Atheists Gone Wild

You might as well be religious. Your intolerance and lack of understanding of what being a muslim is all about is due to the fact that you follow propoganda and choose not to learn about the culture instead.

i will be tolerant of them as soon as they quit killing people in mass events, stop telling their children to strap bombs on their chest, stop beating their daughters for dating the wrong guy, allow women in their country to be educated and get drivers licenses, and stop appointing leaders of huge countries who think killing gays is cool.

as soon as they do that i will be tolerant. until then, they can take their stupid little book, cover it in bacon grease and shove it right up allahs ass.
I'm not going to try to get into an argument on this, but I am an atheist... and here's how I see and understand the whole theism/agnostic/atheism distinction. My opinion follow each, so to each their own.

A theist believes in the supernatural, meaning that is not possible in the universe we know at this point in time: super=beyond / natural=reality.
It's pure faith, and I see it as a form of functional insanity (depending on how far the belief is taken).

An agnostic is on the fence, and refuses to take a stance based on one or a few reasons. On one side they see no proof; on the other they either fear retribution from society or God (by second guessing and what-if'ing).
I think agnosticism can be a rational mid-point during a transition between the two, but you're going to have to make the call eventually. Refusal to make a choice is a refusal to think. Quite unhealthy IMO.

Atheism is the natural state of humanity; everyone is born an atheist. For an atheist there has been no objective proof presented, therefore no reason to believe the claim(s). They/we will God's existence until it has been proved otherwise.
If God presented himself and proved his supernatural existence and powers, then I would absolutely change my position. I think this just about as likely as an appearance from the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
i will be tolerant of them as soon as they quit killing people in mass events, stop telling their children to strap bombs on their chest, stop beating their daughters for dating the wrong guy, allow women in their country to be educated and get drivers licenses, and stop appointing leaders of huge countries who think killing gays is cool.

as soon as they do that i will be tolerant. until then, they can take their stupid little book, cover it in bacon grease and shove it right up allahs ass.

As I've said, you are intolerant of them, because you do not understand them. I suggest you spend some time to learn other cultures and beliefs before you pass judgement. You might learn something.

The Quran explains that men and women are equal in creation and in the afterlife. Surah an-Nisa' 4:1 states that men and women are created from a single soul (nafs wahidah). One person does not come before the other, one is not superior to the other, and one is not the derivative of the other. A woman is not created for the purpose of a man. Rather, they are both created for the mutual benefit of each other.[Qur'an 30:21]
Christianity: [FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]"...whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness and is guilty of an eternal sin." (Mark 3:29)
[/FONT]Allah says: “If I were to punish everyone for their sins, then NOTHING would remain in existence.”

[FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]
Hadith: Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas’ud narrates that a person asked Rasulullah (s.a.s.),
“Ya Rasulullah, according to Allah, which is the greatest sin?”
Rasulullah (s.a.s.) answered, “To associate partners with Allah (known as shirk), while He has created you.”
Then he was asked, “Which is the biggest sin after that?”
And he (s.a.s.) said, “To kill your offspring because he will eat with you.”
Then he was asked “Which is the greatest after that,”
and he said, “To make zinna (fornication) with your neighbor’s wife.”

I think agnosticism can be a rational mid-point during a transition between the two, but you're going to have to make the call eventually. Refusal to make a choice is a refusal to think. Quite unhealthy IMO..

I think it is more unhealthy to actually simply "choose a side" over a logical matter that which you have very little proof behind it. All matters concerning religion is theoretic, and you are free to choose your stance based on the evidence that you have been presented with. An agnostic is doing just that. However, an agnostic is an atheist.
^^^^nice back to back comments sync0s....very wise statements and examples given to illustrate your points...

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to sync0s again....Damn RIU restricting my rep freedoms..:smile:
I think it is more unhealthy to actually simply "choose a side" over a logical matter that which you have very little proof behind it. All matters concerning religion is theoretic, and you are free to choose your stance based on the evidence that you have been presented with. An agnostic is doing just that. However, an agnostic is an atheist.

It's not about taking a side, it's about evaluating facts and going from there. I see agnostics throwing up their hands and saying 'hell if I know", it is taking a position on having no position.
I believe in separation of church and state, and do not think the cross should be in the memorial... as long as it is taxpayer owned or funded. Simple solution is to sell the memorial (and the whole freedom tower WTC complex) to a private party. I don't see any mention of the government running office buildings for rent in my copy of the constitution.

Now when it comes to these athiest protesting the whole cross... where the fuck were they when footbaths were being installed for Muslims in publicly owned airports?
For the Christians... I heard plenty of them screaming about those foot baths in airports a few years ago, saying this is something that shouldn't be funded by government.
I believe in separation of church and state, and do not think the cross should be in the memorial... as long as it is taxpayer owned or funded. Simple solution is to sell the memorial (and the whole freedom tower WTC complex) to a private party. I don't see any mention of the government running office buildings for rent in my copy of the constitution.

Now when it comes to these athiest protesting the whole cross... where the fuck were they when footbaths were being installed for Muslims in publicly owned airports?
For the Christians... I heard plenty of them screaming about those foot baths in airports a few years ago, saying this is something that shouldn't be funded by government.

It's a memorial. The government didn't pay to make that cross, it was part of the rubble at the WTC. Fully justified, and i don't believe it's pushing any one set of religious beliefs.

The Christians certainly would be for it if it were a cross or a picture of jesus, right? Just hypocrisy. The political atheists need to focus on defending true injustices; things like forced prayer in school, etc. Stop wasting their time and demonizing the atheists because their such self righteous pricks who posses the wrath of intolerance their selves.
^^^^nice back to back comments sync0s....very wise statements and examples given to illustrate your points...

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to sync0s again....Damn RIU restricting my rep freedoms..:smile:

Thanks. Just annoys me how our government and media has completely conditioned Americans into a new style of racism, and how the people don't realize their ignorance of it.
Just as one single christian group (westboro for example) does not characterize the whole of Christianity, one atheist group does not speak for all atheists. This "cross" is simply detritus of destruction that people interpret as a cross because of pareidolia. If this particular piece of rubble gave inspiration to workers, regardless of why, it has merit for being preserved and remembered. It IS NOT really a cross, and for someone to want to exclude it for religious reasons they would have to agree that it is a cross, and not simple pareidolia. As an atheist, I don't buy into the idea that this is a cross, and would attack that premise, but not the act of preserving the memory of inspiration and comfort.

Beardo will not give up his definition of atheism because his definition makes atheism easier to dismiss. If he actually accepted what the atheists position really is, he would have to admit it is actually a reasonable stance. Since he does not want to give credit to the people he disagrees with, he simply labels them agnostic. This allows him to acknowledge that non-belief is valid while still attacking the atheists he has learned to target. This is a classic and embarrassingly blatant use of a strawman argument, and the predictable result of cognitive dissonance.

Cognitive dissonance reduction is further demonstrated by his use of the term "RUI atheists". The same things we rui atheists said, are said in the definitions of the terms. If you went to any skeptical community you would find the same attitude, and then have to label them (insert website name here) atheists. Our atheistic stance is the norm and most harmonious with the term. It is not a unique position found only at RUI.

Agnostic can apply to all positions which claim any knowledge is unknowable. You can believe in god yet believe aspects of him are unknowable. I am a rational skeptic who believes we currently have no good reason to believe, but says if you show me reasonable proof then I will believe what the evidence tells me, even if it contradicts my current position. An atheist simply looks at the claim of theism and says this argument (evidence, reasoning, logic) is not valid, therefore I do not accept it. (Notice how that statement says nothing about the ability to know) To go further and claim there is no god, to say we will never find good reason or evidence of god, is predicting the future, and what rational skeptic believes in that? As an atheist I regard someone who says that to be as thoughtless and sloppy minded as a theist. Atheists reject the conclusion of a deity because of standards of evidence and logic, and claiming there is no deity fails those standards as well.

To paraphrase mindphuk, knowing someone is atheist tells you precisely how they respond to one particular question; it tells you specifically what someone does not believe, and NOTHING about what they do believe.

"In fact, "atheism" is a term that should not even exist. No one ever needs to identify himself as a "non-astrologer" or a "non-alchemist." We do not have words for people who doubt that Elvis is still alive or that aliens have traversed the galaxy only to molest ranchers and their cattle. Atheism is nothing more than the noises reasonable people make in the presence of unjustified religious beliefs."
— Sam Harris