My First Grow And Journal


Well-Known Member
You should upload some pics of the alien, new querkle, white widow..ect ect..
i know there are still plants hiding in your flowering room pshh.



Well-Known Member
Steez you caught me lol.. I do have those 4 still going .. The ww and querkle are around week 8.. the alien og and Purple kush are about 2 weeks in .. Ill upload a few pics tonight.. I might just make a new thread.. we will see .. :)


Active Member
Steez you caught me lol.. I do have those 4 still going .. The ww and querkle are around week 8.. the alien og and Purple kush are about 2 weeks in .. Ill upload a few pics tonight.. I might just make a new thread.. we will see .. :)
Give us a fresh thread my man. Lots of pictures and updates on what you are doing. Nutes, environment changes..."The Works"...also, you said you are having a baby right? You gotta give the lil bub your journals to continue the tradition! Plus, we love seeing your pretty fluorescents! Just make sure you link us the change in journal though, yeah?

I hope my Blue Dream comes out as, well, as dreamy as the pictures of your plants.


Well-Known Member
Damn Alot, I cant believe I missed most of this grow you have going....Sub'd very late but at least I will get to see you finish some bomb ass plants. Great work and looking forward to some new pics of those plants. Now I know where to find you for round 2! LOL




Well-Known Member
LOL .. thanks bkb.. I think i am going to start a new thread for the next go around .. I only have 1 plant left from that first round in the tent... its a white widow I added in on the 5/24.. I harvested the querkle last week.. The main group of girls came down early this month .. they were started on the 5/3 I believe .. the only reason I had the 2 late bloomers was because I did some upgrades and rearranging and fit them in about 2 weeks after I started the initial bunch.. if that makes sense.. lol. SOOO ill start a new one soon... I just sub'd to urs as well.. So im looking forward to that.


Well-Known Member
its pretty close .. its all cloudy.. it did fox tail a little on me.. my temps hit 84 3 days in a row when I added the dehumidifier.. but fixed that.. So I dont know if that caused it or if its genetic.. but it still looks good .. It was only a 16 inch clone untopped and it looks pretty loaded for what it is....


Well-Known Member
its pretty close .. its all cloudy.. it did fox tail a little on me.. my temps hit 84 3 days in a row when I added the dehumidifier.. but fixed that.. So I dont know if that caused it or if its genetic.. but it still looks good .. It was only a 16 inch clone untopped and it looks pretty loaded for what it is....
LOL... shit... my room has been in the high 80's low 90's for the last week and a half. Even with lights off the lowest it gets is 81. My c02 is cranked out over 2000ppm so they should be fine. I've heard about growers having an average temp of 99F with no issues so I haven't been too worried.

How much do you think you'll yield off of her?


Well-Known Member
How much do you think you'll yield off of her?
im guessing 3-4 zips.. she was only a 16 inch or so clone.. untrained.. but the 12 inch querkle I put in just to see how it was... yielded right at 3.. and she was small.. and that strain is known to be a light yielder.. ill try to snap some pics tonight of her :)

Lemme give you a idea how small these 2 girls were when I flipped em... I have it in this journal somewhere but this will make it easier :)

Here's the querkle the night I added it in.. keep in mind the rest of my plants were bigger then these 2.. but I made extra room.. so i put these little girls in :)

and at harvest time :)

This was the White Widow.. when i put her ass in

I have some from a few weeks ago .. ill get new ones tonight

They kinda suprised me how well they did considering that I really only vegged em a week or so .. for this reason I am running a larger number of small plants this time.. just because the quality of the nugs seem better with the small plants.. Im gonna run one side of the tent with 9 or so small plants .. and the other side with 4-6 larger ones.. just to kinda compare .. and to keep my plant count right :) ..

Ill try to get new pics of the widow tonight


Well-Known Member
Can't all of us medical growers get together and sign some paper that will rescue us from that factor?
Like say I can grow 12, you can grow 12, billy can grow 12, bob can grow 12....
We all put our shit together, so if you're growing 16 plants and i'm only growing 8.. you still don't get in trouble..


Well-Known Member
I wish it worked that way .. and the plant count is a joke.. it should just be a limit on weights.. growing technic should not matter.. I can grow the same amount of bud with 8 big plants as I can with 36 in a sog... but if I choose to do a sog .. im out of my limits .. thats bull.. Especially for me .. since the whole reason I have my card is because of chronic back pain from my surgery and arthritis in my faucet joints of my spine... SO HOW AM I or any one chronically ill supposed to carry around 6 ft plants in 5-10 gallons of soil that is freshly watered .. not a very good system for ill people .. could you imagine your grandma trying to move around 6 ft soil trees in a grow tent or room.. its fuckin dumb. They should just limit the quanity you can have on hand and allow you to grow it however you want imo


Well-Known Member
im guessing 3-4 zips.. she was only a 16 inch or so clone.. untrained.. but the 12 inch querkle I put in just to see how it was... yielded right at 3.. and she was small.. and that strain is known to be a light yielder.. ill try to snap some pics tonight of her :)

Lemme give you a idea how small these 2 girls were when I flipped em... I have it in this journal somewhere but this will make it easier :)

Here's the querkle the night I added it in.. keep in mind the rest of my plants were bigger then these 2.. but I made extra room.. so i put these little girls in :)

and at harvest time :)

This was the White Widow.. when i put her ass in

I have some from a few weeks ago .. ill get new ones tonight

They kinda suprised me how well they did considering that I really only vegged em a week or so .. for this reason I am running a larger number of small plants this time.. just because the quality of the nugs seem better with the small plants.. Im gonna run one side of the tent with 9 or so small plants .. and the other side with 4-6 larger ones.. just to kinda compare .. and to keep my plant count right :) ..

Ill try to get new pics of the widow tonight
Damn bro your plants look flawless... I really need to get my shit together. All your leaves are the same color. Mine are like rainbow fucking brite. Mad props once again.


Well-Known Member
Dubbz.. you know whats funny.. Im running the GH 3 part which is intented for hydro.. IT worked VERY well for me .. plants stayed green the whole way.. just had to feed light because its potent stuff.. long story short.. I have been trying some of the Fox farms series on one plant.. and its not looking nearly as healthy.. and now im trying the House and garden 2 part on a couple plants.. they are also yellowing faster and not looking as healthy.. Im trying to stick with the house and garden experiment for a little longer because some very good growers that I frequent there garden have had GREAT results with it.. im hoping its just me having to get used to the nutes...

BUT overall... the General Hydroponics simple 3 part has been awesome.. and unless the house & garden blows me away.. Ill continue to run it.. because it just keeps em soooo green and healthy.. I figure if its designed for hydro.. it has everything in it a plant would need.. so the soil is more of a buffer i I underfeed.. now I am running some soil specific nutes.. it seems like they are less healthy. PHUCK I sound like i work for GH.... just crazy the simple cheaper stuff is producing better results... go figure!


Well-Known Member
You definitely know what your doing!!!!! Its hard to keep a plant in perfect health the whole grow and you have proven yourself Alot! Good shit man! Cant wait for that 2nd round to come but I understand your do have priorities!!!




Well-Known Member
Thanks BKB.. Hey I emptied my inbox if you were trying to send something .. I think my second round might start tonight.. depending if the wifey is feeling up to helping .. but she is ready to pop.. so thats a big IF lol


Well-Known Member
Thanks BKB.. Hey I emptied my inbox if you were trying to send something .. I think my second round might start tonight.. depending if the wifey is feeling up to helping .. but she is ready to pop.. so thats a big IF lol
Let her chill...she has some serious work coming her way!!! If you are ever going to visit your grandparents let me know cause I am VERY close to them!




Well-Known Member
im there all the time bkb .. actually we were wanting to go this week because my wife's sister is in town from texas.. my grandfather has some kind of san diego zoo pass where he gets 6 people in for free at anytime.. SO i was wanting to head down there to let me 3 year old see the zoo.. since once my daughter is born and im back at work.. its gonna be hard to get out the house for a little. .. I grew up partly in SD.. mostly el cajon and santee. You guys have better plant limits then us! I wanna get out there soon as well because I gave my grandfather 5 or 6 2 ft teens in jun.. so i wanna see how my genetics are doing outdoor :)


Well-Known Member
Damn thats awesome man, your grandfather grows...thats how I will be one day with my kids...LOL I worked and lived in the IE for about 3 years, so fucking hot out there but cheap cost f living compared to here!!!