3 months into flowering and no bud growth?


Active Member
So I have been on 12/12 with a 250watt hps light on 2 girls now for 3 months and 4 days. There are hairs all over the place but the bud growth is just not noticable. The bottom leafs are dying off from the light not getting through so I added 2 grow flours underneath just to help them out. I have never had a flower stage take this long. I am using 2 part nutris, micro 8ml/g and bloom 16ml/g. The space in limited so I cant increase my light source. The roots are nice and white. I keep the area closed when the lights are off. Any ideas? I was thinking about turning the lights off for 24-36 hours? Increasing the bloom? Getting a bloom enhancer? Im lost on this one.


Active Member
so those plants have been at 12/12 for 3 months? wow they look like there about 3 weeks in. I would check for light leaks and make sure your nutes are mixed correctly (some deficiency may be preventing full flowering idk).


Well-Known Member
So I have been on 12/12 with a 250watt hps light on 2 girls now for 3 months and 4 days. There are hairs all over the place but the bud growth is just not noticable. The bottom leafs are dying off from the light not getting through so I added 2 grow flours underneath just to help them out. I have never had a flower stage take this long. I am using 2 part nutris, micro 8ml/g and bloom 16ml/g. The space in limited so I cant increase my light source. The roots are nice and white. I keep the area closed when the lights are off. Any ideas? I was thinking about turning the lights off for 24-36 hours? Increasing the bloom? Getting a bloom enhancer? Im lost on this one.
Those plants are revegging! they are getting some light 24 hours a day. you have light leaks. Dosent take much light in the dark period to interup flowering cycle.


Active Member
How long have the hairs been like that??? If a plant is not sexually mature, it will not flower! Sexual maturity is usually reached around 6-8 weeks and is signified by alternating nodes on the main stem. This still wouldnt account for 3 1/2 months and it looking like week 3 flower.

That plant is also very green, which makes me suspect you are still feeding grow nutes with too much N in it. Too much nitrogen in bloom can prevent flowering.

What is the spectrum of your light? If it is the wrong spectrum, it can have very bad effects on flowering. However I also feel your lighting is inadequate.
Also, what are your temps & humidity. I am suspecting too high temps because I think I can see some foxtailing.
Some brown tips also present, suggesting over nuting.
Do you have an extractor and oscillating fan? Both of these are essential for effective removal & movement of CO2 depleted air. No CO2 present in the air, no photosynthesis. No photosynthesis, no growth or bud.

Light leaks is probably your biggest issue though.


Active Member
Yeah, something is wrong. I've got plants at just over 2 weeks into flower that look much much fuller. And these are crappy bagseed in MG soil!



Active Member
I will check for light leaks but I really dont think that is the issue. Should I try to keep the light off for 24 hours and just run ro water to try to flush them out?


Active Member
The hairs popped out about 3 weeks after I switched to 12/12 lighting. As for the nutri I am not using grow, only micro and bloom. I was told that the micro has enough N in it that you dont really need to use grow.
How long have the hairs been like that??? If a plant is not sexually mature, it will not flower! Sexual maturity is usually reached around 6-8 weeks and is signified by alternating nodes on the main stem. This still wouldnt account for 3 1/2 months and it looking like week 3 flower.

That plant is also very green, which makes me suspect you are still feeding grow nutes with too much N in it. Too much nitrogen in bloom can prevent flowering.

What is the spectrum of your light? If it is the wrong spectrum, it can have very bad effects on flowering. However I also feel your lighting is inadequate.
Also, what are your temps & humidity. I am suspecting too high temps because I think I can see some foxtailing.
Some brown tips also present, suggesting over nuting.
Do you have an extractor and oscillating fan? Both of these are essential for effective removal & movement of CO2 depleted air. No CO2 present in the air, no photosynthesis. No photosynthesis, no growth or bud.

Light leaks is probably your biggest issue though.


Well-Known Member
looks like a mutant to me, looks like a bagseed grow or did you buy good seeds?? i only say this because when i did bagseeds some of the plants where mutants like what i see here ( single leaves everywhere and 3 bladed leaves) i have also noticed stress can be a factor as well, maybe heat coupled with genetics and some other things. i would get some new seeds and get rid of these things, if i was on my 3rd month of flower with nothing going on they would get the ax and something better would replace them.

John Jacob

Active Member
agree with Dr^. looks like a mutant from bagseeds. you could of done nothing wrong but with bad genes comes bad seeds. I had one that just grew 1- 3 leaves called her Poison Ivy lol


Active Member
I seen it posted already, I think they are re vegging. Normally when I cycle in a new mother I veg for a month then flower. I take clones for the first couple of weeks during flower and some of the latter ones end up looking like your plants do.( smaller though). You might as well put them back into 18/6. this will atleast get them back into a routine. after a couple of weeks you should see normal growth starting. when you see this you can restart their flower period.

I say all this because it appears that your plants started out normal until you switched them to flower. If they have been this way from go I would agree with they are junk beans.

when you turn your light on with your doors shut or cabinet closed look for the light coming out. If light can get out it can get in!


Active Member
Would something as slight as a tad bit of under door light... In a closet, for say 10-15 minutes cause enough light leak to prevent flower? Its in my bathroom so it only gets this light for a few minutes at a time.


no wouldnt think so. ive done two grows now and both were done in a bathroom. during lights off my light in my room was nearly always on. grow was done in as en-suite shower with lights off from 6 in evenin to 6 in mornin. Light could of got thru under my door too but id no problems on either grow. had very little airflow either just shower extractor and had a very nice yield wit 2 plants.

im sure youd need more light than that, best of luck mate

kbo ca

Active Member
How long have the hairs been like that??? If a plant is not sexually mature, it will not flower! Sexual maturity is usually reached around 6-8 weeks and is signified by alternating nodes on the main stem.
Not true, you can flower your plant as soon as the seed breaks through the soil.


Active Member
It could be a piece of equipment also. These growing equipment companies need to see the beauty of greenLED's! Do you have a power strip that has an orange or red illuminated on/off switch? I had one of those bone me on a couple of plants that where close to the LED light