Crazy riots going on, whats ya thought??


Well-Known Member
this is EXACTLY the way-

to deal with things. government has thought it through, have you.
if this happened in the states there'd be some attention.

"let me spend this money or the world will fail"=TREASON.


Well-Known Member
fuck the police and fuck the goverment. they deserve it!
the only thing i dont agree with, is the hurting of innocent people and the burning and looting of poeple private buisnesses and belogings.

but they can burn down tesco and asda as much as they like because they are greedy coporate companys and desrve it!
but someones own buisness is like their life, you dont do that!


Active Member
And all peoples business and lively hoods etc....... 100% some of them will have been under the influence of alcohol and this is my argument all the time with drinkers, when i come home i wan t to chill with a joint or bong, some people go home have a can and get lively and cause trouble or anything else they get up too when the dunk.
if all these riot people would just a have few spliffs passed around then i sure they will all calm down lol
im sure some of them are stoned you cant use alcohol as an excuse if someone wants to do something they'l do it no matter wat they have taken its the same ever weekend get in a fight blame drink no its because ur a knob


Well-Known Member
my thoughts are this..

if what is going on over in London... if that starts up here in the U.S.A. - I have to say, I'm going to raid the Pharmacy down the road.

I'll be grabbing every single narcotic I can think of.. ;) Stock up on everything.. get like a 5 year supply of each narcotic. That's what I'm talking about..

Seriously, that's what I would be doing if I were in London right now.. I'd be raiding the first pharmacy I could find. :D

But no seriously, I think its sad, whats going on in today's society right now. Washington and the morons that run this country, can't come to an agreement.. their still bickering at each other.. and what it comes down to.. is that the citizens of this country and in Europe, are just getting down right tired and fed up with the government and their ignorance, period. That's what it boils down too..

I personally, have a suspicion... that possibly, just maybe (there could be a chance) that maybe there is a big event coming.. and this is the governments way of slowing the economy down.. in preparation of the event. I'm not saying that this is whats going on... but you know, if you sit and really think about it.. its possible. I mean, if there was a big event coming our way (like the 2012 Apocalypse or something similar)... this is what the government would do.. and they wouldn't tell anyone about whats going.. like they currently doing.

I'm just saying.. maybe there's something bigger to all this than we realize. Just something to think about my friends.. ;)

I mean, really.. just think about it. Have an open mind.



New Member
im sure some of them are stoned you cant use alcohol as an excuse if someone wants to do something they'l do it no matter wat they have taken its the same ever weekend get in a fight blame drink no its because ur a knob
Fair enough i totally agree but its the alcohol that don't help the situation it makes it worse cause people think the Rocky when the have had a skin full.
put it this way, if you were in a massive brawl and instead of getting drunk passing cans etc..... you were smoking joints or small pipes then im pretty sure some of them will calm down, dont get me wrong you can still do mad shit when ya dizzy, but alcohol is a lot worse in my eyes than cannabis.


New Member
my thoughts are this..

if what is going on over in London... if that starts up here in the U.S.A. - I have to say, I'm going to raid the Pharmacy down the road.

I'll be grabbing every single narcotic I can think of.. ;) Stock up on everything.. get like a 5 year supply of each narcotic. That's what I'm talking about..

Seriously, that's what I would be doing if I were in London right now.. I'd be raiding the first pharmacy I could find. :D

But no seriously, I think its sad, whats going on in today's society right now. Washington and the morons that run this country, can't come to an agreement.. their still bickering at each other.. and what it comes down to.. is that the citizens of this country and in Europe, are just getting down right tired and fed up with the government and their ignorance, period. That's what it boils down too..

I personally, have a suspicion... that possibly, just maybe (there could be a chance) that maybe there is a big event coming.. and this is the governments way of slowing the economy down.. in preparation of the event. I'm not saying that this is whats going on... but you know, if you sit and really think about it.. its possible. I mean, if there was a big event coming our way (like the 2012 Apocalypse or something similar)... this is what the government would do.. and they wouldn't tell anyone about whats going.. like they currently doing.

I'm just saying.. maybe there's something bigger to all this than we realize. Just something to think about my friends.. ;)

I mean, really.. just think about it. Have an open mind.

Totally agree i think the government is corrupted and i hate the fact that other people have the control over me, physically and mentally no, but in many ways yes.


Well-Known Member
When you cut facilities, slash jobs, abuse power, discriminate, drive people into deeper poverty and shoot people dead whilst refusing to provide answers or justice, the people will rise up and express their anger and frustration if you refuse to hear their cries. A riot is the language of the unheard." - Martin Luther King.


New Member
When you cut facilities, slash jobs, abuse power, discriminate, drive people into deeper poverty and shoot people dead whilst refusing to provide answers or justice, the people will rise up and express their anger and frustration if you refuse to hear their cries. A riot is the language of the unheard." - Martin Luther King.
Really have been thinking of getting a new tattoo and i was wondering what to get and now i think i might have one, that saying is so amazing to me it is anyway dont know about other people!!


Well-Known Member
Ya know, if the rioters had jobs to go to they wouldn't be out in the streets causing mayhem. The UK is in the same financial mess we are in. Cut backs in social welfare programs combined with no work and hungry, angry people is a recipe for disaster.


Well-Known Member
Really have been thinking of getting a new tattoo and i was wondering what to get and now i think i might have one, that saying is so amazing to me it is anyway dont know about other people!!
it is a good quote.there is so much truth in there!


Active Member
When you cut facilities, slash jobs, abuse power, discriminate, drive people into deeper poverty and shoot people dead whilst refusing to provide answers or justice, the people will rise up and express their anger and frustration if you refuse to hear their cries. A riot is the language of the unheard." - Martin Luther King.
So MLK thought rioting was a good thing? Just the "language of the unheard"?
Then I think MLK was a moron.

On another forum I'm on, someone said this: "Want a peaceful protest? Protest. When your protest wantonly damages personal and public property and endangers lives, it's not an illustration of how pissed you are, but how criminal you are."

I couldn't agree more and wish I was the one who said it.


these people aint the voice of our nation, these are kids with no respect for anything, there doing it because they can, go in hard and crack some skulls.


Well-Known Member
Crazy last night, I live in Clapham not far from where a lot of the rioting and looting happened. A bunch of us were out until 5am with first aid packs and bottles of water giving medical assistance to bystanders/residents that got caught up in the riots, a few others joined us by 1am we were 30 strong. It was really rewarding seeing the community come together in the face of violence. We were patching people up, rescuing eldery and women from the crowds, and helping scared people home. By 3am a St John's ambulance service had set up next to us took over first aid and we continued to help in other ways. Despite the apocalyptic madness I've never more proud of my community.


Active Member
Fair enough i totally agree but its the alcohol that don't help the situation it makes it worse cause people think the Rocky when the have had a skin full.
put it this way, if you were in a massive brawl and instead of getting drunk passing cans etc..... you were smoking joints or small pipes then im pretty sure some of them will calm down, dont get me wrong you can still do mad shit when ya dizzy, but alcohol is a lot worse in my eyes than cannabis.
yeh ur right weed is a lot better than drinking, drunk people cause more damage and mayhem than stonners i just hate people that blame been drunk for doing bad shite

razztafarai if only more people were like you if i new how to give you rep i would


Well-Known Member
When you cut facilities, slash jobs, abuse power, discriminate, drive people into deeper poverty and shoot people dead whilst refusing to provide answers or justice, the people will rise up and express their anger and frustration if you refuse to hear their cries. A riot is the language of the unheard." - Martin Luther King.
yeh these looting scum bags are really hard done to with all the facilities being cut
but they still get free health care, free dental treatment, there rent paid for them, there council tax paid
and spending money every week, and a state pension when they reach 65 for sitting on there fat arses