Worst thing to happen to you while you were stoned???


Active Member
i walked onto a movie set(welcome to collinwood) once on accident and had to explain to the cops why i did it for like 20 minutes cause i had no reason i was just high n wasnt paying attention


Well-Known Member
I was around 16, my buddy and I just got done smoking a bowl in a parking lot inside his car. Once we were finished, we drove off, he was driving and I was in the passanger's seat. He had a 20oz Sprite bottle about half filled with Vodka in the cup holder between the seats as well. Anyways, we made it about 6 blocks away from where we were hot boxing until an oncoming car came. My buddy thought he had his brights on for some reason, so flashed his lights which ended up turning the brights on for real, and then he had to hurry up and flash them again to turn the dims back on. Turns out the oncoming car was a cop (it was dark out). The cop made an immediate 180 and pulled us over and asked why my buddy flashed him. I'm sweating bullets because we never rolled down the window during, or after we smoked. Not to mention the Vodka in the Sprit bottle. My buddy starts studdering and shit because he was scared shitless. In the mean time, there's also a cop on my side of the car shining his light inside the car looking for shit. After a few seconds my buddy explained that it was an accident. Both cops went back to their car for a few minutes, and came back and told us we're good to go, and to be more careful next time.

Needless to say; I count my blessings to this day and it's been 11 years since it happened. I laugh about it now, and cannot believe how lucky we were.


Active Member
I also crashed like 2 cars, stoned...I don't blame the weed, cause there's rarely a time i'm NOT high, but yeah...

And I found out my girl(ex) was cheating on me with her ex husband while I was high ON MY BIRTHDAY at the Olive Garden like 3 years ago...Cheating bitch bought me a bong, then I left her!

All three of those things were pretty shitty, but the falling on my face was definately the most embarassing.
At the olive garden! lmao shitty but really funny.lol


Active Member
Hit the nitrous tank till I passed out, woke up flat on my face with the skin rubbed off my nose and blood coming out my mouth...lol...the girl I was with thought I was dead, even though I was only out for like 4 seconds...
I didnt mean nitrous lol.but i got a good 1.the first time i huffed nitrous was my friend brought me a hefty cinch sack while i was out front of the school I put the bag over my head and pulled the drawstrings and fell over hit my head on the statue out front and was awaken by my asshole principle kickn me in the ribs telling me I seen the whole thing (It was right in front of his window lol) and when I came back to earth.he told me "why dont you just drop out? your worthless" I got up,punched him in his jaw and walked away and never went back to school.


Active Member
Was in a mates flat.

Long story short , phoned a taxi to go home. Eventually the taxi gives me a ring back , so i get ready to jump down to get the taxi , I open the guys front door only to see a wall of black.

At first I thought I was tripping , so for some reason I shut the door and opened it again , no idea what I thought that would do.

After the second look I realised that it was smoke, at which point I told my mate , who went running into his grow room like a mad man thinking i was talking about his room. Then after he calmed down and we realised it wasnt coming from his flat.

This resulted in us having to run down loads of stairs threw the thickest blackest smoke I have ever seen in my life. We got at the bottem to find out that someone had piled loads of stuff outside one of his neibours doors and set it on fire (guy must have pissed someone off).

To top it all off I had a few oz I had picked up while I was there and just as we got in the taxi and got just round the corner , police /fire department start to show up. Like something out of a movie the way the timing was.

Needless to say when I got home I smoked a shit load to unstress , and thought about how much of a new respect i have for fire men.

Honestly trying to run down flights of stairs in pitch black smoke high as a kite aint fun , never mind I had a few oz on me.

Wasnt how I pictured that night ending.

Still can't believe the coincidence in timing , if it wasn't for the taxi showing up when it did , we would have been sitting in that flat like right dicks without a clue what was going on below us.