did you know this about epsom salt?


Well-Known Member
Magnesium sulfate is the primary substance that causes the absorption of sound in seawater.[1] Absorption, in this case, means the conversion of acoustic energy to heat energy. The conversion is a strong function of frequency. Lower frequencies are less affected by the salt, so that the acoustic energy travels much farther in the ocean. Boric acid also contributes to absorption; but the most abundant salt in seawater, sodium chloride, has no known effect on sound absorption.

apparently its the reason animals in the ocean use low pitch sounds

edit: dammit i meant magnesium sulfate, not epsom salt.


Well-Known Member
what do you recommend studying?

yes thats what epsom salt is. you can use it to help add some magnesium. it also has sulfur in it though

start studying! i love learning new things. science stuff is good to know. especially basic chemistry


Well-Known Member
everything you come across that you dont know about
Real shit, Best advice on here^^^. -Read as much as you can- seek out old books, theirs real knowledge in their, look at how people used to do stuff and listen to old people.