Weed is Too Potent!! 3 days cured


Well-Known Member
i work on 8 mile close to van dyke, maybe after work one day we could meet up, i wanna see your finest, especially if u got 22 yrs of growen experience lol.. Do you know what im talken about when im sayen you get a Deeeeeeeeep High when you use UVB. it has a big effect on kush especially, those are the girls who like it rough in bed lol
I go to the Helping Hands CC on the Detroit side of VanDyke from time to time. Hey I'd luv too! got some Connie cured bout a week, it'll rep for me just fine.


Is it the kind of deep high where you feel crazy? Had some pretty cool trips with this kind of ride.

The key is knowing when you hit that deep high and then smoking a couple more.

Think why you think, ask why you ask. The mystery of perception is reality.
I'm on it right now. It's been 3am for 5 hours and im still looking at the clock


Active Member
Is it the kind of deep high where you feel crazy? Had some pretty cool trips with this kind of ride.

The key is knowing when you hit that deep high and then smoking a couple more.

Think why you think, ask why you ask. The mystery of perception is reality.
I'm on it right now. It's been 3am for 5 hours and im still looking at the clock
Had some stuff like that, fucking ripped me and gave me mad munchies. Looked at the clock it was 6:47pm. Went to the kitchen made a fat sandwich, got a drink, went back in my bedroom it was still 6:47pm! Fuuuckkkk..


Omg after reading this thread I'm begging to wonder were I've been all these years lol. I've only been tokin for about 6 years, and have not even come close to those experiences lol. I've only tried a few strains though such as OGK, Blue cheese, Jack herrer, GDP, white Rhino and Sensi Star. I actually decided to try my hand in a few babies they are looking pretty good even though I'm inexperienced haha.


Well-Known Member
i am a seasoned smoking. smoking since 13, im now 32. i have been having a very hard time achieving the highs i used to. i am on my first grow, and i seriously have not run out of anything in 4 years. (knock on wood!) maybe i need a t-break, but i can barely stay high that long at all anymore. i really wished i lived in your area. i would trade you 2:1 with anything i have on hand. i am seriously dying to feel what that is like. it maybe a while before it happens, but i am seriously looking for a UV light and going to have it on for 2-4 hrs a day in flowering. should this help me achieve this enlightenment i have been searching for for so long?! when i eat the cookies my boys girl makes, i get pretty tore the fuck back, but hardly for 5 hours. i usally fall asleep. until the day comes, i will be wondering....

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
man when i say Too Potent i mean it very Narcotic didnt think weed could be taken to this level, but im most likely gonna swap an o.z or 2 for a sativa dominant high. Cause with uvb you gotta remember its not just given you more frost and stank its maturing your frost and then u end up with the narcotic hard drug feeling wich is o.k and lasts longer, but im sure there will be withdraws from this shit too, ill smoke a half pound usually in 2 months to my self and quit cold turkey with some mild side effects, i usually handle alright. but with this shit i dont think ill fall asleep for 2 or 3 nights just something real different, i bet if i woulda did my uvb on the plants earlier woulda changed everything..


Well-Known Member
Smoked some Thai Stick in the late 1970's. Smoke two hits off a joint the size of a matchstick at noon, you're still high when you get up the next day. Impossible to smoke even half a regular joint by yourself. First time I smoked it, dude hands me this little tiny joint, five of us hit it one time each, and he puts it back in the bag. I thought, well if we want to get high, I'll have to roll one. I literally was unable to roll a joint. Those were the days!

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
I seriously just finished a raspberry cough grow not two months ago. smoked about two grams a day and never built a tolerance too it. Nothing narcotic like you are describing though. I still have one fem seed of her left. might have too pick up a uvb and try this out myself.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
What does a uv light do?
Don't know if any of you have heard about UVB lighting . They use them in reptile houses to provide the reptiles with their UVB fix
. Anyway studies show that the (Δ9- tetrahydrocannabinol) in the trichomes on a cannabis plant abosrbs the harmful UVB rays to protect the plant . So the more UVB rays you fire at a plant the More THC it will produce to protect itself .

HPS lights don't produce any UVB at all
Green house glass is engineered to filter out UVB
Metal Halide lamps produce ALOT of UVB but it gets filtered out by the glass that the bulb is made off .

However , you can buy the specially made reptile lights from pet stores ( They're long fluro looking tubes ) . These produce alot of UVB and it doesn't get filtered out .

UVB is the reason why weed grown in Afghanistan can be very potent . Thanks to "Global Warming" wev'e now got holes in the ozone layer above afghanistan and Holland , these holes let more UVB rays penatrate so the plants in these areas go into THC production overdrive to stop themselves burning up .

Heres a link explaining it in a little more detail http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPcpt3Be28o

Also two brothers both grew clones of the same plant , in exactly the same conditions apart from one brother had a Reptile UVB light in his growroom . Anyway at the end of the grows the UVB plant had 20% more THC on its main cola and other areas around the top of the plant .

The main problem with reptile lights is the penetration , they run at low wattages (25-48 watts) . And can only pentetrate a few inches (4-6) . However they are cheap about £20 for a 10% producing UVB light . If you had the money and wanted to splash out you could pick up a skin treatment UVB lamp for £400
these things run at 300-400 watts and really pump out UVB .

Basicly what im saying is if you drop your humidity and slam on the UVB rays when the plant is mid flower your going to get some beasty THC production .

*I copied this from somewhere else I did not write it but seems to explain it well*

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
i got a few seeds from my rasberry cough too, they herm a lil you gotta chop the male flowers off at 3 weeks in i guess i missed one no big deal only a few seeds, it's a more up high then my indicas, but then fades to a narco stone thats cause i used uvb late into flowering, and this is what you don't wanna do. follow nature uvb is more intense in the summer and early fall, and people who veg. with uvb say where they uv'd in early veg those branch buds were more potent. so that might help the peneration problems people are having with uvb, and late fall has barely any uvb, so follow nature the best you can, for the best results, we can never beat the sun its changing spectrums and varing uvb effects. when you hit a plant with a strong uvb light you never know whats gonna happen lol


Well-Known Member
i vegged 6 plants for 16 weeks 2 master.k 2 rasberry. c and 2 ak48s slowly trimmed the tops so they didnt outgrow my tent, when i finnaly got my flower tent ready for em i flowerd for 9 weeks under hps. then at almost 2 weeks left i switched to M.H and used too 60 watt mega ray uvb zoo lamps on all the plants at close range rearranging them daily gave em darkness for 3 days then chopped, some parts of the high are overwhelming lasting 5 hrs i didnt get that happy high. its just too strong herion like... i think i outdid myself.. i hope a cure will change things, whos ever smoked weed that certain parts of the high lasted 5 hrs?
10oz, 6 plants with a 16 week veg. Take it you were totally dissapointed with the yield. Thats just over 1.5oz per plant. You could get that doing 12/12 from seed and have them ready to smoke in 12 weeks max. Just saying

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
i finnaly started off legally lol o.k with 2 tents a veg and bloom and 12 plant limit, so i grew from seed 4 m.k 4 r.c and 4 ak48 i vegged and flowerd half normal time, then popped the super veg. ones in 2nd so it was a one time expirement im workin on keeping my temps below 80f with a 1000 watt this week, with another fan, so my yeilds will stay at a pound or better, i use one ufo from seed then fire up the 2nd ufo once there 4 weeks old so veg aint shit but $5 to $10 a month in electric, bottom 2 ft of the plants pure stem then all bushy great air circulation, my stems were like half dollors, lol and yes when i get home from work ill snap pix