Sorry to hear bout the troubles Mate. Fuckin banks. steal your money and try to make you feel like they are doing you a favor..
So We need a pic from the chin down, of you in the new suit Donny Lad. LOL. Missed u round here Bro.
ah man, its a new dawn its a new day, it's just a bump in the road man. quiet month off the booze well birthday aside.... didnt actually get a decent shot of me suited n booted. i've got another wedding end of the month tho!

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just what the Doctor ordered! thanks ambs! tho i think that would tear me a new one.
Fuck the banks, Don! Fuck 'em. They are driving our whole world's economy into the shitter... but they won't admit that, either. Bastards.
I vote for a suit shot.
as i say on the regular these day, let them that wants it from ya worry about it man.
sorry bro you'll have to wait!
heyy wats good Don? wow.. i used to check this thread out all the time a while bak... and i JUST realized now that its your thread!! hahahaha.. hows it goin?? gonna be germin a few Cheesequake x Qrazy trains in a day or 2. =) u have any pics of this strain actually grown? or was it just sumthin u made but never grew it? just curious. im subbed for sure tho man. u ever come up with a name for it?? why not sumthin simple.. like Qrazy Cheese....or Cheese Train?
how do chris lad! Ive got a couple of girls that look to be slightly different pheno's and 3 really good looking lads to play about with pics in a little while. there's a load of people got them on the go at the moment tho. I've just flipped a few days back so there'll be pics a plenty soon ish lol. think qrazy quake is what it'll end up as, and cheese quake for the slangers
Hey don whats up man. Just wanted to give your LCC a shout-out for ya.....I really hadn't smoked too much of it before today. Sampled the Livers dom this morning and we went out a couple of hours later and I was still stoned as fuk lol. Wonderfully sweet on the senses it has a good strong stone to it,,,and a happy euphoric high I've noticed each time I've sampled it. Bit of a hard crasher similiar to the Ice. It grows and smells similiar too it! I potted up one of those phenos today and one of the purple phenos. Just not sure which is which lol.
shout outs from the main man on the 1's and 2's! cheers bud, yeah thats what i love about the livers there's a real happy warmth to it no paranoia just baked to the bones for ages. that stuff makes excellent butter if you dont fancy using all the trim for hash ;0 i've not really noticed the crash but to be honest i usually go to sleep before the dope wears off anyhow.
thank stoney I think this is what its going to end up as!
Good to see you back on the ball man. All's coming together atlast, im nearly done laying flooring and moving everything between 3 houses! But going to be smashing when i get in and settled so i can use up the space left in my gaff.

Ive just put the cq x qt in to sex it but looking god for it. Just waiting on some other's to pop with a few more of them, see if i can't find a nice mummy

Catch you later cheif, cindy
cheers lad, aye i'm getting my shit together. everything looked really shitty then i flipped and the girls just fell into line. tho the heat is fucking things up a bit. it was 30c in my tent this morning after 2 hours of lights on. its muggy as hell today and its not going to change for a week, so i've switched to lights on at night which in my area is dicey but there's sweet fa i can o unless i want to fry my lasses. shouldnt be that hot with it being cooltubed but i'm going to soldier through this grow then dismantle and put it back up in a better layout. the bends in my ducting are whats fucking it up i think.
good luck on a keeper in the QQ man, i reckon there's going to be some bonny purples in there.
You can honestly call your own creation anything you want....why not. Loads of other do. That's just my opinion though.
here here. my lass has been after one named after her for a while.
Except when opening doors of course,,,then it's ladies first

. And cumming. Whoops lmao hehe
hahahah keep the lassy in your life happy n the rest falls into place man.
Ive never known a woman to fake an O, maybe i jus date good actresses or maybe its women not knowing what an o is which is more common i think lol
hahah bro how would you know though!?!? ive not met a woman that didnt know what an O was. every bird double clicks their mouse right?
Bit of carpet cleaning, then you can do whatever you want....always work(s)(ed) for me, lol. But then I enjoy that, some men have strange ideas about being a man. A lot of women can not actually have internal orgasms, mainly clitirol(sp), hence proceed straight to bean and get busy style, then everything you do is even more sensitive to your partner so you are onto a winner......
EDIT: Hold on, shit, this is RIU, I thought I was on my other forum, oops!
hahah to each there own eh. all that macho bollocks bout not going down is just that imo. every bloke likes their dick sucked so why not the other way round?!
giving away all your secrets here lad, any more tips for getting a bird to take it up the wrongun? oops i missed is beginning to wear thin
shouting grab your ankles and grit your teeth has always worked for me lad
heyyy don u got any pics of the CheeseQuake x Qrazy Train? not sure if u grew this cross out.. or just made the seeds? just dropped a few in water an hour ago. =)
coming up in a mo bro. there's quite a few peeps about to run it.