Embarrasing stuff about you??


Well-Known Member
lol i thought it would be funny to have a thread about embarrassing things about your body, or some one you know's body. To make it fair, ill start.

I have a skin condition on my neck that comes and goes, and its back with a vengence right now. Your turn.


Well-Known Member
hummm....damn, ill be supised if many people respond with honest answers......but giving that, im not that shy of a person, so the one bad thing about my body i'v always hated, i have a hairy ass, i think hairy ass's are gross, and well...i have one...o well...seems to be plenty of women out their that dont seem to care


New Member
I had erotic hypnosis sex with a duty manager once. Hottest sex ever, right in front of all the customers waiting in line too.


Well-Known Member
hummm....damn, ill be supised if many people respond with honest answers......but giving that, im not that shy of a person, so the one bad thing about my body i'v always hated, i have a hairy ass, i think hairy ass's are gross, and well...i have one...o well...seems to be plenty of women out their that dont seem to care
like, all up in the asscrack/taint area?


Well-Known Member
I`m not embarrased by this but I have a mole on my upper left ass cheek.

Its a flat mole or propably just a pigmentation but the problem is its not a round shape. Its got a very uneven shape and looks like 3 moles joined at a weird angle with one of them slightly faded.

Basicly, it looks like a piece of smeared dried up shit LOL I don`t have many moles either so people might get the wrong idea haha


Well-Known Member
i have a huge penis-

and can hold for hours!................wait, that's not embarrassing.


Well-Known Member
but i have to admit-

i'm sort of embarrassed for posting in this thread.

have fun!