Active Member
opiates do that.... try herion its way better
you're right ....I'm not assuming you're a kid. But i am assuming that you don't know much about pharmacuticals.These baseless, unfounded assumptions that I am ignorant or naive or a kid even are total garbage. I won't argue with you because I know you just as well as you know me: not at all. Please take your hate elsewhere.
if your taking subs and puking...then you dont need to be taking them at all. For many, this pill has allowed them to get back to living a normal life. I myself had been on opiates for about 5 yrs. And when I say on...I mean full blow addict. No, I never stole or did any shady shit to get my pills....but when I think of how much fucking money I spent EVERY FUCKING makes me sick. And if there is such thing as a "functioning addict"...I fit the description to a T. I worked everyday, ran my own business, and made plenty of money, and raised my family the entire 5 yrs. It was my wife who noticed the mood swings and just simply not being able to explain where hundreds of dollars every few days were disappearing to, that changed my situation.
Guys, its not a good feeling when your wife calls you at work screaming about your toddler finding a burnt spoon and bringing it to momma. Of course thats when she started tearing up my shit to find evidence of what I was doing. Of course she found it all. The rigs, spoons, and even my last pills. What hurt the worst, is listening to her yell...not only because she's mad...but because she doesnt want my kids to grow up without a father because of some stupid fucking drug. And try explaining to the person you love...the person you do EVERYTHING with...that I couldnt quit cold turkey because of the pain of withdrawls. She didnt understand at all. wife is THE BEST EVER! We had the opportunity to travel the world with work when we were younger. And we always had a good time using various opiates (including heroin) to have a good time. But of course...we never used a needle. It was my dumb ass...who HAD to get to that point that everybody says..."once you try it that way, you never go back". It was true and I paid dearly for it.
But luckily...I made it through the whole ordeal. And I can tell you...suboxone helped me feel normal again. The last couple of times I tried to get high were a waste because the subs blocked my brains receptors from enjoying the opiates.
So please not abuse this pill. If you find yourself with one, look up someone you know who is having hell abusing prescription painkillers and give it to them along with info on how to get their life back...
you're right ....I'm not assuming you're a kid. But i am assuming that you don't know much about pharmacuticals.
It just didn't make sense to me that you were popping more and more without waiting for the effect to kick in. You're OP is also like a "what happend to me??" type deal. C'mon man you could've researched the drug easily and expected to vomit violently since you aren't constant user .... like few other posters said if you were vomiting, you didn't need to be taking em.
If you wanted to get opiate high, take the fucking opiates.
Excuse me if i sound like a dick but what pisses me off is misuse of drugs. I've done it, i'm sure mostof us have.
Now the abuse of pharmies has made it hard for people that actually need the meds to get em.
If they need it, they will get it.
Unfortunately not the case. I wish it were though. Suboxone/subutex are fucking expensive as all hell. My prescription cost me almost $1000.
Maybe reread what you just wrote.I don’t have a problem with opiates but you just described an overdose and you took too much.Who said I was half assing anything? I wanted to take suboxone. I am not prescribed suboxone. I got suboxone from a drug dealer. I didn't think to myself "Im gonna shoot up some junk" and then try to score only to find suboxone. I do the drugs I want to do. Theres time for heroin. Theres time for methadone. Theres time for oxymorphone and dilaudid. I don't keep with one drug (other than marijuana) for long and I have nothing against any drug nor the people who want to use them. Just because there are a million weak-willed people banging H religiously doesn't mean that I can't shoot up once or twice a month and leave it at that. I refuse to develop an addiction. Drugs won't kill you - you will kill yourself, and I won't have that.
You mean 150 to 200mgs of vicodin??...I'm pretty sure you'd be dead after 2000mgs of vicodin...hahaI have three 8 mg tabs thinking about trying one. I take 1500 to 2000 mg of vicodin every now and then. How much would i yake to get that feeling?
Allright im try thatYou mean 150 to 200mgs of vicodin??...I'm pretty sure you'd be dead after 2000mgs of vicodin...haha
The 350 or 500mg numbers on the vicodin are for the acetaminophen/cut in the vicodin not the actual hydrocodone/vicodin...vicodin comes in 5mg 7.5mg and 10mg'd have to eat 200 10mg pills to take 2000mgs of vicodin
Take a quarter of the sub n see how it feels n go from there