What would you do???? Found the mutha load on walk

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Odds are the grower would not abandon it if his plants are as large as you say.... maybe leave it for a while til the heat cools down, but it is in his interest to go back to it more than it is yours. He would also not appreciate you smoking with him or communicating what-so-ever with him - that is just too sketchy. It's hard not to be awestruck by a thing of beauty, but that dude has loved his plants since they were seedlings, you just came upon them and want to hijack his grow. Grow your own and hope that one day if anyone comes across yours they are as kind to you as you were to that man. Resist your thieving temptations and you will be better for it, even if nobody but yourself knows the true depth of your honesty and integrity. Leaving any sign that you were there, such as taking cuttings, would send chills down any growers spine.


Well-Known Member
well to all those who wrote thankx but really would you just leave them alone i am gonna leave them be so thankx again but in my life i had three differnt grows i grew indoors autos and 2 outdoors crops and never seen a plants that big I guess it just came over me to take and run but i am not i am going in morning to take two cuttings and ill never go back

but to all any pot smoker who has walked there dog and seen trail would walk it and to all those who posted if you seen these you would be like wtf and would think about boostin them i bet out of all plants he gets 6 pounds plus easy so i am taking only 2 small cuttings and never gonna go back to all that thinks this is wrong well its wrong to grow pot so if i did take them either way its still wrong and with as big as they are hell never no i was there with taking 2 small cuttings


Active Member
I had one of my plants jacked the other day, luckily, the bastards weren't smart enough to take it more than 50 feet and i stole it back. Still gonna wait there to give them a nice hello. Dont touch them - its just not as rewarding. His plant, his tender care, his work. Even if it is a cutting its somehow disrespecting a plant that isn't yours.


Well-Known Member
If I had an outdoor grow (not on my personal property) with 8 foot plants and someone came across it and only took 2 cuts, I would be honored... just sayn...:joint:

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
if u take or fuck with some one elses plants u deserve to be gang banged for a long period of time. and i mean straight in your corn hole.
if u keep thinking about the other guys crop we will bring in another team of maybe more people to start again once the other team leaves.
please never take plants. hope that helps. P.S. you were joking about the cops right?


Well-Known Member
i feel for the grower.when i used to grow alot--i was ripped off alot .it is a sad day when you make that hill and no tops showing over the bushes.every year females by the dozen with not a but nowhere to be found we taken from me .they were broken and taken by teanagers to smoke.stupid huh.6 females 5 ft high = ed less than 1/2 ounce of leaves----sad but i wanted to hurt ---got very close to boobytraps but not worth all that--one of the downfalls of coming from a small town and everyone has know everyone for 50 yrs or so---along with everyones business----thats along with these lazy guys who pick up a shotgun and dogs and a bunch of guys and the more or less search for plants while pretending to hunt on government land.


I'm just thinking from the growers perspective though. It would feel very sickening to know somebody tampered with your grow, knows about it, and would possibly be back to take it from you come harvest time. You wouldn't know what the true intentions were, you just know somebody else was there. At the end of the season mind you he would realize you were no harm and might be "thankful" you didn't take more, but he now needs to come up with a new location (which could be a big headache) because you took cuttings.

From the standpoint of someone intent on taking something, a cutting is the lesser of the evils and I can at least respect that you would leave the man his hard work and that you have somewhat listened to peoples advice here


Well-Known Member
no i did listen but a cutting in not a plant its a tiny piece of a branch he will never no just think am i a ass whole for taking 2 small cuttings and cloneing them or taking whole crop and ruin the guys year hum...cuttings sound to be right thing to do with good soil i should be able to have a nice plant same breed as his branches get broke and thrown out i am not new to this game i bought over 100 bags since christmas i think if i found them and did not destroy or tell no 1 i know i should be rewarded two small cuttings rabbits and deer made off with more than that ...........................


Well-Known Member
cuttings are fine, it's a good thing to expand the mj genetic options, if he loses a half 8th off his pounds so an anonymous person can get much more and spread his genetics, then it's worth it, we gotta work together in this


Active Member
I would be carefull stealing plants. I don`t wanna say pot growers are dangerous , butt just like bike clubs , ther`s the 1 %er`s that are very dangerous, and are willing to protect ther investments. BTW, those plants are going to be nowhere near ready, while your on vacation, unless you plan on staying untill fall time


Active Member
I think you should roll a big joint and smoke it wear he walked and at the same time then ask him for a sample !


Active Member
My ignore list is getting pretty big with name of ppl that are saying take it or considering taking anyone's grow. I encourage everyone to do the same. These ppl that have zero respect for fellow growers, and want to or think it's ok to steal, should get no help with their grows. Just my 2 cents.


Active Member
Thats bullshit man just stay the hell away from them. Ide be pissed if someone screw with my plants that I had obviously worked had to get to this point. If I stumbled into something like this I'de nod and smile to myself, and light up a J as I walked away. Ide feel happy about others saying "screw the MJ laws" and growing a nice garden like you described. Feel happy for the dude and grow your own.


Well-Known Member
taking a few cutting is gonna run straight paranoia through his mind, hes gonna be real scetched and prolly have to endure more hard work to move them fat buckets,provided he doesnt say fuck it, ill cut my losses be4 they come back, and harvest early, i no because ive suspected sum1 was at my grow a few times this year, and moved the entire thing, twice, pain in the fuckin ass sweatin like a pig, better safe than srry tho, and just to reiterate one of your last posts u said " if stealing cuttings is wrong well oh well so is growing pot", how the fuck is it wrong to grow a naturally occuring plant, it may but against the law but it is by no standards morally wrong, what u are considering and about to do is morally wrong and shows u have no integrity or values, stop trying to justify ur wrong doing faggot, i often fantasize about what i would do if i stumbled across sum1 like u checkin my crops out, i wnt get into detail but it wouldnt be pretty
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