My Cfl/MH 400 Watt Grow

there actually in flower now and one is starting to have lil buds...once there big enough for a detail pic i will get one and the reason there droopy is i had just sprayed the leaves down with some fresh wwater
Be careful. When you spray the leaves it will mess with their respiration. You should spray when the lights have just gone off or right before they go off. I know some may disagree, but read up on plant stomata for yourself if you find it controversial.
ok so im down to 3def fems and one not showing yet and i now have 9 new plants going for round 2
looking pretty good in there joco. i just got caught up on yr grow and its nice. i love the dyi intake/outake system lmao! i thought about doing the same thing and i have those same fans. congratts on the fems u have so far but it looks like yr in for a time with space. that stretch is gonna catch you off guard. subbed goodluck
thanks for stopping by now that im down to 4 plants i have a lot more room ill put pics up tomorrow
Ok so im gonna look for my mag glass so i can get some upclose shots of them white hairs that all4 of them have WOOP WOOP so gladno i hope they turn in to monsters LOL!!!!!!
Well i have already start my second dirt grow but this time i changed from Dr. Earth organic soil which is fantastic by the way to Pro-Mix w/ fungicide. I might switch newts from technaflora to advanced to see how it goes....not sure yet. keep trying to take pics of the white hairs but so far i cant seem to get any but im putting up four pics you can kinda see how the top is tightening up.
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Just another update. Everyone is good. Girls are steadily producing white hairs. I threw a couple bag seeds in to a cup of Pro-mix and forgot them and they sprouted!!! One of them is Black Widow and the other im not sure of. I topped one plant to keep them around the same height and threw the part i cut off in to a regular cup of tap water and it sprouted roots in about 3 or 4 days. So therefore i am trying it with another plant. I'll get some pics of the new plants in just a bit.
Be careful. When you spray the leaves it will mess with their respiration. You should spray when the lights have just gone off or right before they go off. I know some may disagree, but read up on plant stomata for yourself if you find it controversial.
I decided to stop spraying the leaves.
update! even though my camera sucks i will post the pics tomorrow they are really starting to pick up steam and looking like they've got some legitimate bud growing on them im gonna try to scare up a real camera so i can get a pick of all the white hairs