... Is it worth it?
Very much so. There is nothing like the waking dream state brought on by a bowl of clean opium well prepared and well smoked. As I said, putty is not opium and no matter how it is done, it will never give you the same pleasure as opium. Too many non-essential components are extracted with the water and the smoke is harsh and undesirable. Opium tastes wonderful, like the orient of old.


Well-Known Member
Very much so. There is nothing like the waking dream state brought on by a bowl of clean opium well prepared and well smoked. As I said, putty is not opium and no matter how it is done, it will never give you the same pleasure as opium. Too many non-essential components are extracted with the water and the smoke is harsh and undesirable. Opium tastes wonderful, like the orient of old.
heres a little leason for you Canndo. Opium Puddy IS Opium. heres why...... oh, and if you ever harvested it yourself, you would know why.........

When grown for opium production, the skin of the ripening pods of these poppies is scored by a sharp blade at a time carefully chosen so that neither rain, wind, nor dew can spoil the exudation of white, milky latex, usually in the afternoon. Incisions are made while the pods are still raw, with no more than a slight yellow tint, and must be shallow to avoid penetrating hollow inner chambers or loculi while cutting into the lactiferous vessels.
Incisions are made three or four times at intervals of two to three days, and each time the "poppy tears," which dry to a sticky brown resin, are collected the following morning. One acre harvested in this way can produce three to five kilograms of raw opium.
there is NO water extraction done. its JUST like hash off of a pot plant. its NOT PROCESSED IN ANY WAY. hence the term RAW opium.........

and for your viewing pleasure, a picture of my good friends Raw Opium. Harvested from his back yard and Smoked with friends.......

P.S: this isn't meant with harm..... you've just been contradicting me the whole time, and i've made my own opium.... and Morphine Base with a simble acid<base extraction....... so i do know what im talking about.....


Well-Known Member
heres a little leason for you Canndo. Opium Puddy IS Opium. heres why...... oh, and if you ever harvested it yourself, you would know why.........

there is NO water extraction done. its JUST like hash off of a pot plant. its NOT PROCESSED IN ANY WAY. hence the term RAW opium.........

and for your viewing pleasure, a picture of my good friends Raw Opium. Harvested from his back yard and Smoked with friends.......

P.S: this isn't meant with harm..... you've just been contradicting me the whole time, and i've made my own opium.... and Morphine Base with a simble acid<base extraction....... so i do know what im talking about.....

there is a process by which dried poppy straw - that is, the stems and the dried capsules are ground and made into tea, the tea is then dried to leave what is known as poppy putty. This putty is just not a real swell smoke. Opium can be (when one has the luxury of doing so) boiled in water which will serve to clean some of the green bits and such out of the finished product.

My knowlege is not just theoretical, find my name in this thread and you will see pics of my harvest.



Well-Known Member

there is a process by which dried poppy straw - that is, the stems and the dried capsules are ground and made into tea, the tea is then dried to leave what is known as poppy putty.
First off: Thats not "Puddy" thats Do-Da (poor mans herion). it doesn't smoke at all and is made to be drank in a tea....... im in BC canada, we have teh largest east indian population in north america..... they drink more Do-Da than any one does.

im not talking about Do-Ta im talking about Raw Poppy Latex. which IS what its called....

Opium can be (when one has the luxury of doing so) boiled in water which will serve to clean some of the green bits and such out of the finished product.
this is an actual water extraction...... i learned, personaly, from east indians who grow their opium poppy's in burnaby BC (and its not boiled, its "simmered" under 80C), and i help them on a regular basis. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/story/2010/08/26/bc-opium-poppy-bust-doda-chilliwack.html < heres a link to show you the size of the fields we deal with........they turn 90% of it into Do-Ta for their own personal use.

you can also do an acid Base extraction....
#1 using HCL for the first wash
#2 distilled water for the second wash
#3 freeze dry
#4 small amounth of distilled water for the 3'rd wash
#5 change the PH of the soloution with NH40H (Ammonium Hydroxide)
#6 add chloroform-isopropanol mixture (3:1) to force evaporate liquids.

you are left with a fine, yellow/white powder........

Edit: an article on the DoDa problem in canada..... http://markhaden.blogspot.com/2010/04/doda-or-poor-mans-heroin-growing.html
is easily available and can be bought cheaply by anyone-including minors-in many retail stores.
^ thats how much the east indians up here use it......


New Member
Relatively would be a good answer, I enjoy smoking some high grade opium now and then. Not too much and only for a short time each year.
It's nice. Some people are highly allergic to opiates, they would not likely enjoy it.
I smoked some with a my Bro and his buddies a few years ago, everyone enjoyed it except this one chick that just almost immediately started puking. She must have been allergic.
Opium is a naturally concurring, God given thing. It is to be respected and used in moderation.
It tastes and smells so fuckin' amazing! like sweet chocolate flowers. I love it!
So I don't use it very often =) like I say, once or twice a year and not every year.

Heroin=bad medicine! A buddy of mine went to Amsterdam to judge cannabis cup, he came back a junkie. He got his old lady (my ex) hooked also, they sold everything. His hot rod, his grandads olympic anshcutz rifle (to me, I gave it back to his kids Grandad =) ), and she started selling her ass for the shit. My uncle O.D.'d on it.
He laid in a basement choking on aspirated vomit for 3 days. His shit will NEVER be right again. Don't fuck with herion!

that being said, the smack I smoked with my buddy and his ol' lady tasted like shit. burned the throat nasty shit. I didnt even get off and I'm like "hey man I aint feeling nothing, how bout loading another bowl?" and he's like "you already did enough to come close to overdosing me" . I didn't even enjoy it and then I was sick for 3 days while the shit got out of my system. BAD STUFF! all the way around. Dont confuse the two!
I would like to get some china white or some morphine for my bugout kit, but not for recreational use....
that's all I got to say about that.


Well-Known Member
First off: Thats not "Puddy" thats Do-Da (poor mans herion). it doesn't smoke at all and is made to be drank in a tea....... im in BC canada, we have teh largest east indian population in north america..... they drink more Do-Da than any one does.

im not talking about Do-Ta im talking about Raw Poppy Latex. which IS what its called....

this is an actual water extraction...... i learned, personaly, from east indians who grow their opium poppy's in burnaby BC (and its not boiled, its "simmered" under 80C), and i help them on a regular basis. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/story/2010/08/26/bc-opium-poppy-bust-doda-chilliwack.html < heres a link to show you the size of the fields we deal with........they turn 90% of it into Do-Ta for their own personal use.

you can also do an acid Base extraction....
#1 using HCL for the first wash
#2 distilled water for the second wash
#3 freeze dry
#4 small amounth of distilled water for the 3'rd wash
#5 change the PH of the soloution with NH40H (Ammonium Hydroxide)
#6 add chloroform-isopropanol mixture (3:1) to force evaporate liquids.

you are left with a fine, yellow/white powder........

Edit: an article on the DoDa problem in canada..... http://markhaden.blogspot.com/2010/04/doda-or-poor-mans-heroin-growing.html

^ thats how much the east indians up here use it......
How does one turn this "Do Da" into something smokable? Do you find that your morphine is in any way smokeable without damaging large amounts of it? Why would anyone make tea and then reduce it to tar only to make tea out of the resulting tar again? I see our misunderstanding stems only from regional terminology. there is another method where one takes the full plant, still green (with, of course the pod having already been milked), grinds it up and lets it soak in warm water. The result is supposedly a smokeable product very similar to opium. I tried it and got crap.


Well-Known Member
Oh, one more thing. Do you do this extraction from the "Do DA" or the opium? I can't much see going through all the trouble of extracting morphine from opium but i can certainly see the advantage of getting it from the "do Da".


Well-Known Member
How does one turn this "Do Da" into something smokable? Do you find that your morphine is in any way smokeable without damaging large amounts of it?
you missed the whole point. learn to read.

i'll spell it out for you.





is that simple enough for you to understand now???? seriously man go rand a book on poppys and opium.... you might learn something.


Well-Known Member
you missed the whole point. learn to read.

i'll spell it out for you.





is that simple enough for you to understand now???? seriously man go rand a book on poppys and opium.... you might learn something.
I am quite capable of reading and comprehending. I have read a number of books on opium, the opium trade, the production of opium, the chemistry of opium and the like. If you review our distorted conversation, you will see that I have stated at least twice that I did not know of a way to comfortably smoke what you call DoDa, or what I call poppy putty. Really, check it out. I asked you, owing to the fact that you know something about the substance and the various ways it is made and ingested, if you knew of a way to smoke it - the holy grail of poppy straw extraction. I see you do not.


Well-Known Member
I asked you, owing to the fact that you know something about the substance and the various ways it is made and ingested, if you knew of a way to smoke it - the holy grail of poppy straw extraction
OK then.

no you cant smoke it. the water processing changes the morphine and codine. Morphine burns poorly to begin with, and only burns around 60-80% of the alkaloids, codine evaporates and is easily smoked (hence smoking Oxy). after the seeds are extracted, the pods are ground up into powder and put into a small amount of hot water. we take out the bits that float to the surface. we let the slurry of water/poppy crap sit in a warm area untill 90% of the water is gone (stir it, it can go moldy.....). after most of teh water is gone we spread the slurry out onto screens to dry it out and make it into tea.

the process of making Doda makes it almost impossible to smoke. you would have to smoke like a 1/2 OZ to start actualy feeling anything, and it would be worse than smoking marijuana stems...... most of the actual, smokeable alkaloids have allready been extracted into raw puddy even before the dota is made. seeing as poppy pods are scored while the plant is alive, and a plant can cry for 2-3 weeks, 12-18 days of harvesting raw tears (opium puddy, as the world knows it...)...... it would be a waste to simply harvest the pods, or the tears....

and then there's this....
the holy grail of poppy straw extraction. I see you do not.
Acid<Base wash. its the only way to extract smokeable alkaloids from poppy pods..... do it right and you can end up making White China...... its how they extract the alkaliods from the pods after they stop crying in asia.... hydrocloric Acid from the Mines and Ammonium Hydroxide for furniture making......


Well-Known Member
Nope but if your growing it yourself poppy pods are small & if you cant take the down dont go up