Dr.Amber Trichome: Super Lemon Haze and Snow White Fingerez Scrog Style


New Member
fab, dear fab.. my old dear friend.. shit its been ages.. we've been through so much together. day 1 riu.. were kinda like bud brothas..haha.. so fuck if i know what page the harvest is on. hhahaha. and im too wasted to even give a fuck ..lol.. im ready for another harvest fabby.. so tune in to my new journal baby.. cuz everyone else is too scared to...lmfao
i remember hun people were hating on the tron
you sure showed them
look forward to new journal
one day i might post a grow here instead of just harvest threads
i usually show the plants then slaughter them minute later and post their body parts
thats my grow journals

kevin murphy

New Member
mornin amber hun hows things ,,have u been on great hikes recently..hope the garden growing well and ur still makin ya porn hahaha stay safe..peace..tried my first lst think i did it rite lol..there on page 703 hun..

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I came on here looking for porn, all i see is chitchat and random bollocks. Get ya game together Doc :) and don't say the previouss page, i want porn on this page, a one-click stop.


New Member
chit chat chit chat oh bollocks bollocks
maybe that will motivate her
but right now she is supposed to be climbing a mountain
so we have to wait

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Climbing a mountain you say, Last time i was climbing about a mountain range i got fed up of the wind so dumped my stuff let everyone else wander on and pitched camp and got some hot tea on the go. They need to put incentives at the peaks, like a stash jar, or a single hand glider. Who knows.


New Member
Climbing a mountain you say, Last time i was climbing about a mountain range i got fed up of the wind so dumped my stuff let everyone else wander on and pitched camp and got some hot tea on the go. They need to put incentives at the peaks, like a stash jar, or a single hand glider. Who knows.
i know i need a better reason then because it was there
well it will still be there even if i climb it or dont
i would rather just let others do it and share pictures
hope amber takes some then thats one less mountain i have to think about climbing


New Member
yall suckthen, no sence of adventure.
sure we do but we chose to do it vicariously and let amber climb mountains and then post the pics and then we can go awww wish i could do that
im to old to climb mountains anymore
let the youngsters do it for me


Well-Known Member
i know i need a better reason then because it was there
well it will still be there even if i climb it or dont
i would rather just let others do it and share pictures
hope amber takes some then thats one less mountain i have to think about climbing
46 ain't old. and i know exactly what u should do, whatver the fuck u can. u dont need a mountain. but the way you said that ^ you sound like a lazy fat man.
i gues you dont get no pussy either, bc why do it when u can look at porn right? lame-O


New Member
46 ain't old. and i know exactly what u should do, whatver the fuck u can. u dont need a mountain. but the way you said that ^ you sound like a lazy fat man.
i gues you dont get no pussy either, bc why do it when u can look at porn right? lame-O

ok fuck head i been nice here for a few days but always some asshole comes along usually one of my trolls
fuck u punk


New Member
i m skinny and work manual labor and weigh 145 and could work your punk ass in dirt
so your assumptions are wrong as you are too


New Member
sorry amber that everytime i post on a friends thread some asshole comes along and makes me out to be trouble
it is reason why i have avoided posted


New Member
your fluster'd man.
no u are just a retard
answer this why do u go on a forum just to start shit do u have no life ?
i know u have the internet cant find good porn site?
wht is your reason for posting nonsense
i didnt stutter so why say flustered
r u gay and just love me ?
sorry but no thanks


Well-Known Member
ight lame ass....... you must be the fagget cuz noone ever said anythin bou gay shit, i dont think a 46 year old man would respond like u unless he WAS gay.. so wtf gay man?