Unusually high number of male plants


New Member
hi folks, has anyone else noticed a higher number of male plants being grown in the last few months ? i mean that every plant i have grown in my last 3 grows have turned out to be males. i was growing some G13 X and they all turned out males, then i grew some more G13 X and some afghan x bigbud and they turned out males. now im growing white widow and white rhino and so far i have 1 definate male and 2 suspected males. is it something im doing wrong or is it just shitty seeds ?

i have been using a 125w cfl to start the seedlings off and then i use a 400w hps to continue the rest of veg and into flower. my temps are normally 79-84 deg F and the humidity stays between 30%-40%.

i dont start to feed them untill they need it at about 2-3 weeks into veg. i only water them when they need it and the soil is dry with the finger test.

i know there is a thread in here somewhere about seeds being of predetermined sex but is it true or does growing factors play a big part in the plants sex ?



New Member
where are the seedsfrom? and your temps are way too high also
hi fletch, my seeds are from nirvana this time round, the others were from a friend who bought them from another seed bank, not sure which.
i thought the temps were ok as long as they didnt go above 85 F.



Mr I Can Do That For Half
you wann be at around 74-78 unless your using regulated co2 injections and keeping the co2 ppm around 1500 ppm..You might have gotten some old stock.Did you get right from nirvana or middle seed seller?


New Member
hi fletch, they came from a seller ( everyonedoesit.com ), the date on the packet was august 2007. i take it this date is when they were packaged ? hope its not the use by date.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Hmm never had a date on any nirvan seed packs before.That might be a sell by date as usually smaller middle seed sellers buy seeds and they sit on the shelf as inventory.Then figure in that nirvana had them drying then packing then sitting waiting for sale so that adds time to the seeds..And they are Nirvana seeds not Nirvana Boutiqe seeds right


New Member
Hmm never had a date on any nirvan seed packs before.That might be a sell by date as usually smaller middle seed sellers buy seeds and they sit on the shelf as inventory.Then figure in that nirvana had them drying then packing then sitting waiting for sale so that adds time to the seeds..And they are Nirvana seeds not Nirvana Boutiqe seeds right
yea the packet has nirvana on the front, only 1 pack has a date on it, i'll get a pic in a few minutes for you to see what i mean. sorry it was september 2007 on the packet.


New Member
thats probably just when they were packaged,,,and i think ya temps are ok,,,i dont think thats the reason for the high number of males youve been gettin,,,you should try a different seller,,,i get mine from Cannabis Seeds & Marijuana Seeds Feminised theres a few other good uk sites too..peace
hi mrskitz, i dont think i will be getting seeds from them again. i will try another company though. dutch passion were recommended to me too. thanks for the info.



Well-Known Member
Hello Mrskitz.
I read on another site before I found rollitup, that while vegging you interrupt the dark cycle with one hour of light in the middle of the cycle. I did this and I am on day seven of sexing and I think all eight plants are female. May be just luck. I am a first time grower and by no means an expert, so don't take my word for it but that's what i did, and it seems to have worked/or I lucked out.
Hope this may help. My plants are too tall, think I am going to have to tie them back. Vegged to long.
Regards Afro. (Side show Bob).


Well-Known Member
Opps! I meant to reply to O2hustla. I got my seeds from everyonedoesit. I choose seadsman and they have worked a treat, they weren't as expensive as some other brands, plus they through in 5 purple haze for free. Can't be bad, unless they are all male. Be lucky from Afro


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I just looked at my nirvavan packs and not have dates on the package so that different but the packet is the same except the date. For me and how I have always been taught and shown seedlings and clone should have temps around 74-78 max and clones i keep the humidity around 70% and seedling about 45%...Im gonna say old seed bad seed stock for what you ordered or the higher temps stressing the young seedlings


Well-Known Member
bro tell me amout it.. i've had a succession of males in the last 4 months..All different strains though so i grew them out for pollen...should have some nice X's coming up :)


New Member
thanks for helping out afro, fletch and frosty, i might save some pollen for a future grow then because im pretty sure these are all males. ive just had another look with the loop and they all look the same as the widow male i have... its so fucking annoying that they all turn out males. i have 5 strains now ( total of approx 40 seeds ) so my next grow is going to be a mix 'n' match grow. the other strains i have ( nl x bigbud & nl x haze & afghan #1 x bigbud ) i got about a year ago so i'll see how they do after being stored.
thanks again guys.



New Member
ive grown from seed and have had amazing results at those temps bro.. every1 has different views on this but i believe ive read sumwhere that the optimal photosynthasis temp is 75f but anywhere between 75 and 85 is fine.. even peaks of upto 100 are also fine but most ppl will say (no way). aslong as the peak only lasts for a couple of hours your fine.. regarding your seeds it could just be that there wasnt any fems in the packet.. feminised is the way to go bro if you want a higher sucsess rate.. when ive bought them in past the most males i got in a packet was 2. have you still got seeds coz i can send you the ones you sent me if you want..


Well-Known Member
I had 4 out of 4 males couple months ago. They were just bagseed though so no biggy.

Also Afro, if you are seven days into sexing, I dont think you can tell quite yet which plants are male or female. I believe you are looking at the pistol. Both male and female have those. Wait till you see a hair coming out of that pistol to detirmine if its female or not.

Maybe they are all though. I sure hope so = )


Well-Known Member
I feel your pain man, all those male plants.

Statistically, when you flip a coin, it has a 50% chance of coming up heads, 50% tails. But if you flip the coin lots of times, you might get 10 heads in a row and no tails before it eventually evens out 50/50.

Same thing with MJ. It's just bad luck of the draw. We feel for ya,
don't give up, your luck with the ladies will come eventually.

It kind of makes you want to purchase feminized seeds, huh?! (If they weren't so pricey).