Weed is Too Potent!! 3 days cured

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
Didn't have any herm problems with mine. got roughly an oz off of each if it wasn't for the 11 weeks of flowering I would keep growing her haha.
Glad you said something about when there is more and when there is less uvb in nature. Did you use the cfl looking one or the tube bulb for your uvb? I've still got plenty of veg time left on my Cheesus, might do alil bit of experimenting with it.


Well-Known Member
you can buy reptile lights for UVB. *or you could get some Humboltds Snow Storm... will double trich production.. your bud will look like it fell into fiberglass shavings.

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
you can order zoo uvb bulbs at 60 watts eatch but u gotta keep em 3 ft away from your plants, i put them as close as a 1 or 2 ft away all you gotta say when they call you is you got a uvb meter, its not like your torchering a lizard by sunburn lol. sunpulse makes bulbs your supposed to switch up every few weeks and there last 2 week bulb is for ripening, its got uv in it i dont think it has uvb, but at 1000 watts shit im sure it frosts em up. but thats contridicting nature on there part when they got 4 diff bulbs to switch out and uv is last.... i dunnu in the future people might prostitute themselves cuz weed will reach hard drug levels lol, i once drank an oz. of dreen dragon at once, mixed up and heated and i think i caught a mild case of sketsofrenia however the fuk u spell it, so ever since i only blaze and im tryen to follow nature for the best buzz i even bought seeds from mandala satoris in veg.. got w.w and ice in flower

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
you can order zoo uvb bulbs at 60 watts eatch but u gotta keep em 3 ft away from your plants, i put them as close as a 1 or 2 ft away all you gotta say when they call you is you got a uvb meter, its not like your torchering a lizard by sunburn lol. sunpulse makes bulbs your supposed to switch up every few weeks and there last 2 week bulb is for ripening, its got uv in it i dont think it has uvb, but at 1000 watts shit im sure it frosts em up. but thats contridicting nature on there part when they got 4 diff bulbs to switch out and uv is last.... i dunnu in the future people might prostitute themselves cuz weed will reach hard drug levels lol, i once drank an oz. of dreen dragon at once, mixed up and heated and i think i caught a mild case of sketsofrenia however the fuk u spell it, so ever since i only blaze and im tryen to follow nature for the best buzz i even bought seeds from mandala satoris in veg.. got w.w and ice in flower
Thanks for all the info man. Going to pick up a 5.0 UVB cfl tonight. If it ends up working as well as I think its going too then I will invest in a couple of 60 watters for my upcoming perpetual grow.


Well-Known Member
Ive read this whole thread and still cant understand what too potent means... Like saying this bbq is way too delicious lol.
where i live i see wild bud growning all the time full of seeds.... ill trade ya the wild bullshit for your boreing potent buds lol

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
o.k lemmie explain for anyone who has taken vicodin it's not really a hard drug, but if you got oxycontin no matter you break off a lil piece it's in another form much much harder, and while im on poppys they derive codein from it then vicodin then morphine then herion, of course mixed by chemists there still unlocking shit maken new drugs getten shit in it's purest and im not sayen the entire high is compared to an oxy. but parts of it are on a serious level, judge for your self...


Well-Known Member
OK Detroit J420 im going to tell you something......

that narcotic effect, ALOT of people want it..... thats why i grow NYCDeisel, and Chronic..... they naturaly produce more THC to CBD levels. when properly combined, you get that long lasting, nice narcotic, no burn out high.

next time read teh desription of WHAT KIND of high the plant gives you. some are cereberial, some are couchlock, some put you to sleep.... some are narcotic....

Edit: alot of the time "medicinal quality" means you can get that narcotic effect from them, unless stated otherwise...... and no, there wont be any withdrawls from this stuff..... its still just marijuana.....


Well-Known Member
i dnt think he means withdrawl like bent over puking, waking up in cold sweats withdrawl, he means like trouble sleeping and very edgy and agitated attitude, which ive experienced this after not smoking. but i experienced a high like this once, cant but a name on the strain cuz it wasnt mine, but my freind needed sum1 to match us so he called up his uncle, he rolled up a few and after smoking i was gone. i was sitting in this recliner and started sweatin real bad, and my heart was beatin real fast, i went to sit up and got real dizzy and my stomach was turning and i just sat back down,and went to sleep, i no that shit was to heavy for my liking, so i no where ur comin from


Well-Known Member
very edgy and agitated attitude
^ this.

i get this one every time i stop smoking..... usualy im a heavy smoker, 2g's a day for months on end..... when i stop im mad @ the world for at least 2 weeks. so i know exactley where your coming from.

i know where your coming from with the dizzy and sweating as well..... but where i come from if it doesn't make you sweat balls its not good weed..... and that stomach turning, we call that greening out...... i guess it just depends on where you come from. im on coastal BC, if it ain't dank you ain't gettin my bank......were used to the heavy stone.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
I think its all in the mood your in. Sometimes you wanna smoke and be on couch lock all afternoon and sometimes you wanna smoke and still be able to get shit done.

Personally I'm always looking for stronger more potent bud. Would love to sample some of this weed.


Well-Known Member
Remember that curing can mosr of the time lead to an even MORE POTENT bud!!! If this stuff is over the top with potency, i wouldn't suggest a long cure at all... You want to cure because of a smoother and better tasting smoke, but if you're already having prolems with it being too strong (i get anxiety fro REALLY strong or really "head high milky trichome" bud so i know what you mean) you're not going to want to cure it too long... I'd have to say that you seem to have a knockout nightime chronic, but if you're still looking to reap the benefits of your grow, i'd suggest just lowering your intake. Usually that fixes my problem with anxiety related to strong potency. I take one small bong rip, and that's it! No matter how strong, i can just smoke even less. And if you ask me, the more potent the better in that case because a bud of like 17% potency that's an eighth can last me a week easy! And remember, for all the people that crave potency, you'll be the man in their eyes from doing such a great job with your girls haha

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
withdraws withdraws withdraws, smoking an oz a week for at least 26 weeks outta the yr for the last 10 yrs.. ill tell you, night sweats from hell changing cloths in the middle of the night, but amazingly i did a real good heavy last 7 water feedings on a grow a lil while back, and i didnt get night sweats when i quit.. i also get dark brown shit on my bottom front 4 teeth on the inside that the dentist says is a bitch to clean, since i been feeding straight water last 5 or 6 waterings that has stopped too! not tottaly but 85% less brown shit on the teeth lol. Ferts can kill yah lol. but you lose flavor from cutten em short. and as far as sleepplessness goes that used to happen to me on regs i lost alot of sleep when i quit regular outdoor weed, wich i havent smoked in yrzzzzz.. maybe its a different high from the uvb that fucks with sleep, my major sleeplessness would come from regs though, and of course anger and depression, anger goes away in 2 weeks depression sticks around for 6 weeks. all bareable symtoms. as far as curing your weed i think it more so changes the high through the break down and conversion more potent in some ways losing potency in other ways i dunnu..