Seeds just sprouted


New to indoor grow.Seeds JUST sprouted this morning and i have a 55w replacing 200 w cfl.Is this light gonna be good for these new lil sprouters till they get a few weeks old? Not enough? Too much? Thanks

Green Life

Yeah thats good lighting, just keep the light about 3-5 inches away from the sprout, you don't want a long stem. Also, can you give me some more details on your grow set-up?


Honesty,i have no grow setup lol im considering a grow tent but for now they are just gonna sit on my dresser and i have a rigged tent i made out of bubble wrap until i make a choice on what im gonna do lol im very indecisive! But i have a nice size closet and the attic is right above it so that is most likely where my odor is gonna be directed.But i was worried bout them just sprouting and that size light tho i know u can never have to much light.but i dont want a long stem!

Green Life

Honesty,i have no grow setup lol im considering a grow tent but for now they are just gonna sit on my dresser and i have a rigged tent i made out of bubble wrap until i make a choice on what im gonna do lol im very indecisive! But i have a nice size closet and the attic is right above it so that is most likely where my odor is gonna be directed.But i was worried bout them just sprouting and that size light tho i know u can never have to much light.but i dont want a long stem!
KEEP the light close then, also.. thats not good my friend, I would suggest going and buying some timber and reading up on a DIY stealth grow build, or something fun.. I LOVE BUILDING things, so if your anything like me.. You will enjoy growing. Also if you don't have a ceiling fan, you need to get one or something a little smaller for you plants... They will die if they don't have something rein-acting the natures wind :D


And with cfls..because they dont give off much heat,is the basic concept the more light the better?


Well-Known Member
I just skimmed through your first grow, AMAZING! If you don't mind me asking, what strain was it? It looks like an indica strain..
thanks buddy, i appreciate the kind words greatly!
it's ICE from nirvana. its a hybrid 50/50 split. Does a pretty big yield from what i gather
so stay tuned and you'll find out with me. :)


Yea i hear ya bro...i wish it was always summer here cus my outdoor plant right now is so much easier to maintain! Lol


Well-Known Member
And with cfls..because they dont give off much heat,is the basic concept the more light the better?
more lumens etc the better. keep em close as what has been said. if you put your hand
right above your plant(s) and feel no heat your in the clear. (for the closeness of the light)

Green Life

thanks buddy, i appreciate the kind words greatly!
it's ICE from nirvana. its a hybrid 50/50 split. Does a pretty big yield from what i gather
so stay tuned and you'll find out with me. :)
I just started my first grow 8 days ago, today was its funeral day:\ I discovered it curled and and leaning over brown.. but this dosn't discourage me, I'm still going to grow!


I have a small fan blowing on them now but like i said i have a few weeks to figure out what i wanna do! And yes i love building shit,my babies deserve a nice home! Haha


Well-Known Member
I just started my first grow 8 days ago, today was its funeral day:\ I discovered it curled and and leaning over brown.. but this dosn't discourage me, I'm still going to grow!
that sucks balls! but it happens. sadly... :(
but you gotta keep at it, to learn is to do. Hands on training if you will. :)


Yes i know,VERY little light and my light is about 2 or 3 inches away but i would probably raise just a bit once i add more lighting in the next couple weeks....


Well-Known Member
just keep your lights, (cfl) 3 inches from the top of your plants.
raise it as they grow. keeps their stretch to a minimum and keeps em bushy.
kinda like mine. :)


Yea whats crazy is that i had to females and i transplanted in my garden 3 monthd ago_One was growing nice and the other was in shock.After a week or two the one doing good curled up her leaves and died outa no where! And the one that was in shock lookin like it was about to die is the one i have left that is growing beautifully!

Green Life

that sucks balls! but it happens. sadly... :(
but you gotta keep at it, to learn is to do. Hands on training if you will. :)
I need more seeds, but I cant order anything offline sadly. I just get bag seeds out of mid and then make cannabutter, I don't enjoy smoking anything less than Dank:D


Who me? I honestly am not sure..a buddy of mine has a friend that does cloning and had about 60 of them to get rid of so i bought 2... But he said its a cross breed of northern lights and haze lol sorry thats all i know..i just got into growing this year so i couldnt tell ya much but ill tell ya theres something about growing that i love !