What Do You Think Of Texans?


Well-Known Member
LOL! I'm also from mac-town, fucking hated it there, glad I got out... still in TX though...
I only lived there when i was a little kid so i don't even remember much.. but i do remember grocery shopping and hearing everyone speaking spanish.


Global Moderator
Staff member
As texans, we kno we're better than all of you, because we are. This would be THE place if only we could grow legally, and gamble legally...
You forgot the part where we talk about the 100 + temps, you know, to make us jealous of the small state of Tx.


Well-Known Member
sooo hot in CA today.... walked to the community college, attended orientation, found all my classes, walked home, now i have a light sunburn and came home covered in sweat


Well-Known Member
i didnt, i just stripped off all my clothes and went to sleep for 4 hours, since it was too hot to do anything else


Well-Known Member
who am i kidding...i hate it here... im always paranoid... its too fucking hot.... theres like 1 month out of the year when it actually feels ok outside... no legal weed....no awsome beaches.... no moutains to look at.... too many churches...


Global Moderator
Staff member
who am i kidding...i hate it here... im always paranoid... its too fucking hot.... theres like 1 month out of the year when it actually feels ok outside... no legal weed....no awsome beaches.... no moutains to look at.... too many churches...
Texas is god's country, best place in the world.
"Dont fuck with texas"
Fellow Texans seem to disagree with you.
And Alaska is Gods country, but he lives in the Alaska Range.


Well-Known Member
you must live in a weak ass town. well for the weed part, u can go to NM,grow ur own which i see you are already so why complain. This is the only summer that it was been fucking hot but thats most places on this planet, and not too much on churches,thats God's House


Well-Known Member
deep down i love texas, but i wouldnt mind getting the hell out of here for awhile lol. im paranoid as fuck growing out here. much rather be somewhere legal

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
Ha I live in Texas and I was watching a family guy and they went to Texas and I thought all the stereotypes were funny. So what do you guys think of Texas? Do you think everyone has a pistol, wear a giant hat, have a ranch, or drink moonshine all day?
I know a few people in Dallas that do not fit that stereotype but a lot of Texans are conservative. Stereotypes wouldn't come about if they weren't partially true. For example, the stereotype that mexicans are all illegal immigrants isn't entirely true, but a lot of mexicans are illegal immigrants so it make the stereotype partially true. I took an ethnic diversity class which taught me to be "sensitive" about stereotyping. I think it hardened me a bit. I take stereotypes with a grain of salt. I know not everyone is the same. I could probably fit a few stereotypes. I'm white and a female. I should be annoying, yappy, and prissy. I'm not. I'm loud, I drink beer, I cuss, and drive fast as hell.

So not all stereotypes are true.


Well-Known Member
Guys u are underestimating the weed situation here in Texas with all these wide open place one just has to walk a little find a nice spot and grow a few plants. It's not that hard and it's high quality because you made it yourself.