By your reckoning only women are prostitutes, in some places male prostitutes outweigh females like Bangkok and Cape Town.Legalized prostitution would give women an unfair advantage over man.
They produce money from services rendered, dutch hookers pay plenty tax yet live very well and have respect from society as they are not demonised.Prostitution is a drain on the economy, their is no wealth created, hookers don't produce anything.
Tired of growing? Thinking of a new career? Yes you too can enter the exiting and rewarding field of pornography and prostitution.Yes, hookers. Should prostitution be legal?
I've been thinking about this a lot recently...
i wouldn't go that far.They produce money from services rendered, dutch hookers pay plenty tax yet live very well and have respect from society as they are not demonised.
I lived with a "Damrak girl" in Amsterdam for almost a year many years back, I have heard and seen from the horses mouth. You generalise by saying most hookers are junkies, perhaps where you are from thats all you see, in London I see well heeled individuals with second homes.....i wouldn't go that far.
a lot of hookers, regardless of location, are drug addicts....
and hookers most definetly produce something: orgasms.
Your disease point should be all the more reason to convince you of legalization. This goes along with drugs; where should we put the control in this industry: criminals, or the public?What about a woman who is married to a man who visits peostitutes and gets a disease? Or the man who's wife prostitutes while he's at work and does not tell him and he comes home early and shoots a john thinking the guy was raping his wife?
It all depends on how you package it, what you call it, who's getting killed and who's doing the killing and where it is being done.Murder is still illegal.
Is that really your response?It all depends on how you package it, what you call it, who's getting killed and who's doing the killing and where it is being done.
Some people are given rewards and awards for killing.
Hard to argue with the truthIs that really your response?
I'm done.....
murder is illegal.It all depends on how you package it, what you call it, who's getting killed and who's doing the killing and where it is being done.
Some people are given rewards and awards for killing.