Weed is Too Potent!! 3 days cured

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
i vegged 6 plants for 16 weeks 2 master.k 2 rasberry. c and 2 ak48s slowly trimmed the tops so they didnt outgrow my tent, when i finnaly got my flower tent ready for em i flowerd for 9 weeks under hps. then at almost 2 weeks left i switched to M.H and used too 60 watt mega ray uvb zoo lamps on all the plants at close range rearranging them daily gave em darkness for 3 days then chopped, some parts of the high are overwhelming lasting 5 hrs i didnt get that happy high. its just too strong herion like... i think i outdid myself.. i hope a cure will change things, whos ever smoked weed that certain parts of the high lasted 5 hrs?


Well-Known Member
i vegged 6 plants for 16 weeks 2 master.k 2 rasberry. c and 2 ak48s slowly trimmed the tops so they didnt outgrow my tent, when i finnaly got my flower tent ready for em i flowerd for 9 weeks under hps. then at almost 2 weeks left i switched to M.H and used too 60 watt mega ray uvb zoo lamps on all the plants at close range rearranging them daily gave em darkness for 3 days then chopped, some parts of the high are overwhelming lasting 5 hrs i didnt get that happy high. its just too strong herion like... i think i outdid myself.. i hope a cure will change things, whos ever smoked weed that certain parts of the high lasted 5 hrs?
my og's do that my buddy calls it heroin weed lol first time he took a bong load off my illadelph and passed out mouth open on my couch hahahaha


Active Member
Was watching a documentary on pot last night on BBC and this reporter had never smoked before.

She tried two distinct variations. THC only and THC+CBD.

On pure THC she reacted just like you describe. Very mental, very disturbing, wasn't happy.

On the natural mix she was giggling like a schoolgirl. Said it was the best thing she ever felt.

Could that be your "problem"?


Well-Known Member
is it the uvb that does this?
yes, UVB light increases trich production.. therefore increases resin production, therefore increases the final potency of the product.

be careful using UVB lights though.. don't want to use them during the entire light cycle. In other words, use the UVB light(s) only in their own cycles.

Like for example, tomorrow.. when your lights come on.. pick yourself out a time to start a UVB light cycle. I would suggest only using the UVB light for maybe

an hour to two hours MAX. You don't want to burn the plant.



Well-Known Member
Wow, the more potent the better I say, you can now adjust your dosage based on that. And make it last a little bit longer.

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
i yeilded about 10 oz. i think the plants need a more natural uvb from the sun overtime not all at once you can smoke a whole joint to yourself barely be high then after a couple of min. it hits you its like a more deeper high then i ever had deep like herion hard drug deep. lol and lasts and lasts but im not getting the super happy high out of it more sedative deep. im interested to know how the high will change with this type uvb weed when cured...


Well-Known Member
i yeilded about 10 oz. i think the plants need a more natural uvb from the sun overtime not all at once you can smoke a whole joint to yourself barely be high then after a couple of min. it hits you its like a more deeper high then i ever had deep like herion hard drug deep. lol and lasts and lasts but im not getting the super happy high out of it more sedative deep. im interested to know how the high will change with this type uvb weed when cured...
Sounds like you have a 'creeper' strain. Which is where the high/stone gradually comes about.. slowly getting stronger and stronger. I've had creeper strains before.. I like them, but only if I'm in the mood for one.



Well-Known Member
I use UVB in the last two weeks or so, but don't use too much that shit can do more harm than good to you and the plants; always cut them off when you are in there with the plants, fuck just wearing some sunglasses and try not to use more than 10 - 12% of the total wattage of the garden max.
Get ready for some potent shit!!

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
im not getting a bad reaction from the master kush or the ak48 besides an overwhelmingly deep high im actually worried about withdraws lol the plants looked ready at 7 weeks they flowered real fast so at 7 weeks i dropped to a 400 watt m.h from my 600 hps, so they wouldnt overripen, the rasberry cough is a little crazy on the disturbing side, but its really deep too not as deep but im hoping for the happy antidepressant high to come outta at least my rasberry cough im never messen with uvb again unless i have a uv meter make it natural for the plants. 5 hrs man no joke your high.. i been smoken 19 yrs lol

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
Judging from your name, I probably smoked with you before, LOL
well i live in sterling now, but if you live close by ill fire one with you, you will be able to function but your eyes will be droopy and youll feel the deepness in your head like man i never went this far before lol where u stay at hommie?

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
In the D, Westsider!
i work on 8 mile close to van dyke, maybe after work one day we could meet up, i wanna see your finest, especially if u got 22 yrs of growen experience lol.. Do you know what im talken about when im sayen you get a Deeeeeeeeep High when you use UVB. it has a big effect on kush especially, those are the girls who like it rough in bed lol


Well-Known Member
just take less hits and wait for the buzz to take full effect,if its still not strong enough,take a few more hits.

but either way you will eventually get used to the strength of your stuff.


bud bootlegger
the uv light matures the thc much faster, this is why you are getting the narcotic stone instead of an up high.. if you were to have pulled the plants earlier, you would have gotten more of an up type of high, instead of that heavy narcotic stone..
this is the only problem when using uv lighting, you have to like your bud heavy like that, unless you still manage to pull them early enough so that they are still clear heads on the trics instead of mostly all amber, which is what i would guess is what you have now..
any amount of curing is not going to change the effect the bud is going to have on you, this is determined by the trics and what stage of maturity they are when the buds are pulled... if you want more of an up high, pull them when you have more clear or cloudy instead of more amber like i've said..