• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Let's Debate


Well-Known Member
well you have your understanding and i have my own. I respect your understanding, but since the OP said he would answer and debate anyone, well i thought he would be wise enough to answer my questions...

it is what it is

why would they be assumptions? Scientists' have supposedly found the point where the universe began or originated...

Maybe he hasn't answered because you are assuming an answer in your question. Why do you think we were 'selected' for this planet and solar system? What does the color of the sun have to do with anything? Why weren't you born thousands of years in the future? Your questions are meaningless because they don't have any real answers unless you make certain assumptions. Why can't things be just the way they are because that's the way they are?


Well-Known Member
ok smart ass, why or how were we selected to be put on this specific planet?

You are assuming we were selected to be here, when it's possible we are here randomly for no particular reason.

why this solar system? Why this sun?

Why not? What do you see as special about this sun? There are estimated to be about 22 planets the same distance from their sun in the milky way alone. The evidence suggests that the conditions of our planet are not unique.

Why was the sun the center of the solar system?

Because all solar systems have a sun? Our sun is nothing special or different.

Why is the sun the color it is, not something different?

Because your eyes interpret it as that color. Explain why color matters? If our sun was pink, would you still be insinuating that it's special? If so, then it doesn't seem to matter which color it is.

why were you not born hundreds if not thousands if not millions of years ago??

Because our parents had sex in recent times.


Well-Known Member
if god were really real he/she would be like some marijuana plants, a hermaphrodite but the balls would be way bigger and there'd be 4 boobies


Well-Known Member

Because your eyes interpret it as that color. Explain why color matters? If our sun was pink, would you still be insinuating that it's special? If so, then it doesn't seem to matter which color it is.
I know of a certain Kryptonian who would disagree with you.

Charlie Who?

Active Member
Yep, so much easier to dismiss a dissenter as a fool rather than give actual answers that will show the weakness in your argument. You are so typical of the religionist, instead of actual debate and defending your position, you resort to a simple ad hominem attack. Seems to me that you are acting the part of the pig in the parable.
Bullshit. Read my first reply.

This "debate" CANNOT be "won". There is NO "proof" for either position.



Well-Known Member
Bullshit. Read my first reply.

This "debate" CANNOT be "won". There is NO "proof" for either position.

The burden of proof falls to the party making the claim, otherwise we favor the null hypothesis. This is the standard which we apply to all reality. Your assertion that atheists need to provide proof to support being unconvinced by the theists argument is silly. If you are told a unicorn lives in the middle of the sun, and given no proof or any solid supporting evidence, are you now burdened with providing proof that the unicorn isn't there?

Your position that atheists have no proof and waste your time is a convenient excuse for avoiding the discomfort of thoughts which conflict with your belief, but is not grounded in logic.

"That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence."
— Christopher Hitchens

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
only the person /persons claiming 'something', needs to prove its true .
one position is claiming they believe in a god that exists , the other position is saying they dont , believe in that god and dont believe it exists .
the burdon on proof has to be on the person claiming something to be true .

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
im still waiting for the OP's reply to my questions...

your questions are plain silly and even if i couldnt answer them , wich i have done and so has another person , it still does not prove your god exists , ...........its silly that you think if you could come up with a few questions that are hard to answer that it somehow justifys to you your beliefs are true .
my question to you is .......'what is it, that completey justifies to you that your beliefs are true , what is it that makes you think there is a god ?

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
i would have alot more respect for religious people if they held up there hands and said' look , im following this religion blindly , i know theres no evidence that the god exists , but im choising to follow the religion even though i know theres nothing to prove to me its real ' i would allso respect religion alot more if they left children out of it , why cant religion be a choice we take when we are 18 or 21 , why do school children have to be indoctrinated with religion ?...............my 7 year old daughter is coming home from school daily with storys from the bible , confused and somewhat disturbed by the storys , she asked me the other day , what happens if theres another great flood ? , i try to bite my tounge as i dont want my daughter to go back to school shouting 'its all bullshit' , she would probally get into trouble or be picked on by the other kids .


Well-Known Member
i would have alot more respect for religious people if they held up there hands and said' look , im following this religion blindly , i know theres no evidence that the god exists , but im choising to follow the religion even though i know theres nothing to prove to me its real ' i would allso respect religion alot more if they left children out of it , why cant religion be a choice we take when we are 18 or 21 , why do school children have to be indoctrinated with religion ?...............my 7 year old daughter is coming home from school daily with storys from the bible , confused and somewhat disturbed by the storys , she asked me the other day , what happens if theres another great flood ? , i try to bite my tounge as i dont want my daughter to go back to school shouting 'its all bullshit' , she would probally get into trouble or be picked on by the other kids .
Children learn better than adults. The sheer amount of mythology in existence would be quite difficult to absorb for an adult. This is the same reason we teach children math, literature, and science.

If your child is learning stories from the bible in school, and being taught it as fact rather than as mythology, then that's illegal and you should bring it up with the school. More than likely, they are not doing this. In fact, schools aren't allowed to be teaching stories from the bible at all, and teachers are usually liberal, so it's far more likely that you are making shit up to fit your point.

Perhaps it's a parent's job to teach their kids to tell the difference between facts and fables. Are you upset when your daughter comes home wondering what ever happened to babe the blue ox, or talking about George Washington cutting down a cherry tree? Or the fact that there was most likely never a real boy that cried wolf and then got eaten when the townspeople had enough of his shit? If your daughter went to school and said that her father told her that the story of the great flood didn't actually happen, and was just a story to try to teach a lesson, she would not get in trouble, and the teacher would most likely agree with her. That is unless, of course, you are sending your child to Catholic school, in which case you have no room to complain as that was your choice.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
Thanks. Me, too.
I completely agree---I wasnt discounting the Male half. Not by any means! I was trying to introduce the concept of the Female half into this discussion where God has been consistantly referred to as "He". It seems easiest for folks to automatically use the "He/Him" and never even consider the possibility of a "She/Her".

Actually, I dont see why the Creator should have any gender at all. In fact, perhaps where people went wrong about God was in the assumption God is a Being. Perhaps God isnt a noun, but a Verb. God Happens. The manifestation of that Happenning is all of Nature and the physical (and non-physical) Universe. The Manifestor not a Being, but Consciousness, ITself.



you chat a hella lot of poo poo

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
Children learn better than adults. The sheer amount of mythology in existence would be quite difficult to absorb for an adult. This is the same reason we teach children math, literature, and science.

If your child is learning stories from the bible in school, and being taught it as fact rather than as mythology, then that's illegal and you should bring it up with the school. More than likely, they are not doing this. In fact, schools aren't allowed to be teaching stories from the bible at all, and teachers are usually liberal, so it's far more likely that you are making shit up to fit your point.

Perhaps it's a parent's job to teach their kids to tell the difference between facts and fables. Are you upset when your daughter comes home wondering what ever happened to babe the blue ox, or talking about George Washington cutting down a cherry tree? Or the fact that there was most likely never a real boy that cried wolf and then got eaten when the townspeople had enough of his shit? If your daughter went to school and said that her father told her that the story of the great flood didn't actually happen, and was just a story to try to teach a lesson, she would not get in trouble, and the teacher would most likely agree with her. That is unless, of course, you are sending your child to Catholic school, in which case you have no room to complain as that was your choice.

that is true, i figured out massive flaws in religion ,when i was sat , croos legged , hands together , eyes closed in assembly at 5 years old .so yes i do believe children figure things out quickly .

well i dont know every teacher i had at school was religious and would quote religious things in most classes .

george washington and blue ox dont get taught in English schools .

my daughter is in a normal primary school in england there is no such thing as a non religious school in England , all schools teach religious education ,( unless parents alienate there children and opt them out ) .
i think every school in britain sings songs of praise .
i was never given any choice in wether to listen to bible storys or sing songs of praise ,or say the lords prayer before dinner .


Well-Known Member
how do i know what you are saying is true or not?

how do i know if you are a real person?

Then why werent we put on some other solar system with this supposed "goldie lox" zone?

yes, just like you use possible, then why is what i said not possible and only yours are possible?

you only try to find flaws in what i say when the same flaws can be said for what you are saying, just like everything that has been said on here.

ok smart ass, why or how were we selected to be put on this specific planet?

You are assuming we were selected to be here, when it's possible we are here randomly for no particular reason.

why this solar system? Why this sun?

Why not? What do you see as special about this sun? There are estimated to be about 22 planets the same distance from their sun in the milky way alone. The evidence suggests that the conditions of our planet are not unique.

Why was the sun the center of the solar system?

Because all solar systems have a sun? Our sun is nothing special or different.

Why is the sun the color it is, not something different?

Because your eyes interpret it as that color. Explain why color matters? If our sun was pink, would you still be insinuating that it's special? If so, then it doesn't seem to matter which color it is.

why were you not born hundreds if not thousands if not millions of years ago??

Because our parents had sex in recent times.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
you know what reallly makes me chuckle about this amazing thread , is that the dimwits commenting are more pissed off with the fact i claimed to be the best debator lol ' fuck it i dont want to think about my beliefs or wether my god exists , i just want this bastard to die cause he said he was a wizard at debating ' loooooooool funny shit .


Well-Known Member
do you mean gandolf?

you know what reallly makes me chuckle about this amazing thread , is that the dimwits commenting are more pissed off with the fact i claimed to be the best debator lol ' fuck it i dont want to think about my beliefs or wether my god exists , i just want this bastard to die cause he said he was a wizard at debating ' loooooooool funny shit .


Well-Known Member
so you cant respond to those questions previously mentioned?

you know what reallly makes me chuckle about this amazing thread , is that the dimwits commenting are more pissed off with the fact i claimed to be the best debator lol ' fuck it i dont want to think about my beliefs or wether my god exists , i just want this bastard to die cause he said he was a wizard at debating ' loooooooool funny shit .

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
how do i know what you are saying is true or not?

how do i know if you are a real person?

Then why werent we put on some other solar system with this supposed "goldie lox" zone?

yes, just like you use possible, then why is what i said not possible and only yours are possible?

you only try to find flaws in what i say when the same flaws can be said for what you are saying, just like everything that has been said on here.

your questions are pointless ..............ok for arguments sake , let me say ' i dont know' for all your questions ..............what then ? you think if you come up with a question, i cant answer( wich i can easily btw ) you have somehow proved your beliefs are true ? you are still in the same position of believing something with no rational evidence .
you are yet to prove anything , you are clinging on a tiny belief that you can come up with a question that cant be answerd , and that will somehow cement your belief in something .
what is it to you that proves to yourself that your beliefs are true ? or do you just not care wether they are true por not ?

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
its like banging your head against a wall , debating wid christian folk , they have been indoctrinated since birth , its like telling a muslim suicide bomber 'you aint really gonna get virgins dude or everyone in your country would be dead right now ' he just dosent care about what you think , what has been tourted into his brain is stuck there , if only people would start again , scratch all the bullshit they have been orderd to believe , and think for themselves .
i honestly believe we are slowly getting there , in all my time of debating with religious folk on tinternet , ive only ever had one guy admit ( in prvt message ) that i had made him really think and reconsider his beliefs , but that is enougfh for me to carry on .i cant let the dirty religious belief system fester in our children its wicked and hatefull and human society should discard religious nonsense once and for all , i hope there is a world war 3 , i hope that humans get to the point where we have to have a massive war to start all over again without religion , i know lifes will be lost but i think its vital for humans to continue to exist .

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
it seems to me we are again in a time when humans need instruction , to keep civil rest , last time it happend humans invented religion to calm the people , 'give them something to head towards' , now we are brighter and will no longer accept religious lies , the world is at a brewing point , religion is no longer holding things together , i dont know what the answer to the problems are , i just know people no longer accept religion as the saviour, its been promising to much for to long .