1st grow

Hey so I got my seeds of about 6 different strains but only a single see of each strain so since I'm a newbie I'm taking it slow and only starting with 2 seeds so I don't waste my money and mess up all my seeds, I'm germinating 2 as we speak, Russian rocket fuel auto flower and confidential cheese, I'm doing a soil grow and I was planning on using the soil I already have in my house but as far as the npk the only thing it says is on the back and it says .14- .09 - .02 which doesn't sound right since usually npk is whole numbers but does this soil sound usable? Or should I use another soil? Thanks


Well-Known Member
Bad idea to run a normal strain and an auto flower together. You see with an auto flower you can throw a bunch of light at it 18+ hours a day and it will still flower and form dense buds. With all the light you get a decent yield of good quality bud quickly. While a normal strain requires 12 hours of light 12 hours of dark to flower, so you are losing the benefit of running an auto flower since you will need to switch to 12/12 for the cheese.
so you are losing the benefit of running an auto flower since you will need to switch to 12/12 for the cheese.
or you can veg that Cheese the 3 months it will take for your auto to finish.
it will flower under any light condition, thats why its an autoflower and you can grow them in the same bucket if you have too.

NPK can have many ratios, I stick with Ocean FOrest, works for me.


Well-Known Member
or you can veg that Cheese the 3 months it will take for your auto to finish.
it will flower under any light condition, thats why its an autoflower and you can grow them in the same bucket if you have too.

NPK can have many ratios, I stick with Ocean FOrest, works for me.
A 12 week veg.... Better have room for some serious trees and the lights to keep em happy.