My Compost Grow


Well-Known Member
wow congrats man and enjoy that bomb looking bud you grew.
that cali hash is looking like it is gonna be a keeper. you got nay clones or seeds of her?


Well-Known Member
wow congrats man and enjoy that bomb looking bud you grew.
that cali hash is looking like it is gonna be a keeper. you got nay clones or seeds of her?
I took a couple clones off her and threw them outside in an attempt to grow some bushes but my dog decided to dig them up last week, they were about 24" tall.:sad:


Well-Known Member
they look pretty dam dense and dank to. this grow has gone very well for you man. i see you got some sticky fingers in the 3rd pic, did you get some good finger and scissor hash?


Well-Known Member
they look pretty dam dense and dank to. this grow has gone very well for you man. i see you got some sticky fingers in the 3rd pic, did you get some good finger and scissor hash?
I got a nice little bit of scissor hash and about a 1/2 oz of trimmings that'll be made into butter when it dries.


Well-Known Member
Started germinating 2 Afghan Kush and 2 Pineapple Chunk this afternoon. This next round I'll be adding a bit more perlite and throwing in some composted chicken manure and sawdust into the mix.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Week 9 now on the Cali Hash, buds have been swelling for the last week and it looks like there's a few weeks left. So much for it being an 8 week strain.

All of my seeds cracked for my next grow so I might start another journal when they break ground.:leaf:



Well-Known Member
the cali hash looks great man, i think you should try to keep her around, i think she needs a re veg on her dpending on how good the smoke is


Well-Known Member
the cali hash looks great man, i think you should try to keep her around, i think she needs a re veg on her dpending on how good the smoke is
I don't have any room right now to keep strains going. Since I'm kinda just starting out growing yet I want to try all kinds of different strains so chances are I'll barely be growing the same thing twice anymore. I'll just order different seeds/strains as I need/want them. I'm hoping to catch one of Attitudes next promos and get enough to last me for a little while.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Week 9 now on the Cali Hash, buds have been swelling for the last week and it looks like there's a few weeks left. So much for it being an 8 week strain.

All of my seeds cracked for my next grow so I might start another journal when they break ground.:leaf:
They are swelling indeed :)

Lookin' great as usual man.


Well-Known Member
My compost mix was too hot for the Pineapple Chunk and fried both of them but the Afghan Kush has sprouted and I germinated 2 Aurora Indica which have also sprouted now.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
you should sell some of your compost of you dont already, or if you need some extra cash, ive been selling my extra tea i make for the plants


Well-Known Member
you should sell some of your compost of you dont already, or if you need some extra cash, ive been selling my extra tea i make for the plants
I do sell it to local gardeners around the area that come and pick it up by the truck load. A lot of the compost has bones it it yet so it needs to be screened before it can be used so I usually sell it pretty cheap.