What's Will All The Religion Hatred?


Well-Known Member
I mean if you don't believe in a religion fine, just leave that persons religion alone. What's the point of being a douche and shooting down there belief? What do you have to gain? All your doing is causing negativity in the forums so don't go posting bad things in other threads that have to do with something that has nothing to do with you. I'm a Christian and I don't go around saying your wrong for not believing in what I believe in so why tell me I'm wrong? If your so sure your right about what you believe if you believe in buddha, Jesus, muhammed, the sphaghetti monster it doesn't matter don't tell other people there wrong when nobody knows what happens after death or if life completely ends when you die. So I'm not sure if all you guys are gonna agree with me but I'm calling a truce between all religions and asking for peace and no more negative posts. So shall we commence peace?
im sorry but religion has had its fair share of unchallenged respect over the years and has desrved non of it .
as the evidence mounts up daily against religion , you should prepare yourself for ridicule , disrespect and a shit load of questioning .
^^^ ha I know, everyone is gonna call me dumb and stuff but hopefully some people hear me out and stop hating people based on religion.
This douchebag cant even answer the questions I posed to em on his own gay thread!

He claims to be the best debator, yet he waits for someone else to answer then he says the samething, but in idiot terms.

im sorry but religion has had its fair share of unchallenged respect over the years and has desrved non of it .
as the evidence mounts up daily against religion , you should prepare yourself for ridicule , disrespect and a shit load of questioning .
what evidence? You interpret it the way you want to.

You still havnt answered why there is religious practice and ceremonial burial evidences with australopethicus africanus ? Dont go and wiki it, lets see how smart you really are pussy!

im sorry but religion has had its fair share of unchallenged respect over the years and has desrved non of it .
as the evidence mounts up daily against religion , you should prepare yourself for ridicule , disrespect and a shit load of questioning .
Ive been trying this for some time already bro, the smart ones do understand, the douchebags like sativahi, well as you can see, there isnt much to be said about him.


^^^ ha I know, everyone is gonna call me dumb and stuff but hopefully some people hear me out and stop hating people based on religion.
you didn't need to start your post with an apology.

im sorry but religion has had its fair share of unchallenged respect over the years and has desrved non of it .
as the evidence mounts up daily against religion , you should prepare yourself for ridicule , disrespect and a shit load of questioning .
what evidence? You interpret it the way you want to.

You still havnt answered why there is religious practice and ceremonial burial evidences with australopethicus africanus ? Dont go and wiki it, lets see how smart you really are pussy!

what is it you would like me to acknowledge ? that from the begging of human life, humans have tryed to explain the unexplained with higher beings or gods ? yes of course they have , its an easy option when you dont have the scientific knowledge or know how to prove anything else .
What a dumbass. I forgot to get the app that tells you the mood of other posters.

I will be right back!

I also dont see why you complain bout anger, if you are the douche bag going on your fantasy rants on your other thred.. You fucking vagina!

why the name calling ? and hostility ? your very angry .
Equally So, Whats the Point of being a Religious Douche. Religion only gives NUT CASES their own excuse to do evil things. I would rather be agnostic talking shyt on religion than be religious Damning all others who do not fallow my god.
I mean if you don't believe in a religion fine, just leave that persons religion alone. What's the point of being a douche and shooting down there belief? What do you have to gain? All your doing is causing negativity in the forums so don't go posting bad things in other threads that have to do with something that has nothing to do with you. I'm a Christian and I don't go around saying your wrong for not believing in what I believe in so why tell me I'm wrong? If your so sure your right about what you believe if you believe in buddha, Jesus, muhammed, the sphaghetti monster it doesn't matter don't tell other people there wrong when nobody knows what happens after death or if life completely ends when you die. So I'm not sure if all you guys are gonna agree with me but I'm calling a truce between all religions and asking for peace and no more negative posts. So shall we commence peace?
yeah lets leave it to my thread then please , i dont mind you getting angry and calling me names in my thread, its a bit wrong to jump in on someone elses thread and be abusive about something in another thread .
who is damning others?

Equally So, Whats the Point of being a Religious Douche. Religion only gives NUT CASES their own excuse to do evil things. I would rather be agnostic talking shyt on religion than be religious Damning all others who do not fallow my god.
Ah, I see. Playing the victim card already..

To start, who was the second poster on here complaining about religion on thread to make peace with you all hatred driven atheists.

yeah lets leave it to my thread then please , i dont mind you getting angry and calling me names in my thread, its a bit wrong to jump in on someone elses thread and be abusive about something in another thread .
I mean if you don't believe in a religion fine, just leave that persons religion alone. What's the point of being a douche and shooting down there belief? What do you have to gain? All your doing is causing negativity in the forums so don't go posting bad things in other threads that have to do with something that has nothing to do with you. I'm a Christian and I don't go around saying your wrong for not believing in what I believe in so why tell me I'm wrong? If your so sure your right about what you believe if you believe in buddha, Jesus, muhammed, the sphaghetti monster it doesn't matter don't tell other people there wrong when nobody knows what happens after death or if life completely ends when you die. So I'm not sure if all you guys are gonna agree with me but I'm calling a truce between all religions and asking for peace and no more negative posts. So shall we commence peace?

Since It was the church in that labeled the natural medicines of europe as evil magic, and forced western medicine to evolve segregated from the knowledge of our ancestors, and it was religion that was the key tool to maintaining authority over the masses (serfs etc..), and many of us really heard that we were going to hell or "I'll pray for you" one to many times, I think there is a little to much animosity towards christianity specifically, and any organized religion for that matter,

And Budhism isnt necessarily a religion, Its a philosophy that has so many rituals and customs intertwined with it that it gets defined as a religion, however Budhism is the religion of choice for Atheists.
The MAJORITY bad shyt that happens on this planet, Besides Natural Disasters.. most of the Horrible shyt is caused by someones beliefs in thinking that Someone elses beliefs are wrong or perverse. WARS, Mass murders, Cults, all that is not needed.
who is damning others?
Equally So, Whats the Point of being a Religious Douche. Religion only gives NUT CASES their own excuse to do evil things. I would rather be agnostic talking shyt on religion than be religious Damning all others who do not fallow my god.

Can you give some examples of these religions that cause chaos in the world? The biggest religion in the world is christianity and it's wrong for them to kill. I do agree that man causes alot of destruction but it isn't religion that did that just man. also people who damn people to a bad place after life have no right in doing that, they have no idea what's gonna happen after death so it's impossible for them to tell you where your gonna go. Honestly your only looking at the negative sides of religion.
the thing that kills me is the op wants to have a peace between the christians and the non christians, but he goes and starts threads about the warrants of one or the other...
prove my god doesn't exist. ... what's all the relion-hatred.. etc, etc, etc.. it seems like the op needs to sit down and talk to the op about ending his own war with himself.. he / she is the one with the problem and is the only one that keeps starting these pointless threads that he / she knows are simply going to end in a large troll fest as he / she knows that no one is going to agree with him / her on his / her views on god or religion.
stop calling attention to yourself and your god, and guess what?? all of the so called hatred will end there.. keep starting threads asking people to prove your so called god, or asking them about their hatred, and guess what my brother or sister?? you're only going to get more hatred.. how can you not see that you're calling this upon yourself?? i think that you're at least that smart even though you believe in santa claus, err, god that is, but are just eating up this attention that you're getting yourself..