Well-Known Member
one word: jealousy
got my vote!they are headed toward an economic crash soon. They are "new money" in the scheme of the world. They are spending it too fast on things that dont matter. Just because they are super powerful as in rich doesnt mean if we decided to go to war we would smash them. Honestly i think that is what we need if we went to war it would jump start american industry again we would stop out sourcing to china and make more jobs get our economy back on track. Dumb dumb bush didnt figure that out he thought starting a war like ww1 or ww2 would boost economy but back then it did because americans made everything now we import and out source labor so that only the upper 1% makes the profits when working class americans (not me by the way lol) go without jobs to a bunch of 4 year olds in a sweatshop in china. (funny note spell check didnt red line "sweatshop" kinda sad) anyway a war with them would 1 put those fuckers in their place and 2 fix our economy 3. Wipe out 2/3 of our debt haha i should be president![]()
I recently made a trip to England and I when I told people I was from America, they seemed to look at me differently. It wasn't until later that I found out that a lot of people in England dont like Americans, but I couldnt understand why?
I mean, we were their allies in both the Afgan and Iraq wars our governments have good relations with each other.
When I got back home, I was told it is more of a jealousy thing, like how we are the most powerful nation in the world and they want to be or something.
Anyone that isnt an American care to explain your views on us as a nation?
I love America and I think it is a great country, we help out a lot of nations with aid and such, I just dont understand.
HAHAHAHA Why does everyone hate america? well look at yajk. im from canada but from what i get its because people think your gun toten cowboys who love war haha. next time say your from canada, theyll let you move in and serve you a nice plate of fish and chips lol
HAHAHAHA Why does everyone hate america? well look at yajk. im from canada but from what i get its because people think your gun toten cowboys who love war haha. next time say your from canada, theyll let you move in and serve you a nice plate of fish and chips lol
everyone else from another country can kiss my AMerican ass! I could care less about individuals from other countries, i know back home where they are from, they are full of greed and jealousy towards us Americans' and would try to harm us in a heart beat...
thats why i dont travel anywhere if aint in the US... I know everywhere else in the world we are prime targets to everyone... they know they will get a good ransom for some Americans...
yep so stay away from bangkok! largest damn kidnap ring in the world there!![]()
besides kidnapping, STD's bro!!!!
yep so stay away from bangkok! largest damn kidnap ring in the world there!![]()
That shit was funny!! lol
everyone else from another country can kiss my AMerican ass! I could care less about individuals from other countries, i know back home where they are from, they are full of greed and jealousy towards us Americans' and would try to harm us in a heart beat...
thats why i dont travel anywhere if aint in the US... I know everywhere else in the world we are prime targets to everyone... they know they will get a good ransom for some Americans...
everyone else from another country can kiss my AMerican ass! I could care less about individuals from other countries, i know back home where they are from, they are full of greed and jealousy towards us Americans' and would try to harm us in a heart beat...
thats why i dont travel anywhere if aint in the US... I know everywhere else in the world we are prime targets to everyone... they know they will get a good ransom for some Americans...