How to tell if seeds are useless?

I bought 5 seeds so I decided to try germinating 2 of them to grow. The instructions on the packet said to soak in water for 24 hours and then plant but I heard a lot of conflicting information so I went with the damp kitchen paper method and tried that for a few days but they didnt crack or anything but I planted them anyway in some All-Mix soil. I think theyve been planted for 5 days now and I'm not seeing any change. I know patience is the key to everything but I'd like to know when I will be able to tell if this was a failure or not. It feels like Ive messed up and I dont know what to do. I still have three seeds left though.

aoR Monday

Active Member
What I do is but them in a wet paper napkin and put in zip lock. Through it in a window seel and wait 3 days. They should be cracked and ready to plant. Another way it to through them in some distilled water and let sit in the water in a dark spot. Check alot to see if the seeds have cracked. If you try both of the above then your seeds where shit. BTW after you plant the sprouted seed. put the plant in a dark spot where it gets no light till you see it sprout. after it sprouts she's all yours. -Monday


Active Member
i plant straight to soil or grow medium... takes about a week to sprout. my experience, after you plant into medium just keep it moist and try to keep yourself from touching/disturbing it. if after a week with no sprout, then wait one day more and gently open up the medium to see if the seed needs to be re-seat. if the seed looks the same, then it's pretty much dead...


Well-Known Member
Get a Glass plate with 2x napkins on it... set the seeds on the napkins... COVER the seeds with 1 more napkin.. Wet the napkins but dont have the seeds fully submerged in water, mostly just surrounded by soaked napkin.. COVER THE PLATE WITH A 2nd GLASS PLATE. Keep the napkins wet cause after a day they will dry out.. after 3-5 days you should have big tap roots
What I do is but them in a wet paper napkin and put in zip lock. Through it in a window seel and wait 3 days. They should be cracked and ready to plant. Another way it to through them in some distilled water and let sit in the water in a dark spot. Check alot to see if the seeds have cracked. If you try both of the above then your seeds where shit. BTW after you plant the sprouted seed. put the plant in a dark spot where it gets no light till you see it sprout. after it sprouts she's all yours. -Monday
So the plant needs to be in the dark until it sprouts? Ive had my plant on a window sill since I planted it. and when I was trying to do the seed I kept it out of direct light.
i plant straight to soil or grow medium... takes about a week to sprout. my experience, after you plant into medium just keep it moist and try to keep yourself from touching/disturbing it. if after a week with no sprout, then wait one day more and gently open up the medium to see if the seed needs to be re-seat. if the seed looks the same, then it's pretty much dead...
Hi what do you mean by re-seat?


Well-Known Member
No.. I put my glass plates with the seeds in napkins under my t5 lights.. or in a window.. Doesnt need direct sun light but a little warmth seems to help.


New Member
Best way to tell if they're good is colour and giving them a slight squeeze. Best way I find to germ is putting them in a cup for 24 hrs then into paper towel. If they float in the cup at the end of 24 then they're probably no good. If you poke them and they sink or take a while to get back up to the top then they're more than likely good
Get a Glass plate with 2x napkins on it... set the seeds on the napkins... COVER the seeds with 1 more napkin.. Wet the napkins but dont have the seeds fully submerged in water, mostly just surrounded by soaked napkin.. COVER THE PLATE WITH A 2nd GLASS PLATE. Keep the napkins wet cause after a day they will dry out.. after 3-5 days you should have big tap roots
I dont have any glass plates are theyre any alternatives?


Active Member
Well if its in a dark container and the seed is under the soil ( where it should be) then the seed is in a dark place till it sprouts anyway? No? Germinating seems to have gotten mo and more complicated, its a seed... Pop it in the soil! Just my 2 pence.
Best way to tell if they're good is colour and giving them a slight squeeze. Best way I find to germ is putting them in a cup for 24 hrs then into paper towel. If they float in the cup at the end of 24 then they're probably no good. If you poke them and they sink or take a while to get back up to the top then they're more than likely good
After I had them in the paper towel I dropped them in water to see it they would sink and they did.


Active Member
Hi what do you mean by re-seat?
when planting it's optimal that the pointy part goes straight down the medium... if not or is somehow rotated inside, the stem and cotyledons will swirl around in the medium looking for a way to move up. if that's the case, then you re-seat it so the shoot can move up...


Well-Known Member
ok pretty much just do the paper towel method, but use a sealed tuppawear container instead of a ziplock , just easier to check em, get the towel damp, it doesnt need to be soaked , place it in the bottom of the tuppawear container put ur seeds evenly spaced on the towel and then place another damp towel on top of em, seal the container and set em away , shouldnt take much longer than 2-5 days


Well-Known Member
moist kitchen rolls in 2 pieces, keep 1 dry for later! wet the first and don't loose any seeds. sealed bag trick for 12 hours... job done :leaf: