Well-Known Member
Anything that deals with expanding your mind, growing and developing an intimacy with ones subconscious and conscious mind while also opening up to different frequencies of reality/life are illegal these drugs are the psychedelics. Psychedelics have a strong impact on your mind and the way you think, this impact is usually positive and is most likely charged towards bettering the world and everyone in it (Our brothers and sister's)
We learn so much from taking these psychedelics, this information will stay with us until the day we die, It is our duty to help share what we have learned, the judgmental are going to judge and the ignorant people are going to be ignorant. It's not there fault they have been subject to alot of brainwashing over there life time.
The drugs that take away your free will and turn you into a sheep being led to slaughter. The very drugs that keep you from questioning and dumb down the thoughts in your mind are the very drugs legal and well prescribed.
The real drugs are psychedelics they are the only drugs you wont be able to get with a prescription yet you can get practically any other drug prescribed.
Heroin (diacetylmorphine)
Legal to prescribe in: United Kingdom, Netherlands, Hong-Kong, Canada and much more other places.
Morphine is similar to heroin it is generally used in all hospitals as a pain reliever and it can be prescibed in pretty much any country for the same purpose.
Meth/Speed (Methamphetamin,Amphetmine)
Is prescribed to treat ADHD
Brand names of medications that contain, or metabolize into, amphetamine include Adderall, Dexedrine, Dextrostat, Desoxyn, ProCentra, and Vyvanse, as well as Benzedrine in the past.
Cocaine (benzoylmethylecgonine)
Cocaine can actually be prescribed in American but it rarely is but... Methylphenidate (Ritalin) has similar effect on your body as cocaine.
Methylphenidate, a Schedule II substance, has a high potential for abuse and produces many of the same effects as cocaine or the amphetamines.
Marijuana (Tetrahydrocannabinol, THC)
Can be prescribed in 12 states in America.
Then we have Alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine all the drugs that are highly addicting and really damaging to the body and mind perfectly legal and washed deeply into our minds. We see these drugs hundreds if not thousands a time a week.
Why is the government so scared of mind expanding drugs?
Because those drugs actually help you understand everything around you, they show you more to life then a one track existence.
Life is filled with a bunch of great mystery's waiting to be unlocked and we have the tools but have been criminalized to use them. I will not be a sheep...
p.s much love to all my psychedelic friends on the forum, glad to be back
We learn so much from taking these psychedelics, this information will stay with us until the day we die, It is our duty to help share what we have learned, the judgmental are going to judge and the ignorant people are going to be ignorant. It's not there fault they have been subject to alot of brainwashing over there life time.
The drugs that take away your free will and turn you into a sheep being led to slaughter. The very drugs that keep you from questioning and dumb down the thoughts in your mind are the very drugs legal and well prescribed.
The real drugs are psychedelics they are the only drugs you wont be able to get with a prescription yet you can get practically any other drug prescribed.
Heroin (diacetylmorphine)
Legal to prescribe in: United Kingdom, Netherlands, Hong-Kong, Canada and much more other places.
Morphine is similar to heroin it is generally used in all hospitals as a pain reliever and it can be prescibed in pretty much any country for the same purpose.
Meth/Speed (Methamphetamin,Amphetmine)
Is prescribed to treat ADHD
Brand names of medications that contain, or metabolize into, amphetamine include Adderall, Dexedrine, Dextrostat, Desoxyn, ProCentra, and Vyvanse, as well as Benzedrine in the past.
Cocaine (benzoylmethylecgonine)
Cocaine can actually be prescribed in American but it rarely is but... Methylphenidate (Ritalin) has similar effect on your body as cocaine.
Methylphenidate, a Schedule II substance, has a high potential for abuse and produces many of the same effects as cocaine or the amphetamines.
Marijuana (Tetrahydrocannabinol, THC)
Can be prescribed in 12 states in America.
Then we have Alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine all the drugs that are highly addicting and really damaging to the body and mind perfectly legal and washed deeply into our minds. We see these drugs hundreds if not thousands a time a week.
Why is the government so scared of mind expanding drugs?
Because those drugs actually help you understand everything around you, they show you more to life then a one track existence.
Life is filled with a bunch of great mystery's waiting to be unlocked and we have the tools but have been criminalized to use them. I will not be a sheep...
p.s much love to all my psychedelic friends on the forum, glad to be back