DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange


Well-Known Member
from what i gather clones are an advanced technique....
Ive had some battles with clones..seeds are way easier....
The whole transition causes major stess on a cut... and will leave it suseptable to disease....


Well-Known Member
My whole op is runs off cuttings. If the cuts don't root I'm fooked lol. Got a bubblecloner going at the moment that I have had 100% success with so far

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah aint had a whitey in a long long time. these days i pace the smoke with the drink. too much of one afore the other = spin out. sometimes i like it though haha.especially if there's a line of nose bag in the mix. i like the general malaise of being trolleyed on various things. sadly its the most dangerous way to do things but hey ho.

your lucky being in Adam D bru, you get all the big acts on the doorstep and in your local coffeeshop/boozer! an ex of mine many moons ago won a competition to meet jusrassic 5. sadly we were away at a festival when she got the email to say and we missed them. I could have cried. i reckon charlie tuna n the boys would be good to chief a doob with.

laters bru

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Heya D! Ya singing the Beatles song here comes the sun yet?? Or has the Dam just floated away : ?)

Just wanted to let you know that my son visited Scotland on his European tour haha, I mean trip last week. He's bringing back a rock from the east coast, where some of our ancestors came from. Thought that was cool. Incidently he was in the Sweden when that insane crusader nazi fuck murdered all of those people. I wasn't sure at the time if he was in Norway or not. Pops was a bit worried for a while lol.

Have a good one my friend!


Well-Known Member
Hey HC,

Pretty fukked up that guy eh!! what is going on with people in our world.

So what part of Scotland? I am originally East Coast as well, I've got my family tree going right back to the clan:), crofters, fisherman on the whole, which is may be why I am quite happy in the garden. I would love me a little spot back up the Highlands of Scotland, probably when we retire though.

Today was a bit of a drier day, but overcast and damp in the air....was raining last night as well. Man, it's getting kind of boring now, lol.

Take it easy bru.


Heya D! Ya singing the Beatles song here comes the sun yet?? Or has the Dam just floated away : ?)

Just wanted to let you know that my son visited Scotland on his European tour haha, I mean trip last week. He's bringing back a rock from the east coast, where some of our ancestors came from. Thought that was cool. Incidently he was in the Sweden when that insane crusader nazi fuck murdered all of those people. I wasn't sure at the time if he was in Norway or not. Pops was a bit worried for a while lol.

Have a good one my friend!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Was doing some research in this old house of mine a few years ago.....I know what street and number house that my third greatgrandfather lived in near York lol in the early 1800s before he emmigrated to the highest mountain peak here, a few miles from my house. There was only a couple of lines that I could find about THEIR ancestors living on the east coast of Scotland in the 1500s and something about living in a castle there. That's all I know for now but there are still a few old trunks in the attic that I haven't gone through hehe. Oh and the first name was William and that name continues today. Sooo...east coast is the best I can do ;)

Later man!


Well-Known Member
Hey HC,

Pretty fukked up that guy eh!! what is going on with people in our world.

So what part of Scotland? I am originally East Coast as well, I've got my family tree going right back to the clan:), crofters, fisherman on the whole, which is may be why I am quite happy in the garden. I would love me a little spot back up the Highlands of Scotland, probably when we retire though.

Today was a bit of a drier day, but overcast and damp in the air....was raining last night as well. Man, it's getting kind of boring now, lol.

Take it easy bru.


Where u fae likes. lol


Well-Known Member
Families fae Leith bud, I grew up mainly in Fife (well I don't think I've grown up yet, but ye ken what a mean eh!) but moved to the lovely Eastend o' Glasgow and honed ma Weedgie patter for about 10 years n'all. Most people don't have a clue what part of Scotland I come from when they hear my accent. My Gran always gave me a hard time when I moved to Glasgow for sounding too Weedgie! hahaha. Bless her.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
i been around the lowlands a bit d, up the top a bit but not as much, inverness was the furthest i went from home lol :) would be interesting 2 hear ur accent as i got mates from ur old area (kinda) and a couple from glasgow "smoky beard" we call one of them his accent is broad as u like took us around town after a good smoke up in one of the tower blocks quite close 2 town :)


Well-Known Member
how about a mix between Sean Connery, Ewan McGregor, and Spud from Trainspotting, lmao.......

Sounds like you were probably either in Govan or Springburn which both have tall flats close to the centre. I use to work in Springburn, right bonny place, lol.

i been around the lowlands a bit d, up the top a bit but not as much, inverness was the furthest i went from home lol :) would be interesting 2 hear ur accent as i got mates from ur old area (kinda) and a couple from glasgow "smoky beard" we call one of them his accent is broad as u like took us around town after a good smoke up in one of the tower blocks quite close 2 town :)


Well-Known Member
how about a mix between Sean Connery, Ewan McGregor, and Spud from Trainspotting, lmao.......
hehehe.... sounds about right D. I'm always surprised when I hear your voice, lol. I forget how... uh... distinct your accent is. Takes me about 30 seconds to get used to it before I start understanding anything, hahaha.

Makes me wonder how my california accent sounds to you.

EDIT: And thank you worlds for the advise on those UK plants. I guess I owe you some Brai (sp?).

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
springburn sounds familiar but we did a "tour" of the "nice" parts of town had a little look at the west end at night and all that. it was slightly to the east of the town if that helps?


Well-Known Member
Morning Pal. Im almost in settled the new gaff, just waiting on getting the Sky-man oot.
Just up doing some Duties lol. I borrowed one of they daft dongles the now, but its murder man!

Hope to get back on track soooooon mucker. I trust all's good ;)



Well-Known Member
All is well, glad to hear from you bru.

Morning Pal. Im almost in settled the new gaff, just waiting on getting the Sky-man oot.
Just up doing some Duties lol. I borrowed one of they daft dongles the now, but its murder man!

Hope to get back on track soooooon mucker. I trust all's good ;)



Well-Known Member
glad to be back. ( i think, thats me back anyhow lol ). So what's new brother? Got anything new in the works ? The only good thing bout being off the board's for a wee while is seeing all the changes in the grow's. you'll have to excuse the on-off caper. ' Got me hand's full ' :)

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
DTS how's your girls doing? I have a journal of my own. fell free to check it out and leave comments, questions on my thread and I will respond to them.


Well-Known Member
Hey Cinders, not much changed here. I just bought a whole load of new stuff for my ventilation system but due to this and that I haven't had much of a chance to change anything.

However feel free to check out www.breedersboutique.com a new adventure!

Hi Toolage, the girls are doing great thanks. Just going off to water and feed them in a minute. Will stop by and check your thread my bru.

Peace, DST