My bong I made


Active Member
Id like to know... Cause i have some pretty sweet bong type glasses around my house... my wife seems to buy all kind of shit that looks like bongs... Ill post pics hahahaha


Active Member
Tell me these dont look like bongs.. these are just 2 right next to me... my wife has covered our house with shit like this lmao


Well-Known Member
don't you need a diamond tip drill bit to drill through glass? Good job anyway
i used a dremel when i made mine...would use goldschlager bottles...pop the little gold coin off the front and if you drill out the inside of that its the perfect diameter for a downstem...this isnt mine...this was over 15 years digi cameras back then. but this is just what mine looked like.


Well-Known Member
i used a dremel when i made mine...would use goldschlager bottles...pop the little gold coin off the front and if you drill out the inside of that its the perfect diameter for a downstem...this isnt mine...this was over 15 years digi cameras back then. but this is just what mine looked like.
ive made one of these too, and if you have no drill, do what i did. Leave the seal on the bottle where he put his bowl. Take a good heavy knife and cut out a small hole in the center of the seal. Now take that same heavy knife and begin to "tap" the glass inside the hole you cut takes a little while but eventually you will chip off a really tiny piece, then its all downhill from there, you can start chipping out a small hole for your stem, leaving the seal on the bottle helps you keep from removing any glass you do not want to remove. Works quite well trust me

awesome jones bottle by the that stuff


Well-Known Member
dude, you have to tell me what you used to drill through glass without breaking it..... and YES, I am too lazy to use google.....
I've seen people cut panes of glass with scissors but it must be done under water. I suppose using the drill underwater might mimic that action. Diamond tip drill bits work as well, just lay down some tape be4


Active Member
I just changed the one I made to my avatar early today weird


It needs a stand bad. I get it because I made it but everybody else always floods the bowl first hit. Even after warning


Active Member
The thing rips. I did use a diamond tip but the bit was about 2/3 the needed size for the stem so I had to slowly wither away at the glass.