Well-Known Member
Nice, I have every episode! Frog baseball & Bungholio are classicsI feel old that was damn near 20 years ago, back when I was a teenager growing my 1st MJ plant hidden in my room under a regular light bulb, lol!!
Yep, new episodes same creator so the voices should be the same are close to the same.
Peace out
thats awesome man. glad u said sumthin. i will deff be watchin them wen theyre out!! yeaaa... see 20 years ago.. i woulda been 3. hahaha. well ill be 23 2morrow actually. soo im still a youngin. and hahahaha. i remember doin that as well. havin a reg light bulb hangin in my closet... hahahaha attemptin to grow a plant..... fun times.