Marijuana and Clinical Depression.


Active Member
It can change the way you see things. I feel like my life doesn't really have too much of a point. But that doesn't mean it's not worth living. You seem to have forgotten that there's such a thing as fun and fulfillment. Shit... The Beatles. They are my proof. They got so baked and so tripped out, yet kept making amazing music and living their lives, and never really lost their point despite being changed in the way that psychedelic drugs usually will bring on.


Well-Known Member
what you need to do is go and grab a shovel and start making holes...

i remember the first time i told my dad i felt depressed, he said, 'depressed' que chingados es eso' he said and smacked up side the head, told me to make holes and i forgot all about depression...

Have any of you been clinically depressed ever since you started smoking pot? Were you depressed before you started smoking pot? I need some information on this.

I have been diagnosed with clinical depression by my psychiatrist. Ever since I started smoking pot last year I have been seeing the world in a much clearer scale. And it's all negative. I started thinking about how worthless life is and why I should keep moving on in this world. What is the point of living was the question always racing through my head. And I had thoughts of suicide.

Before my psychiatrist diagnosed me with clinical depression, I stopped smoking pot altogether. I did all kinds of research online on the symptoms and if marijuana causes it. Whether it is permanent or temporary, shit like that. I was experiencing all the symptoms. Weight gain, loss of interest, laziness, unable to work, change in sleeping patterns, I had every symptom And I am only 18 years old.

I'm sorry if I'm being a drama queen but this thread isn't about that. I don't need people feeling sorry for me. I want to know if any one else experiences depression prior to smoking marijuana and thats it.

However, I'm still growing my own pot. Not because I want to smoke it but now it has become a hobby. I find marijuana to be one of the best examples of horticulture.


Well-Known Member
if i made millions, i see no point in losing my point...

It can change the way you see things. I feel like my life doesn't really have too much of a point. But that doesn't mean it's not worth living. You seem to have forgotten that there's such a thing as fun and fulfillment. Shit... The Beatles. They are my proof. They got so baked and so tripped out, yet kept making amazing music and living their lives, and never really lost their point despite being changed in the way that psychedelic drugs usually will bring on.


Active Member
if i made millions, i see no point in losing my point...
When it was more about money and less about music - after the breakup - the ex-Beatles weren't as good in terms of writing. Exception being George who wasn't as interested in the money though he still made a lot of it.


Well-Known Member
body highs suck, stay clear of indicas, go for the heady high, have a little fun
and dealers will add anything to make the weight, maybe you're smoking dirt or dog shit
or possibly oregano


Well-Known Member
what you need to do is go and grab a shovel and start making holes...

i remember the first time i told my dad i felt depressed, he said, 'depressed' que chingados es eso' he said and smacked up side the head, told me to make holes and i forgot all about depression...

Your Father is a wise man!!


Well-Known Member
I like satevas for the ptsd but rite now really loaded on 3 brownies man its late i'm gone to bed. nite nite


Well-Known Member
This thread is four years old. Maybe he has a better selection of bud now since michigan became medical in 2008 a year after this thread started up and i know how the mid west has the mexican down town brown brick shit that looks like it was dog shit scraped off the bottom of someones shoe, that shit would make me depressed too.