CO2 Enhanced 400 watt HPS Stealth SCROG Cabinets


Well-Known Member
Cool.. I figured you had it all thought out...I like hydro alot .. ive played with it before.. and its got LOTS of plus's ... I just cant beat the taste and potency from soil.. maybe with more practice I can get my hydro skill to that level.. Im gonna build a 4 bucket RDWC system for a xmas present for myself.. prob run half the tent in hydro and the other half soil.. just to make my life harder lol.

So I guess my Orange buckets will be fine for dwc as long as I cover them with some black and white poly? If so that saves me a few bucks cus I have about 10 of em already..


Active Member
I wish I had it all figured But I have done much more hydro than soil. I cant tell any quality improvement from soil, so I'm swimming back for the big jump in yield...gotta be around 20%....I almost have the room for a RDWC rig but not with out losing more camouflage...I think your orange buckets are good, the covers are good insurance until the canopy fills.

My biggest concern now is trying to even out the canopy if I don't use the screen, the runts probably should go, but I'm giving them a chance to change my mind.....
So I guess my Orange buckets will be fine for dwc as long as I cover them with some black and white poly? If so that saves me a few bucks cus I have about 10 of em already..
Just coat them with black krylon fusion
then a white coat of it, no light getting through
that bitch, with plenty of reflectivity to keep
water temp down. Also easier to manage than
wrapped up buckets.
Just my 2¢


Active Member
Paint? No need to contaminate the buckets with anything. White is fine just no direct light into the res. A little diffused light is fine...These are food grade buckets....Simple is always best.......

Reason to go week under the MH....




Active Member
Yeah they do the job well. I have'nt used it in a while, I like fluorescent light's for a little veg as well, but not practical for this cab. I'm about to flip to 12/12 and put the HPS back to work...

Congrats on your females!!


Well-Known Member
Damn huge improvement in one week, can't wait to go hydro.

also can't wait for you to switch them to 12/12, from the looks of it they are going to be effin monsters.


Active Member
Crazy isn't it? I'm putting a new bulb in the 400 and hanging it back up today. If I wait too long I wont have enough height if I don't screen them in and tie them down. With the screen I can get a nice even canopy makes better yields. But less air flow. I'm a little worried about the extra heat in late flower....I'm counting on the co2 to help overcome the issue...I just have to keep a close watch until I get this new cab figured out....


Active Member
I had an itch I just had to scratch, so I just picked up a new rig from HTG. I went with a Sunmaster bulb... I can't stop buying grow equipment... More hole cutting and temp



Active Member
Well got the new light rig. I haven't had the time to do a proper install, but temps are down and almost twice the lumens! Temps are in the high 70's to low 80's. I'm talking like 81 degrees tops...This is with the fan pulling through the hood with out a dedicated intake hose just for the hood. I be able to get mods finished in the next couple days.....Really pleased with the first test's.....Went from 55000 lumens to 95000 and dropped temps about 5 degrees!!!




Well-Known Member
Damn that shit is clean! I'm sure even at 85 degrees you'll be fine with co2 right?

you're running a 600W now ya?


Active Member
Thanks Bro...So sorry to read about your bug issues....You are a real grower once you battle bugs!! Crop stealing bastards!!

Yeah 600w and at mid 80's I'm good....The co2 will defiantly be a boost once I turn it back My thinking is to get the temps as low as I can and I see how much I can seal it up....I'm going to try it without any thing other than the hood being vented....right now the whole cab is vented through the hood and the fan is running at full....Not the best for the co2..


Well-Known Member
True, cause I figure the fan will just suck all the co2 out yea? My inline fan has 2 speeds it says but I don't know how to switch between them o_O


Active Member
Right, I can crank up the stream but to cover it but I'm trying to get a whole run out of one bottle. I've read its heavier than air and that its lighter than air, so much crap out there...I'm thinking I'm going to run 4 tubes into 4 different fans and see what happens...It's supposedly the bottom of the leaves that absorb the co2. My best results was spraying the top of the canopy so far...


Active Member
Looks really nice. How do you have your co2 setup? I have been looking into different ways and don't know how the bottle setup works really.


Well-Known Member
I think you'll be far better off either choosing mass airflow or co2 supplementation...but mixing the 2 is just throwing money out the vent.
Thats a great looking grow cabinet! I'm sub'd to watch you do your thing. :)