Worst thing to happen to you while you were stoned???


Active Member
Just curious to see what Is the worst thing to happen to you while you were high.Cops kick your door in? caught your spouse cheating? drive into a lake? Or like me got caught having sex in my car and didnt know the cop was right there til he knocked on the window with a flashlight.Talk about a buzz kill!


Well-Known Member
Just curious to see what Is the worst thing to happen to you while you were high.Cops kick your door in? caught your spouse cheating? drive into a lake? Or like me got caught having sex in my car and didnt know the cop was right there til he knocked on the window with a flashlight.Talk about a buzz kill!
haha that is shitty idk i got really high and paranoid one time and fell over thought my friend pushed me and chased him through a johnny rockets we ran out the other door and almost both got hit by a truck haha

cary schellie

Active Member
haha that is shitty idk i got really high and paranoid one time and fell over thought my friend pushed me and chased him through a johnny rockets we ran out the other door and almost both got hit by a truck haha

u muther fucker when i read that shit i spit out my kool aid all over my lap top. funny shit


Well-Known Member
lol we were kids in high school man we did alot of dumb shit and got away with it especially stoned man.

i remember one time we were freshman in high school so we arent supposed to leave campus for lunch.....anyway we go off campus to smoke a bowl lol and decide we want taco bell. we walk there eat our food and making our way back a cop pulls up next to us....he says hey you guys going to the high school you want a ride? we were like sure man thanks hahaha so fucking stupid we all got truancy tickets haha feel like such a dumb ass man hahaha


Active Member
lol we were kids in high school man we did alot of dumb shit and got away with it especially stoned man.

i remember one time we were freshman in high school so we arent supposed to leave campus for lunch.....anyway we go off campus to smoke a bowl lol and decide we want taco bell. we walk there eat our food and making our way back a cop pulls up next to us....he says hey you guys going to the high school you want a ride? we were like sure man thanks hahaha so fucking stupid we all got truancy tickets haha feel like such a dumb ass man hahaha
lmao! live and learn brother


Well-Known Member
Hit the nitrous tank till I passed out, woke up flat on my face with the skin rubbed off my nose and blood coming out my mouth...lol...the girl I was with thought I was dead, even though I was only out for like 4 seconds...


Well-Known Member
lmao! live and learn brother
dude thinking about this shit i have so many stoned shitty situation stories lol

hotboxing the dispensary literally 8 blunts going at once in like 800 sq ft. and the landlord rings the bell rur row (scooby doo voice) lol

similar to above except its a narcotics cop who was interested in the medical cannabis laws and wanted to ask the owner (yours truly) about them...great haha


dont know about the worse moment but think telling my dad i shagged his wife a week before an after they got married didnt go down 2 well


Well-Known Member
I also crashed like 2 cars, stoned...I don't blame the weed, cause there's rarely a time i'm NOT high, but yeah...

And I found out my girl(ex) was cheating on me with her ex husband while I was high ON MY BIRTHDAY at the Olive Garden like 3 years ago...Cheating bitch bought me a bong, then I left her!

All three of those things were pretty shitty, but the falling on my face was definately the most embarassing.


i remember the first time my friend got stoned ..... it was on my 18th birthday. I took some vicodens and they were just kicking in. My friend was blizted and started to get the munchies. and low and behold there was a bowl on the coffee table. So he grabbed the bowl and started chewing. I just started laughing and couldnt stop laughing then everyone else was cracking up to. Then he realized it was potpourri he was eating. LOL. he thought they were chips. it still makes me laugh to this day. you had to be there.


was wrecked an got the call dad was at sisters after his ex booted him out so i went round had a chat an trying 2 make him see she wasnt worth his time i just came out with it something along the lines of dad she was a shit shag anyway so fuck her his face dropped an we never have mentioned it again hoped i helped him at tht time as i love him 2 bits


Well-Known Member
well i moved into my first place last year with 2 other guys one of them was my friend and the other was the owner of the house. i was renting a room i lived their for a total of 5 days.the owner has a history of drug dealing but i didn't really care as long as the rent was cheap lol.well anyway i came home from work one day i took a couple shots of tequila and smoked a couple blunts my roomates were sitting in my room while i was rolling a blunt. we heard someone pull up to the house and my friend looked out the window and yelled cops well 2 seconds later an explosion goes off in my backyard (the cops had thrown a flashbang) and my door gets knocked down and an entire swat team runs in my house they even had a fucking riot shield. well they put us in handcuffs and searched my house the only thing they found was the weed in my room and a little bit of cocaine in my roommates room all i got was a $100 dollar ticket for the weed .the cops thought they were going to find huge amounts of drugs but didnt find anything. the owner of the house was arrested for the cocaine and me and my friend were let go with a slap on the wrist i moved out that night after the cops had destroyed my room. that night sucked but that was diffidently the craziest experience i had when i was stoned.


Well-Known Member
was wrecked an got the call dad was at sisters after his ex booted him out so i went round had a chat an trying 2 make him see she wasnt worth his time i just came out with it something along the lines of dad she was a shit shag anyway so fuck her his face dropped an we never have mentioned it again hoped i helped him at tht time as i love him 2 bits
Pics or it didn't happen ;)


Well-Known Member
was wrecked an got the call dad was at sisters after his ex booted him out so i went round had a chat an trying 2 make him see she wasnt worth his time i just came out with it something along the lines of dad she was a shit shag anyway so fuck her his face dropped an we never have mentioned it again hoped i helped him at tht time as i love him 2 bits
fucking priceless


Well-Known Member
Dude, I vote you shag her again...couldn't hurt, right? Haha...I wasn;t challenging you, just being funny ;)