You out on the town running amok eh las. Ive not really had 2 Min's to read or watch any new's last few day's but i caught some earlier.
Stay safe man!
So, howdy freind. I think i'm going to have to organise a certain couple night's to get online at a time when its no just me and the bird's up! Hope you'r good too though Donny. I see the tent's packin, and love the look of the QQ's can't wait to see these do their thang! I'm having to hold off popping some more with a couple other D.P.Q's till i get this gaff fitted out with a new heating system!! Going to take for-ever so plan b is in motion. " well it will be tomorrow, i mean today! " ( My head's fried wi time the now man.)
p.s got to get you a shot of my cc x l up bro. Last time i saw a bush like this i just pretented to fall asleep

Later's man
