Drugs laced with flesh eating bacteria-


Well-Known Member
goddamn, krokodil is way way way way way way way way way way way way worse than this could ever be


Well-Known Member
reading that article and seeing those pictures made me sick... yet all the dumbasses want to legalize hard drugs like coke and heroin... I'd rather legalize weed, at least its natural and cant hurt you


Well-Known Member
reading that article and seeing those pictures made me sick... yet all the dumbasses want to legalize hard drugs like coke and heroin... I'd rather legalize weed, at least its natural and cant hurt you
Well if they legalized heroin people wouldn't have a reason to go out of there way to get a fix and end up developing some nasty ass shit like that. Instead it would be off the black mark so the supply would go up dramatically a and the prices would drop :-D so instead of $60 a fix they would be paying 10-15$ :-) and everybody's happy yay!.


Well-Known Member
Yup alot of cannabis is laced with shit. mixed with diff type of shit to get u addicted and u buy more.
yeah u should have seen the bag soemone gave me for free the other day. it literally was brown and had a rock in it. shake with white powdery rocks. i threw it right in the trash!!! nasty stuff. i am thankfuli can buy from a dispensary here and get clean weed or grow my own.


Well-Known Member
reading that article and seeing those pictures made me sick... yet all the dumbasses want to legalize hard drugs like coke and heroin... I'd rather legalize weed, at least its natural and cant hurt you
This is because it is illegal


Well-Known Member
At least the coke bacteria thing is from nature...someplace. But that croc-rot is way worse. You just inject and it rots you from within. I've never seen anything like this.