Alright me old china, just thought i'd let you know im still around before you un-sub me too!!! lol.
So, that's me getting back on track atlast man. Ive been trying to do this move along with waiting on divvie's to lay flooring n carpet's before having to get them lifted and re-layed. Cant rely on nobody on the beat these day's.
Can't wait to get you a Pic.of my cc x Liver's bro. She's a cracker

Whats the word on your cheesequake/qrazytrain's ? Ive still just got one of mine at seedling stage. going to crack a couple more this week-end, been having to hold back a bit there, but were almost ready for another round. Just re-potted everything, done a full 50 ltr.bag and need another

Catch you for a crack later if you'r about cowboy.
Ive been puffing some Bx2 cross and its up there with the Dog and Casey in the heavyweight division, and a realy nice smoke to boot. Its got a sweet but Dank smell/taste to it and nugget's that would smash window's!

hey cowboy ows tricks lad, been a mad busy week trying to organise a new suit for a wedding, major bore and chore.... spent a fortune on something ill likely wear 3 times a year ffs.
ie ot 4 ales out of 5 beans popped on my cheesequake crazy trains ffs. going to be a long time till i can pop any more im going to be cramped as it is. look forward to the pics bro! hows the wee yin? good i hope man.
catch ya laters lad.
Hey Brova! I hear your pain on the long chop time. Those plants are looking fucking massive, tho. Gonna have some big buds, yes dey is... You find that netting works pretty well? Thinking about using it in my tent this time around... too much timbeeeerrrrr towards the end, ifyouknowwhatImean.
Just about to flip some girls as well. They need to veg for a week or so first, tho. I've got 16 give or take that are going under the 6er tomorrow AM. They need the big boy power for a bit to get all nice and strong before 12/12. Mixing it up this time with a Sweet Tooth (Grapefruit x BB), some C4 x Caseybands, then, of fucking course, CHEESE

Hope you're feeling better, amigo
hey brobo yeah the netting works a lot better than stakes for sure. not as much access but supports better for sure. 16 under the 6 hunner eh. should be a nice tidy haul from that man good luck! thanks man yeah im just about back to normal. laters lad
Don wondering if you could tell me a little about the SOHO district of London....
nope not a damn thing lol never set foot in the place. and to be honest i hate london with a passion. its too busy, expensive (to do anything is like 2/3 more than it costs up north, especially DRINKING

)and the people are mostly wankers. nobody has the time of day for anyone unless their robbing you.
So were no keeping to well man! Hope you'r back on the mend soon cheif !cindy
ach just a wee bit of manflu lad. back to form now. got a wedding this after should be a cracker, hasn't been a gathering of all of our circle for a long time and the reception is at ST James Park!!!! i'm going to try n get a 600 pic in the tunnel leading onto the pitch. might not be a winner for the comp but it'll please me greatly. hope ya good fella
Yeah, thinking of getting some 1 gal square rootmaker pots (similar to the smart pots, I'm told)... should fit rail to rail pretty well in there. So I've only got one Grape x BB... but she's vegging well, and starting to branch out quickly. I've got 5 of the C4 x Caseybands, and about 10 BBCheese (Yuppers, it was 9 pots before). Yeah, I'm totally fucking hooked. Problem is, moving in a few months to a new pad where I can't grow (father owned pad, even though there is a PERFECT place for it

). So I think I'm gonna have to rent something, or find another place to do it. The thought of giving it up isn't an option for me, so we'll see what I work out. Wicked part is, I've got 2 other 6ers just waiting for me... all I need is another tent!
Donnnnniiiiieeee boy, how ya doin' brudda?? Feelin' better by now, I'm sure. . .
hahah this growing game is more addictive than smoking pot imo. i could never imagine a time in my life when i wont be doing it. im good cheers man, just rushed off my feet. you?
well I nearly wet mesen at this, hehehehe. funny, "turbo gays". Everytime I say it I just start laughing. Nice one Wowser, now I need to go and dry my eyes.
hey Donny, talking of asking you aboot things in the UK an awl that, you watch that programme with the Geordie lasses in it, Geordie Finishing school? hehehehahaha. I only watched a minute and headed out for a joint....dear o'. The wife watched the whole thing I think.
hahah turbo mincers

geordie finishing school lmao aye i saw the fog ten mins nd turned it off. the houswe the lasses are staying in, or were is like 10 mins away from my work in walker. notorious shit hole. its just another shameless exploitation of our region really. and the thing is the charvers on the show are like eeeee well ah hope to get inti modelling from this like man pet.
lol you know the ones dont you though D, walking around with wrists made of jelly!
the geordie rep has been slated through the tv recently haha, might start believing it soon
aye well to be honest tho the peopel they've had on the shows deserve the ripping. 90 % of geordies are nowt like those tossers.
Donnie Brother how u livin Man.. Doing OK??????
fucking pissed off thats how. a while back my bank fucked me over, closed an account and all my shit bounced. it was their fault, yet they've not admitted it. all my DDs got cancelled. I thought i'd set the council tax one back up in fact i'm sure i told her to set the fucker back up on the phone but yesterday i got a court summons for non payment. they've added 42 quid onto the bill just for the summons. which is now redundant but i still have to pay. here's the kick in the balls. they said that if i make a payment plan for the year they'll still add 84 quid on even though its not going to court. so i've just had to dump fucking 7hundred odd bar out in cuntcil tax in a oner.
every time i get my house in order and sort things going smoothly something kicks me square in the plums. i'm fucking sick of it.
I noticed the program on the T.V listing's and thought it said ' Geordie fishingnschool ' lol
" like askin someone from Tex. bout the Bronx hahaha " Aye you can spin out the one liners's d'ster.

hope you'r back on the hop soon mate
I half expected it to be load of permatanned slappers in tracksuits giving advice on how to end relationships. bout the only finishing they know of.
Morning don just floating thru
we'll im away to calculate how much i havent got this month haha joy.... 2 weddings to go to and buy for too. and its me day in a couple of weeks.
is half 9 too early for a drink ? cos im fuckin having one.