First Grow - 2 x 1000w


Well-Known Member
Kinda bummed tonight. I noticed some leaves on my kush plants turning red. This is a sign of a molybdenum deficiency. There are a few ways to treat it I guess. One way is by flushing, the other is transplanting. Looks like they're getting flushed... ugh. They're getting so big it's going to be a pain, and I was hoping to go to bed early tonight! lol I might have to sleep for a few hours then mess with them. Im having a hard time keeping my eyes open. :tiredasfuck:

That would be rare as hell... Most likely from PH being a bit out of range. From what I read last night you're back in range right? Consider letting them dry out from the last watering and giving them a nice heavy PH balanced watering when they're ready. Its strong enough for a man but PH balanced for a woman.


Well-Known Member
I ended up crashing out hard about 5 minutes after my last post. No sense in trying to use my brain when it's shutting down and risk screwing something up. I could barely type let alone care for my ladies lol I'm letting them dry up before I water again. No riding the ph rollercoaster*

The leaves on these kush ladies are not only turning red on the tips but they have the upside down canoeing effect going on also. The older yellowing fan leaves have the red tips. The leaves closer to the flower tops are canoeing downward. They're losing a lot of their lower fan leaves too, more than my other ladies. There's only 3 hours left of their day cycle so I'll leave them be until tomorrow. I'm going to head up to my boys hydro shop in a few hours to see if he has anything I can use as a foliar spray to combat the issue. That's what Ed recommends so that's what I'm going to do!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Hi Dubbzie, i hope you are feeling better today. Im sorry to hear about your situation. Im sure with some TLC your girls will bounce back, MJ is super resiliant, with care they will still produce for you.
If you have time I would love to see some photos of this illness though. Im really interested in the red leaves you mention. I really havent heard of that happening before or seen any images of it. I wish there was something i could do to help.
we are all hoping for the best! take care buddy..


Well-Known Member
Hey DAT :) Thank you much! I'm alright, I just needed some sleep. When I got home last night I was super tired and ended up smoking a bowl of this green crack I have. It basically knocked my ass out lol My brain had troubles functioning properly so I took the night off from my girl.

The lights just went off but I'll try to get some pics when they come back on tonight. It's strange. They were doing great just a few days ago! Ah well, I'm not going to beat myself up over it. With all the help I get from RIU buds I'll be surprised if it's not fixed pretty quick. All of you guys (and girls :P) rock *throws up the horns*

You all have a great day. I'm going to be with my son :D

Until lata!


Well-Known Member
How are the ladies comin along today? Any progress?
Not sure yet. My lights don't come on til midnight. I haven't been home all day anyway. I did take a trip to my boys hydro shop though. With my current issue I seem to have stumped a few growers lol I told them I have leaves turning red and the looks on their faces were priceless. Total WTF? look lol! So it's definitely the molybdenum deficiency... one guy was pretty sure that humic acid used as a foliar spray will help so I picked up a bottle of Humboldt natural 8% humic acid. When the lights come on I'll give the ladies a nice spray down with their new solution and we'll see what happens. I also picked up a few packets of 7.01 and 4.01 calibration fluid for my ph tester. For some reason I think the shit that came with the tester was garbage. I'll feel better once I use this stuff to calibrate it.

Off subject - I just got a great quality copy of Captain America on DVD. After my ladies get their attention I'm gonna smoke down and watch it. I heard it was really good.


Well-Known Member
Hah enjoy the movie, my girl isn't awake until 10ish so we both have to kill time. Sucks.
Red leaves, please get us a picture. I'm having trouble imagining it.

Good luck:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hah enjoy the movie, my girl isn't awake until 10ish so we both have to kill time. Sucks.
Red leaves, please get us a picture. I'm having trouble imagining it.

Good luck:leaf:
This isn't my plant but it looks identical (my buds arent that big yet but the leaves are doing the same thing):



Well-Known Member
That just looks like the grower was flushing it for harvest.
Have you been flushing too many nutrients out the bottom?
Is the Moly being Locked Out by an abundancy of another nutrient?
Is the pH locking it out?


Well-Known Member
Not sure yet. My lights don't come on til midnight. I haven't been home all day anyway. I did take a trip to my boys hydro shop though. With my current issue I seem to have stumped a few growers lol I told them I have leaves turning red and the looks on their faces were priceless. Total WTF? look lol! So it's definitely the molybdenum deficiency... one guy was pretty sure that humic acid used as a foliar spray will help so I picked up a bottle of Humboldt natural 8% humic acid. When the lights come on I'll give the ladies a nice spray down with their new solution and we'll see what happens. I also picked up a few packets of 7.01 and 4.01 calibration fluid for my ph tester. For some reason I think the shit that came with the tester was garbage. I'll feel better once I use this stuff to calibrate it.

Off subject - I just got a great quality copy of Captain America on DVD. After my ladies get their attention I'm gonna smoke down and watch it. I heard it was really good.
Duuuuude, nice move on the calibration solution. That was actually the root of the problem when i had PH issues once, shit was off by a full 1.0 lol. Moly deficiencies are rare as hell but in the beginning they can look just like N deficiency so that would also possibly explain the older fan leaves yellowing even though you felt they had enough N. Sounds like you've got that figured out for the time being. Does that 8% humic acid have sulphur in it? I'm curious if that is why he recommends it. I think cannabis will show moly def when its lacking in sulphur and or phosphorus. Your PH will be just fine, I would give them a good watering of your desired PH and get plenty of runoff. Not necessarily a heavy flush but maybe 20-30% runoff and see how you meter then. I like to put my pots in in large totes and jack them up with smaller pots underneath them then pour the PH balanced water to them.

I hope you're rested up man. Just put in a 15 1/2 hour day at work and my ladies are not getting shit from me tonight lol. I have one ready to come down that will have to wait until tomorrow night :D I keep hoping the longer I wait the more they will swell but they're not doing much lol. Good work Dubbz, you're a smart dude, you've got this shit under control. :bigjoint:

One last thing, in Ed you trust.


Well-Known Member
That just looks like the grower was flushing it for harvest.
Have you been flushing too many nutrients out the bottom?
Is the Moly being Locked Out by an abundancy of another nutrient?
Is the pH locking it out?
That is a picture of a molybdenum deficiency, which is the only thing I can find on why fan leaves might be turning red. My kush plants were flushed once a few weeks ago and that was it. I have no clue why this is happening. One thing I do know is that it will get fixed ;) With my next water/feed I will be making sure the ph is just right now that I have this calibration fluid.

Duuuuude, nice move on the calibration solution. That was actually the root of the problem when i had PH issues once, shit was off by a full 1.0 lol. Moly deficiencies are rare as hell but in the beginning they can look just like N deficiency so that would also possibly explain the older fan leaves yellowing even though you felt they had enough N. Sounds like you've got that figured out for the time being. Does that 8% humic acid have sulphur in it? I'm curious if that is why he recommends it. I think cannabis will show moly def when its lacking in sulphur and or phosphorus. Your PH will be just fine, I would give them a good watering of your desired PH and get plenty of runoff. Not necessarily a heavy flush but maybe 20-30% runoff and see how you meter then. I like to put my pots in in large totes and jack them up with smaller pots underneath them then pour the PH balanced water to them.

I hope you're rested up man. Just put in a 15 1/2 hour day at work and my ladies are not getting shit from me tonight lol. I have one ready to come down that will have to wait until tomorrow night :grin: I keep hoping the longer I wait the more they will swell but they're not doing much lol. Good work Dubbz, you're a smart dude, you've got this shit under control. :bigjoint:

One last thing, in Ed you trust.
Nope, no sulfur in the Humbolt humic acid according to the CDFA. Here's the chemical info: HUM BOLT. Doesn't look like there's much of anything in it lol wth... This shit better work!

Normally when I water I don't allow much run off. It's the whole watering/feeding shit that is throwing me off. Nobody has ever shown me how to feed so I'm usually just guessing that it's being done properly.

Damn dude...15 1/2 hours fuck that lol. I'm actually super tired again today. Went by my folks house and started ripping shit apart in their kitchen around noon and I just walked in the door (10:30pm). They're getting ready to do some updates in there and I had to rip out a bunch of drywall, tear out the cabinets, etc...

You might be giving me too much credit bro lol but I do want to thank you for the kind words of encouragement. Believe it or not, it helps ease the ol' mind for sure. A little over an hour to go and I get to see how my ladies enjoyed my neglect last night lol I will try to get a few pics of the red leaves and see what you guys think.


Well-Known Member
That is a picture of a molybdenum deficiency, which is the only thing I can find on why fan leaves might be turning red. My kush plants were flushed once a few weeks ago and that was it. I have no clue why this is happening. One thing I do know is that it will get fixed ;) With my next water/feed I will be making sure the ph is just right now that I have this calibration fluid.

Nope, no sulfur in the Humbolt humic acid according to the CDFA. Here's the chemical info: HUM BOLT. Doesn't look like there's much of anything in it lol wth... This shit better work!

Normally when I water I don't allow much run off. It's the whole watering/feeding shit that is throwing me off. Nobody has ever shown me how to feed so I'm usually just guessing that it's being done properly.

Damn dude...15 1/2 hours fuck that lol. I'm actually super tired again today. Went by my folks house and started ripping shit apart in their kitchen around noon and I just walked in the door (10:30pm). They're getting ready to do some updates in there and I had to rip out a bunch of drywall, tear out the cabinets, etc...

You might be giving me too much credit bro lol but I do want to thank you for the kind words of encouragement. Believe it or not, it helps ease the ol' mind for sure. A little over an hour to go and I get to see how my ladies enjoyed my neglect last night lol I will try to get a few pics of the red leaves and see what you guys think.
The soil will love that humic acid either way so something positive will come of it. You're totally fine man, you're staying right on top of it and learning new shit everyday. I'm still doing the same as you and just getting better every day. It may take awhile but soon you will be running smoothly. The people that fail are the lazy people that grow neglectfully and start acting like they care after its too late, funny but true lol. You will figure you're feedings out after awhile. One thing that helped me immensely was a TDS meter. It helped me monitor each plant's nutrient uptake and how much food they were using. Quite a handy tool for mixing appropriate strength nutrient solutions and reading runoffs to estimate the residuals. Every strain takes in different levels of nutes and I learned the day I bought it that I was overfeeding biiiiig time in the beginning which had the tendency to push my soil more acidic.

After fucking with all of that I made a transition to super soil lol. Enjoying your grow, keep it up.


Well-Known Member
Haha I got an hour to go too, I hate the time killing dance.
Good luck on the red leaves.
Man I have to figure out some way to flush my big girl.. Don't know if the old mop bucket will fit anymore.


Well-Known Member
Had a friend stop by to watch that movie with me and I feel asleep! ahaha After I kicked her out I went and spent some quality time with my ladies! All of them were fed with tap water, 1mL of cal/mag per gal and 1 tsp molasses per gal that was adjusted to 6.8. The kush got the same but I added 1mL per gal of the Hum Bolt (humic acid) also. I went through 5 gallons for each of my 3 strains (4 plants per strain) just to make sure I had some good run off on each plant so I could check the ph properly. Each of the kush plants had a run off of 6.5 on the button. The cheese were all 6.6-6.7 (meter bounced back and forth) and the lemon skunks were 6.6 on the dot. I taped a little piece of paper to each pot showing the run off ph so I could identify them individually next time I feed.

Here are a few pics of the red leaves. Sorry they're under the hps so you might not be able to see shit. I used the flash to help show the color better but I don't think it did much lol


It's storming something fierce outside right now. My electricity better not go out! I'm gonna head off for the night and get some more sleep. Tomorrow is another day. Until then. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
YA i rained here in the desert last week and scared the shit outta me.....the desert isnt water proof and ever rain there is some tragic power outage that seem to stump the local Electrical workers. Power is ALWAYS out for at least and hour......usually more.
thank goodness monsoon is almost over here.


Well-Known Member
Hey DAT :) Thank you much! I'm alright, I just needed some sleep. When I got home last night I was super tired and ended up smoking a bowl of this green crack I have. It basically knocked my ass out lol My brain had troubles functioning properly so I took the night off from my girl.

The lights just went off but I'll try to get some pics when they come back on tonight. It's strange. They were doing great just a few days ago! Ah well, I'm not going to beat myself up over it. With all the help I get from RIU buds I'll be surprised if it's not fixed pretty quick. All of you guys (and girls :P) rock *throws up the horns*

You all have a great day. I'm going to be with my son :D

Until lata!
There you go Dubz....nothing better then spending good quality time with your son! Thats my stress reliever, chillin with the kids man!!! Enjoy!

Do your leaves look more like rust brown spots or is it red...Are you giving your plants Mg? Are any of your fan leaves falling off? Do you have purple stems?




Well-Known Member
Hell yea BKB! I normally only see him 2-3 times a week. This week I've already seen him 4 days in a row!! I get to see him today and then again on Sunday. :D So awesome. All my troubles seem to fade away when I'm with him.

The leaves are turning red. I've given them cal/mag with just about every feed/watering. I have had so many fans leaves fall off over the last week it seems odd. I wasn't expecting so many leaves to fall off this early in flower. Some of the fan leaf stems are purple, yes. Do you think that is an indication of something else? Keep in mind that I've had the ph adjusted properly for only about 3 days now.

The buds on my kush plant are getting bigger each day so I'm trying not to worry too much...


Well-Known Member
Damn I go through 5 gallons after three of my plants, I'm gonna cut back on the water.
Well I wouldn't cut back unless your girls don't like that much water. I used 5 gallons on 4 plants so it's not that much more. Your plants are getting a good soak. I water my cheese and kush just about every day (or every other, depends on the temp of the room and how long my dehumidifier is running). How frequently are you watering?

I see my girls err' day!
And are you sure it's a guy? If so why are you keeping it?
Say what???