caught uncle snooping around guerallia grow

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
yea at least say wtf where you doing there...maybe a figure4 leglock if he gets mouthy. i would definatly move them if you can. and dont tell anyone anything next time. goodluck

cary schellie

Active Member
im thinking about putting a trail camera but hes kinda shook after I confronted him, or never know he may rip the trail camera, this guy is in the woods more than an indian


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the excellent ideas, i can probably move them since they are in buckets, it just sucks cause its such a good spot with nice morning sun. I felt bad because every year he grows seedy junk maybe hes just interested in seeing how to grow the right way. i hate helping people around here because when they do good they brag saying there #1, giving me no credit
That statement in bold is just there to stroke your ego. (No disrespect :) ) Do you really want your name out there as the one to go to? I wouldn't. I would be as much as a silent partner as possible. Think of it this way. Helping others will lead to them asking you questions that you may not have encountered or solved yet. Thus leading you to more research making you an even better grower. Not trying to talk shit or anything, just giving you a different point of view. ;) It's all about YOU growing the best quality buds that YOU can. And if you need to use helping others as a transport then go for it! :D

Good luck man.


Active Member
Start showing him how to grow like you. Make it a mutually beneficial situation without 'paying off'. He's family, he shouldn't be your enemy.

Threatening, beating, or otherwise injuring him, will only create more animosity and bring a ton of heat down on you.
This is the route I would go.

If you injure him, he may look for payback.


Well-Known Member
I mean no offense, but I don't understand why people tell others they are growing. I've had friends that did, next day all their plants were gone..and the people that ripped them off were supposedly friends.


Active Member
It's because they "trust" their friends. If you really like your friends .. you won't tell them.

They don't even have to touch your plants.. they can just tip off one of their other friends and they will jack you.
Next day they'll hit you up and smoke a blunt with and be like no .. I'm your boy.. I would never do that.
I know cus..I've done it...It's been done to me...and my friends have done it to other people.
Shady world.

cary schellie

Active Member
i mean if a close friend of family member told me they had a grow, i wouldnt even think about messing around there, i guess drugs mess up peoples minds. I didnt actually tell him he just kept grilling me for info


Active Member
Vietnamese claymore. Also good for bear or deer. Take a peice of wood, and put a nail tip about an 1/8 an inch through bottom piece. then tape a shotgun shell with firing pin directly on top of the tip of the nail. then take two thin branches and nail on both sides and put another peice of wood on top of the shell & branches. Someone steps on it, top peice of wood pushes the shell onto nail. Pow, leg is gone, maybe even death. Great against deer.:) free meat.


Active Member
Just move your shit, don't go back out there when he's around AT ALL. Don't even talk to him about it, and if it comes up again, you don't know what the fuck this crazy ass uncle of yours is babbling about.


Well-Known Member
It's because they "trust" their friends. If you really like your friends .. you won't tell them.

They don't even have to touch your plants.. they can just tip off one of their other friends and they will jack you.
Next day they'll hit you up and smoke a blunt with and be like no .. I'm your boy.. I would never do that.
I know cus..I've done it...It's been done to me...and my friends have done it to other people.
Shady world.
you're a weed thief?

not cool.


Well-Known Member
get a tent and camp out. if you can't, put the tent up, put a light in it so it looks like someone is there all night, and tell your uncle your camping out cause you think somone is gonna rip ya. Most thieves don't want to get caught, and won't chance it if they think it's being watched closely. I know a few growers here in Norcal that put up tents to look like someone is there but there's not really. Think about it, if you were sneaking up on a grow spot at night, and see a tent with a light on, are you gonna aproach it? not unless your packing and don't care about confrontation, and if your dealing with a crazy like that your better off letting them have it IMO. There ain't no weed worth prison or dying IMO.


Active Member
Your uncle? Damn what part of Pennsiltucky are you from man? Just let him threesome with you and sis next time you and her get it on. Your own fucking uncle huh? Wow.

Seriously though? Destroy them. The site is compromised, don't give those fuckers your weed, any of it, no deals.. Let this be a lesson to you man. Keep your mouth shut ,and say nothing. What was the point of mentioning the 6ft plants anyway? Vanity perhaps? Dumb pride? I'm coming off as a dick here, but some rules just can't be broken. Don't tell anybody. Good luck, but seriously...your own damn uncle?

edit- Oh and by the way, after i destroyed my plants I'd fucking beat the shit out of that uncle. If he's a bad-ass use a pipe or something. What you do is find a different reason to kick his ass. Don't ever mention to him that this ass beating is because he fucked your 2011grow. What it does though is;
1) you get the satisfaction of beating on his punk ass
2) He acquires a new fear of you. You won't have plants in the field for him to steal, or report, but in the future after this massive beat down, he'll think twice about meddling in your affairs. Make a message here man.


Active Member
Tell him you almost shoot him but luckly recognized him, and needs to be careful snoop'n around the woods.
Or you can break his legs and he wont be able to walk.


speak to him let him know u suspect him of snooping so u will know where to look if anything happens then move them without his knowledge an remember to stfu about ur grows when around him or others are about


Well-Known Member
There's either one of two ways you can do this.

Either work the problem out verbally and come to an agreement, maybe help him and give him info or something like these people were saying.
Or you can invest in a tent, a shotgun, and some patience and you're crop will be protected just fine
I'd camp out at the grow. Yes, I'd have a shotgun.

Let Uncle know that he's the ONLY person who's seen the garden.

If it disappears, so will his knees.