Are my babies Ready Seem to be taking AGES ? ? :)


Well-Known Member
Ok so these have been flowering for ages ! Dont no wahts wrong with them seem to be taking a long time :roll: They ahve been grown out doors in a green house, not had much trouble from bugs ect, The leaves have all of a sudden started going slightly yellow (Shown in one of the pictures) Wondering if this is normal ?

took a few pictures jsut wondering if there ready or how long there going to be untill there ready ? i was told a few weeks ago they should be ready by now but as i said they seem to be taking a long time to finish :(

Want to harvest as soon as in need of some smoke :blsmoke:

Here are upto date pictures (Took today 29.07.11) The Trichs are looking slightly cloudy.


These pictures were took around two weeks ago.

They dont seem to have changed ! Any input ??

Thanks in advance guys ! :) :weed:


Active Member
i may not be an expert but they say during the last 2 weeks you can cut the lights to something like 8 on and 16 off to mature faster, but then again there is prob a thread on doing the opposite


Well-Known Member
They are close, have you started flushing them yet? If so I would start flushing. And as to the leaves turning yellow that's normal, I would say your gonna be ready in 5-7 days.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i started flushing a few days ago, Good to hear the yellowing is normal :) Was getting a bit worried, quite a few of the hairs are turning a brown/orange colour now which is a sign of getting close to harvest ??

Its my first grow been growing them in my greenhouse and moving them in and out of my shed which is blacked out to act as the 12/12 cycle :) im pretty pelase with them :D just cant wait for harvest really excited !


Active Member
That yellowing is normal, they look good, but still a bit off from harvest, probably another 1 to 2 weeks from what I see in the first pictures.

Also how long have they been flowering for?


Hairs turn orange color when they are finishing up, looks like you should be done pretty soon. You should flush 4-5 times before cutting down.


Well-Known Member
You have a few weeks to go.

I can't help but LOL at the varying responses you are getting on this, the pics seem obvious to me. This plant will not be ripe in one week or even two. Good luck figuring out who to trust. :)


Active Member
You have a few weeks to go.

I can't help but LOL at the varying responses you are getting on this, the pics seem obvious to me. This plant will not be ripe in one week or even two. Good luck figuring out who to trust. :)
And responses like THIS tend to start drama on the internet. :)
im a newbie but i can tell you this, my plants looked VERY similar to yours about a week ago and mine still are not ready. So i say you have at least a week but maybe even more


Well-Known Member
yellowing is normal for a HUNGRY plant.

that plant needs food.

it has at least 2 more weeks to finish.



Well-Known Member
You have a few weeks to go.

I can't help but LOL at the varying responses you are getting on this, the pics seem obvious to me. This plant will not be ripe in one week or even two. Good luck figuring out who to trust. :)
I agree. 1 week won't be enough. Even after the hairs turn red, the trichs have to mature a bit. Many people do just water or water and molasses over the last 2 weeks. That can be a form of flushing. Or you can dump a bunch of water in the pot a couple times before harvest. But plant will still have stored nutrients even if you flush the soil so I normally just do the no feeding for 2 weeks to get the chemicals all used up.


Well-Known Member
So i have two more weeks left and im jsut going to be watering with water ?
thanks for all your comments
AT LEAST 2 weeks.

And I wouldn't recommend cutting out all nutrients until you're sure you know when you will harvest. 2 weeks of water-only is a lot as it is, I wouldn't go more than 1 myself.


Active Member
Did they get polinated a little? Check for hermi's, the pistol's look like they are maturing differently. They look great though.