New NASA Data Blows Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism

why do people even try to defend incandescent light bulbs...
deflect, deflect, deflect. this isn't about light bulbs or baby bush's part in their demise or technology in general, but you already knew that. it's about the scams, mandates and schemes that are a direct result of the agw hype. it's about yet another avenue for government elitists to enforce their will upon their constituents. it's about redistribution in the name of reparations and penalizing success, the success of products and of entire peoples, in order to allow the less successful to catch up. it's about mindless statist pawn and their willingness to further encumber a free market in the name of the latest fad.
deflect, deflect, deflect. this isn't about light bulbs or baby bush's part in their demise or technology in general, but you already knew that. it's about the scams, mandates and schemes that are a direct result of the agw hype. it's about yet another avenue for government elitists to enforce their will upon their constituents. it's about redistribution in the name of reparations and penalizing success, the success of products and of entire peoples, in order to allow the less successful to catch up. it's about mindless statist pawn and their willingness to further encumber a free market in the name of the latest fad.

I think all your writings should be in italics and different fonts, with some soothing background music playing or better still soft rain helps when falling to sleep while reading your works...Do you possible think you will ever come out with an audio only version ??? Thank You
I think all your writings should be in italics with some soothing background music playing or better still soft rain helps when falling to sleep while reading your works...Do you possible think you will ever come out with an audio only version ??? Thank You
more deflection? thank you for repeatedly making my point for me.

i often wish i didn't have to type all this down but could merely record it all, so the less quick witted among us could more easily understand. i realize that the monosyllabic grunts of the populist horde and cut and paste antics of so many of our posters are more to the liking of folks like you and buck, but i enjoy a good turn of phrase and take some pleasure in a less pedestrian approach. attack my style all you wish, the content stands as a representation of the thoughts of a big chunk of the american population. i won't bother to try and claim we are a majority, as more statist dupes seem to be born every day, but that doesn't diminish our right to the same protections as the envious mob you so adore.
nope, just laughing at the same dozen people arguing the same dick measuring contest for the past how many years?

none of you ever prove anything other then you all cry and insult each other when people don't agree with you. don't you all ever get tired? sooooooooo redundant. :sleep:

it would be cool if anything ever came from any of this, but it doesn't.

i just don't get the point. do you really need the satisfaction of "being right"? how much "time" do you spend on being right? seems like you all could be doing better things.

at least my posts offer something for others. i have no reason to prove anything. i come here to help. ;)

still winning!! :clap:
more deflection? thank you for repeatedly making my point for me.

i often wish i didn't have to type all this down but could merely record it all, so the less quick witted among us could more easily understand. i realize that the monosyllabic grunts of the populist horde and cut and paste antics of so many of our posters are more to the liking of folks like you and buck, but i enjoy a good turn of phrase and take some pleasure in a less pedestrian approach. attack my style all you wish, the content stands as a representation of the thoughts of a big chunk of the american population. i won't bother to try and claim we are a majority, as more statist dupes seem to be born every day, but that doesn't diminish our right to the same protections as the envious mob you so adore.
ok now if you don't mind...I'm going to need you to do a talk over this track..Remember to stay on beat..This will sell..we will make millions...wait do you have a real high pitch voice ?????? never mind we will auto tune if need writing we will do water falls:clap:

instead of sitting in the house all day, arguing about the weather on the internet, maybe you all could go OUTSIDE and actually enjoy some of it. ;)

just a helpful thought.

nah, it's all just shits and giggles. what else is one to do on a morning off but jump on-line and have a battle of wits with the completely unarmed?

you could clean the kitchen, do a load of laundry, play with the kitty, ...

i guess "being right" in an online political argument is much more rewarding though. ;)

and it's obviously more then just "shits-and-giggles" to most of you. :)
I'm actually at my place of business on the laptop...about to leave as soon as my worker shows up from her appointment..Then I will go check on my other shops..after that I will surprise my wife for lunch...but until then me and undertheice about to share some ideas about how we market " Writings On The Ice"
A little FYI.... the whole light bulb thing was actually started when Bush was in office....Most teabaggers and repukes fail to realize this

you mean when the dems controlled the law making branch of the govt? nice try.

btw do you now that since the passage, the only manufacture of light bulbs in this country was shut down? or dont you care?

ps who the hell is claiming the virtues of bush anyway? you are deranged by bush.
never on the thin ice of the populists' scenarios, but beneath the cool, clear layers of a frozen spring. i find it only prudent to keep some protection between my world and the clamoring statists, socialists and redistributionists. i want a buffer of some kind each time their schemes come crashing down and they go looking for the next pocket to pick.
Besides that, the light bulb thing is a good example of when the government SHOULD be intervening anyway...

As someone who is familiar with the industry, most people have no idea what lightbulbs they need for their fixtures let alone do they have any idea about what their choices are... The light bulb industry prior to florescents was very stagnant, with incandescent's being used for how long? I mean, people have MORE choices and MORE quality in the newer technology - especially the newer LED's that are coming out(new models every few months it seems)... The incandescent ban produced innovation and competition in the lighting industry, it is a shining example of government intervention succeeding.

so people have no idea what kind of lightbulbs we need? hmmm just a bunch of walking talking idiots roaming around, aimlessly?

no choices on bulbs prior to the passage of the law? wow.

thats the stupidest post you ever made. congrats.
do you now that since the passage, the only manufacture of light bulbs in this country was shut down? or don't you care?
of course they don't care. it's another chance to blame the private sector for the loss of jobs and the downward spiral of our economy. it is, after all, big business that is to blame for everything. isn't it?

who the hell is claiming the virtues of bush anyway?
more deflection. as long as they can keep blaming baby bush for every problem, they don't have to stop and admit that he must be claimed as a part of the liberal establishment.
why do people even try to defend incandescent light bulbs...hell being a grower should have taught you the value of CFL or LED, as well as the waste of energy, in the form of heat, coming from incandescent bulbs..Now if you dwell in a trailer and use the bulbs as a form of heat..maybe you can argue a tad...and if you only have an "easy bake oven" to do all your cooking in.. again maybe you can argue...anything else is just an old lady complaining...time and technology moves forward suggest you do the same..but if you really feel the need to get your "old lady bitch on".. please direct it towards Crawford TX.

how about htis numbskull, THEY DONT HAVE FUCKING POISON IN THEM.

can you understand that?
never on the thin ice of the populists' scenarios, but beneath the cool, clear layers of a frozen spring. i find it only prudent to keep some protection between my world and the clamoring statists, socialists and redistributionists. i want a buffer of some kind each time their schemes come crashing down and they go looking for the next pocket to pick.
nice shit right there, but we need more..try again and make it longer and with a weee bit more feeling..
"You're a towel!!"



no, actually on break for a little enjoying another coffee and figured i would stop in and rip it up a little.

but you are welcome to keep reading.