found a small gorrila style grow in iL near chicago....they smell sourr

I'm not saying I won anything I still was in an internet argument, I just want you to admit you are wrong (you know you are otherwise you wouldn't have shutdown my thread).
If me starting that thread was a personal attack then this thread along with a lot more should have been shutdown on the first page!
I'm not saying I won anything I still was in an internet argument, I just want you to admit you are wrong (you know you are otherwise you wouldn't have shutdown my thread).

wrong about what?

i pointed out the irony in a statement made by someone. what is there to be wrong about? it was you who turned it into some racist BS that have i have no opinion or comment on. you seem to have created some type of "argument" that you feel we are having. i think you're trippin', but i'll play along.

so what is it i'm "wrong" about?

threads created to bring drama and attention to specific members violate the TOU.
umm, noticed the ^^ above last 10 pages && FDD is correct. arguing online is like competing in the special Olympics..even if you win, your still a retard.
wrong about what?

i pointed out the irony in a statement made by someone. what is there to be wrong about? it was you who turned it into some racist BS that have i have no opinion or comment on. you seem to have created some type of "argument" that you feel we are having. i think you're trippin', but i'll play along.

so what is it i'm "wrong" about?

threads created to bring drama and attention to specific members violate the TOU.

you were wrong for poking your 2 cents in, belittling his statement. Pointing out the irony was uncalled for, especially from a mod! Why wasn't the thread shut down after the racist remark? Or is that not against the TOU (I haven't read them so that is a serious question)?
Aww, its a phase.. .he will argue himself out & sleep good tonight. :) he should be over it around post 2500..or the 4th-5th infraction. ;)
hhhmmm... ill play it safe and leave it alone ;P karma is a bitch.

just leave a note; pick better a spot next time :)
hows that a racist remark. Im 1/2 white so I cant take 100% credit but I sure take the crazy as a compliment! :D and one thing I DO know about RIU TOU is you must be at least 18 years of age which im beginning to suspect one slipped through the cracks >:O Bierberfanboy alert
are racial remarks in violation of the TOU or not?